Publications by authors named "Jimenez O"

Background: Coronary embolism (CE) is an uncommon cause of non-atherosclerotic acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Although atrial fibrillation (AF) is the main cause of CE, evidence of clinical, biochemical, echocardiographic, angiographic findings and outcomes of AF CE is lacking.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 85 consecutive patients with CE that was diagnosed based on criteria encompassing clinical, angiographic and diagnostic imaging findings.

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Objective: Diabetes mellitus is a growing disease with severe complications. Various scores predict the risk of developing this pathology. The amount of muscle mass is associated with insulin resistance, yet there is no established evidence linking muscle mass with diabetes risk.

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Objectives: Confirming the prognostic value of global QFR and evaluating the long-term prognosis of QFR-concordant therapy in stable coronary artery disease.

Background: Wire-based functional evaluation of coronary disease is linked to patient's prognosis. Quantitative Flow Ratio (QFR) is a newer index of computational physiology, linked to clinical outcomes and prognosis at 1 year follow-up.

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Considering pure quantum states, entanglement concentration is the procedure where, from copies of a partially entangled state, a single state with higher entanglement can be obtained. Obtaining a maximally entangled state is possible for N=1. However, the associated success probability can be extremely low when increasing the system's dimensionality.

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This work reports on the fabrication of a novel two-layer material composed of a porous tantalum core and a dense Ti6Al4V (Ti64) shell by powder metallurgy. The porous core was obtained by mixing Ta particles and salt space-holders to create large pores, the green compact was obtained by pressing. The sintering behavior of the two-layer sample was studied by dilatometry.

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Thallium poisoning is usually accidental. We present a case of a 51-year-old woman who was evaluated in June 2018 for myalgia, vertigo, asthenia, and abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed temporal-spatial disorientation, jaundice, and asterixis.

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The problem of non-orthogonal state discrimination underlies crucial quantum information tasks, such as cryptography and computing protocols. Therefore, it is decisive to find optimal scenarios for discrimination among quantum states. We experimentally investigate the strategy for the optimal discrimination of two non-orthogonal states considering a fixed rate of inconclusive outcomes (FRIO).

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The present work is focused on developing Ti-xTa porous alloys processed by the space holder method and solid-state sintering. The volume fraction of Ta ranged between 20 and 30 wt.%.

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In the midst of COVID-19, radical change in the work environment further exacerbated the detrimental effects of critical illness in the intensive care unit (ICU). This may be heightened if the patient experiences a lamentable end-of-life experience due to inadequate end-of-life care (EoLC). Anchoring on the theory of bureaucratic caring and the peaceful end-of-life theory, insights can be gained into the motivations and behaviors that support the delivery of palliative care during COVID-19.

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We present a novel Ti64/20Ag highly porous composite fabricated by powder metallurgy for biomedical applications and provide an insight into its microstructure and mechanical proprieties. In this work, the Ti64/20Ag highly porous composites were successfully fabricated by the space holder technique and consolidated by liquid phase sintering, at lower temperatures than the ones used for Ti64 materials. The sintering densification was evaluated by dilatometry tests and the microstructural characterization and porosity features were determined by scanning electron microscopy and computed microtomography.

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In pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), the inability of the cytotoxic microenvironment induced by EBV presence to eliminate tumor cells could reflect the fact that the virus might be able to induce the expression of exhaustion markers to evade an immune response. Therefore, the expression of exhaustion markers in pediatric EBV-associated HL was evaluated. A balance between cytotoxic GrB and Th1 Tbet markers with regulatory Foxp3 was proved in EBV+ cases.

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Cardiovascular surgery in Panama has depended on constant contributions and support from other developed countries. Although cardiac surgery has reached important milestones, cardiac surgery training is still evolving. Here, we provide a look into both the development and training of cardiac surgery in the Republic of Panama and the importance of international training.

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The latest outbreak of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Americas was associated with significant neurologic complications, including microcephaly of newborns. We evaluated mechanisms that regulate ZIKV entry into human fetal astrocytes (HFAs). Astrocytes are key players in maintaining brain homeostasis.

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The rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led the authorities to establish compulsory confinement for most of the Spanish population from March to May 2020. Severe isolation combined with the uncertainty and fear associated with the public health crisis can have a psychological impact on the general population. The aim of the current study was to compare possible gender differences in mental health and psychological measures throughout the confinement.

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Despite the emphasis placed by most curricula in the development of social and emotional competencies in education, there seems to be a general lack of knowledge of methods that integrate strategies for assessing these competencies into existing educational practices. Previous research has shown that the development of social and emotional competencies in children has multiple benefits, as they seem to contribute to better physical and mental health, an increase in academic motivation, and the well-being and healthy social progress of children. This study aims at assessing the possible changes in children's self-esteem, socio-emotional competencies, and school-related variables after participating in the Learning to Be project (L2B) project.

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Adult separation anxiety disorder (ASAD) is characterized by developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from those to whom the individual is attached. Despite the high rates of this diagnosis among Portuguese adults, there is a lack of measures to assess it. In this study, we assessed the psychometric properties of a Portuguese adaptation of the Adult Separation Anxiety questionnaire (ASA-27) on a sample of 267 adults (72.

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A new species of Protopedaliodes Viloria & Pyrcz, a satyrine butterfly genus endemic to the highest part of the Guyana Shield, P. arekuna Pyrcz & Stachowicz n. sp.

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We studied the mutual information and quantum discord that Alice and Bob share when Bob implements a discrimination with a fixed rate of inconclusive outcomes (FRIO) onto two pure non-orthogonal quantum states, generated with arbitrary a priori probabilities. FRIO discrimination interpolates between minimum error (ME) and unambiguous state discrimination (UD). ME and UD are well known discrimination protocols with several applications in quantum information theory.

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Background: Classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) is a lymphoid malignancy in which the microenvironment, where the neoplastic cells are immersed, contributes to the lymphomagenesis process. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) presence also influences cHL microenvironment composition and contributes to pathogenesis. An increase in PDL1 expression in tumor cells and at the microenvironment was demonstrated in adult cHL.

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Objective: The minipterional craniotomy (MPTc) has been widely accepted as a minimally invasive alternative to the pterional approach for the treatment of certain small non-ruptured anterior circulation aneurysms. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness and safety of the MPTc in the context of a complex and potentially harmful scenario: acute onset of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in patients harboring multiple intracranial aneurysms (MIA).

Methods: Patients harboring MIA clipped through a unilateral MPTc were selected from four retrospective databases of four high-volume neurosurgical centers.

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A 13-year-old patient was admitted to our hospital with severe respiratory distress, fever, and signs of meningeal infection. A positive result of swine flu was obtained by RT-PCR. All bacterial cultures were negative.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychological impact of confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, considering any protective factors, such as the practice of meditation or self-compassion, and their relationship with different lifestyles and circumstances of adults residing in Spain. A cross-sectional study was done using an anonymous online survey in which 412 participants filled out the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-2; the Impact of Events Scale; and the Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form, reporting severe symptomatology of posttraumatic stress and mild anxiety and depression. Quality of cohabitation and age were found to be key variables in the psychological impact of confinement.

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Unlabelled: In Argentina, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) presence is associated with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in patients younger than 10 years, suggesting a relationship between low age of EBV infection and HL. Given that HL is derived from germinal centers (GC), our aim was to compare EBV protein expression and microenvironment markers between pediatric HL patients and EBV+GC in children.

Methods: EBV presence and immune cell markers were assessed by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry (IHC).

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