Publications by authors named "Jim C Macdonald"

Two experiments evaluated the impact of the reduction in the percentage of corn oil remaining in distillers grains plus solubles (DGS) after the ethanol plant de-oiling process or by adding corn oil back to DGS following de-oiling on finishing cattle performance and nutrient digestion. Experiment 1 utilized 320 yearling steers (initial BW = 413 kg; SD = 25 kg) fed in 32 pens (10 steers/pen) and assigned to one of four treatments (n = 8 pens/treatment). The four treatments consisted of a blended DRC:HMC corn control diet (CON), de-oiled modified distillers grains plus solubles included at 40% of diet DM (DODGS), de-oiled modified distillers grains plus solubles included at 38% of diet DM plus 2% added corn oil (DODGS + Oil), and full-fat modified distillers grains plus solubles included at 40% of diet DM (FFDGS).

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Crossbred steers ( = 114, initial BW = 334 kg; SEM = 5 kg) were serially harvested to evaluate the change in carcass composition by feeding cattle 21 or 42 d longer than the 2014 industry average subjective measure of finish, 1.27 cm of 12th rib fat thickness. Carcass ultrasound measurements were collected on 76 steers at 1, 78, and 134 days on feed (DOF) to project appropriate harvest date.

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The study objective was to determine the effects of corn processing method and Sweet Bran (Cargill, Blair, NE) inclusion in beef finishing diets on performance and carcass characteristics. Four hundred and eighty crossbred yearling steers (363 ± 15 kg) were assigned to a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments, consisting of two corn processing methods, steam-flaked corn (SFC) or a high-moisture corn: dry-rolled corn blend (HMC: DRC), and three inclusions of Sweet Bran (0%, 20%, or 40% of diet dry matter). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS as a generalized block design with pen as the experimental unit and block as a fixed effect.

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Calf-fed Holstein steers (n = 115; 449 ± 20 kg) were utilized in a serial harvest experiment. A baseline group of five steers was harvested after 226 d on feed (DOF), which was designated day 0. The remaining cattle were assigned randomly to 11 harvest groups, with slaughter every 28 d.

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A pooled analysis was performed to evaluate whether corn silage fed at 15% or 45% of diet DM impacted liver abscesses prevalence at slaughter in five previous experiments. Cattle fed 15% corn silage had 7.8% abscessed livers compared to 4.

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An experiment was conducted over 2 yr to measure performance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of weaned calves from two cow-calf production systems. Crossbred steers and heifers (n = 270, initial body weight (BW) = 207 kg, SD = 35) were used in a randomized complete block design, with treatments applied to the cow-calf system. Treatments were: 1) a traditional system consisting of April to June calving with smooth bromegrass pasture and grazed corn residue as forage resources (TRAD); 2) an alternative system consisting of July to September calving utilizing partial-drylot feeding, summer-planted oats, and corn residue grazing (ALT).

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An experiment was conducted to measure production responses of an alternative cow-calf production system integrated into a cropping system without access to perennial forage compared to a traditional cow-calf system utilizing perennial forage. Multiparous, cross-bred beef cows ( = 160; average age = 6.2 ± 2.

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Two studies were conducted to determine interactions of urea inclusion to a dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS; 29.4% crude protein, 5.48% ether extract) supplement fed at two amounts and two frequencies to steers on a high forage diet.

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One hundred twenty individually fed steers (initial BW 283 kg ± 32) were utilized in an 84-d growing trial to evaluate the effects of increased metabolizable lysine from non-enzymatically browned soybean meal (SoyPass) in grass hay-based diets containing wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS). The treatments were arranged as a 2 × 3 factorial with two levels of protein supplement as 20% (low; DL20) or 35% (high; DL35) of dietary DM using WDGS as the basal protein source, and three increments of SoyPass (SP) replacing 0%, 30%, or 60% of the WDGS DM in the protein supplement yielding six dietary treatments. Average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), gain:feed (G:F), and plasma urea N (PUN) data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS as a 2 × 3 factorial.

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Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of diet composition and time of urine spot sampling on estimates of urinary purine derivative (PD) excretion. In Exp. 1, 116 individually fed crossbred heifers (407 ± 32 kg) were arranged in a randomized block design (82 d).

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To determine the effects of harvest method and ammoniation (3.7% of dry matter) on consumption and waste of baled corn residue, a 6 × 6 Latin square with a 3 × 2 factorial treatment structure was conducted. Six treatments consisted of either nonammoniated or ammoniated residue, harvested one of three ways: conventional rake and bale (CONV), New Holland Cornrower with two rows of stem chopped into the windrow with tailings (2ROW), or EZBale system (EZB) with a disengaged combine spreader and tailings dropped in a windrow.

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A feedlot study was conducted comparing a natural feed additive at varying corn silage (CS) inclusions on receiving and finishing cattle performance. The study utilized 480 crossbred steers (initial shrunk body weight [BW] = 296 kg; SD = 24.1 kg) in 48 pens with 10 steers/pen and 8 pens per treatment.

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Three experiments evaluated delaying corn silage harvest, silage concentration, and source of supplemental protein on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing diets. Experiment 1 used 180 crossbred yearling steers (body weight [BW] = 428; SD = 39 kg) to evaluate corn silage dry matter (DM) (37% or 43%) and replacing corn with silage (15% or 45% of diet DM) in finishing diets containing 40% modified distillers grains with solubles. Experiment 2 used 60 crossbred steers (BW = 271; SD = 32 kg) to evaluate corn silage harvest DM (37% or 43%) and response to rumen undegradable protein (RUP) supplementation (0.

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The amount of rumen undegradable protein (RUP) in corn silage and the extent to which it is digested in the small intestine are uncertain. Three studies were conducted to determine RUP content of corn silage, and the effects of supplementing increasing concentrations of RUP on the growing performance of calves fed a corn silage diet. Experiments 1 and 2 used in situ methods to evaluate the RUP content of corn silage.

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To determine the effect of harvest method and ammoniation on both in vivo and in vitro digestibility of corn residue, six corn residue treatments consisting of three different harvest methods either with or without anhydrous ammonia chemical treatment (5.5% of dry matter [DM]) were evaluated. The harvest methods included conventional rake-and-bale (CONV) and New Holland Cornrower with eight rows (8ROW) or two rows (2ROW) of corn stalks chopped into the windrow containing the tailings (leaf, husk, and upper stem) from eight rows of harvested corn (ammoniated bales of each harvest method resulted in treatments COVAM, 8RAM, and 2RAM).

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Campylobacter bacteria are foodborne pathogens that can colonize the gut of food animals. Limited in their ability to ferment sugars, Campylobacter can derive energy for growth via amino acid catabolism. The objectives of the present studies were to test whether supplemental distillers grains containing high amounts of rumen-undegradable intake protein or supplemental lasalocid may, by promoting amino acid flow to the lower bovine gut, increase intestinal carriage of Campylobacter.

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The current research examined the inclusion of 20% wet distiller's grains (WDG) fed with steam-flaked corn (SFC) or dry-rolled corn (DRC) in diets fed to feedlot cattle on fecal prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella. Crossbred beef heifers (n = 272; average initial body weight (BW) = 354 kg) were blocked by BW and pen size and randomly assigned to treatment. Fecal samples from freshly voided fecal pats were collected from each pen on the day cattle shipped for slaughter (237 fecal samples: 72, 125, and 40 from cattle 132, 160, and 181 days on feed, respectively).

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