Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand health-related quality of life (HRQOL) factors for adults who experience major extremity trauma, including limb preservation and amputation, to guide the selection and creation of patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures.
Methods: A thematic content qualitative analysis was used to study service members (SMs) with a history of major extremity trauma and clinical providers with expertise in limb trauma, limb loss, and limb preservation/reconstruction. Focus groups were conducted at three Military Treatment Facilities and one Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Throughout history, seafarers have been exposed to potential thermal injuries during naval warfare; however, injury prevention, including advances in personal protective equipment, has saved lives. Thankfully, burn injuries have decreased over time, which has resulted in a significant clinical skills gap. Ships with only Role 1 (no surgical capability) assets have worse outcomes after burn injury compared to those with Role 2 (surgical capability) assets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOccupational therapy has been integral to the holistic recovery of soldiers since its origin. The positive psychosocial and physiological effects of occupation-based interventions, fundamental to the profession, have long justified its relevance to the military. As such, occupational therapy has been written into US Army doctrine as an integral component of the Combat and Operational Stress Control (COSC) program.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile occupation began as the central concept of occupational therapy at the dawn of the profession, the use of occupation throughout the therapy process, including assessment, has wavered in recent decades. Occupation is defined as meaningful and purposeful activities that individuals do to occupy their time and attention. The use of occupation-based assessments is vital to establishing care with an occupational focus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Inhalation injury is a major risk factor for mortality in burn patients via 3 primary mechanisms: airway edema and obstruction, hypoxemic respiratory failure, and pneumonia. Currently, the mainstay of treatment is supportive care to include early intubation, lung-protective or high-frequency-percussive mechanical ventilation, nebulized heparin, and aggressive pulmonary toilet. Despite these treatments, a subset of these patients progress to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) for which rescue options are limited.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Frostbite is an insidious disease that normally affects people of cold climates. Winter Storm Uri, which occurred from February 12-20, 2021, created unique metrological conditions for Texas. It caused prolonged sub-freezing temperatures and led to rolling blackouts, affecting 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The association between military service history and long-term outcomes after burn injury is unknown. This study uses data from the Burn Model System National Database to compare outcomes of individuals with and without self-reported military service history.
Methods: Outcome measures were assessed at 12 months after injury including the Veterans Rand-12 Item Health Survey/Short Form-12, Satisfaction With Life Scale, Patient Reported Outcomes Measure Information System 29, 4-D Itch scale, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Check List - Civilian Version, self-reported Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and employment status.
Despite the fact that modern burn care has significantly reduced the mortality associated with severe burn injuries, the rehabilitation and community reintegration of survivors continues to be a challenge. An interprofessional team approach is essential for optimal outcomes. This includes early occupational and physical therapy, beginning in the intensive care unit (ICU).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Burns are an important cause of battlefield injury, accounting for 5-20% of the combat injury burden. To date, no report has examined the full range of burns, from mild to severe, resulting from post-9/11 conflicts. The present study leverages the Expeditionary Medical Encounter Database (EMED), a Navy-maintained health database describing all service member medical encounters occurring during deployment, to capture, quantify and characterize burn-injured service members and the injuries they sustained while deployed in support of post-9/11 operations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Military amputee patient care programs offer extensive services, including advanced prosthetic devices, to restore function and improve quality of life (QOL) among veterans and service members with combat-related limb loss, but research on satisfaction with these devices is limited.
Objective: To assess prosthesis satisfaction and QOL in US service members and veterans with combat-related major lower-limb amputation.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Background: No previous studies have followed prosthesis users with upper limb loss or limb deficiency using their own prostheses to assess change over time.
Objectives: (1) To describe prostheses and terminal device types used at baseline and 1-year follow-up; (2) to examine changes in functional outcomes and device satisfaction over time; and (3) to examine whether changes in outcomes varied across level of amputation and type of prosthesis used.
Study Design: Multisite, observational time series design with in-person functional performance and self-report data collected at baseline and 1-year follow-up.
Background: The 26-item Southampton Hand Assessment Protocol (SHAP) is a test of prosthetic hand function that generates an Index of Functionality (IOF), and prehensile pattern (PP) scores. Prior researchers identified potential issues in SHAP scoring, proposing alternative scoring methods (LIF and W-LIF).
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Objective: The aim of the study was to describe and quantify the relationship between limb impairment variables to key functional outcomes.
Design: This was an observational study of 107 participants with unilateral above/at-elbow or below-elbow/wrist amputation. Demographics, prosthesis characteristics, residual limb length, and prevalence of passive range-of-motion restrictions, and strength impairments were described.
Study Design: Retrospective cohort study INTRODUCTION: Service members who have sustained traumatic amputations are typically young and otherwise healthy. Beyond standard care, these individuals desire long, highly active, and relatively pain-free lifestyle, whether that is returning to active duty or transitioning to civilian life. Development of overuse musculoskeletal conditions could have a significant influence on quality of life for Service members with traumatic upper limb amputation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To present population data on standardized measures of dexterity, activity performance, disability, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and community integration for persons with upper limb amputation (ULA), compare outcomes to normative values, and examine differences by prosthesis type and laterality (unilateral vs. bilateral amputation).
Materials And Methods: Multi-site, cross-sectional design, with in-person evaluations, functional performance, and self-report measures.
Blood flow restriction (BFR) therapy is an emerging addition to rehabilitative programs that allows patients to increase strength at lower loads over shorter time periods. Therefore, we conducted a study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a rehabilitation program using BFR to a traditional rehabilitation protocol following operative fixation of distal radius fractures. A randomized controlled study was conducted comparing a standardized rehabilitation protocol alone to a combined protocol with the use of BFR therapy in patients treated with volar plate fixation following a displaced distal radius fracture.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Design: Case series.
Introduction: Pain and injury at the radial and ulnar aspects of the wrist due to overuse or trauma are commonly treated in hand therapy clinics.
Purpose Of Study: Describe two orthoses that allow targeted rest and recovery of involved anatomical structure(s) while preserving function of surrounding uninvolved structures in patients who have sustained overuse or traumatic injury at the radial or ulnar aspect of the wrist.
Introduction: Military Service Members (SMs) with upper limb (UL) amputation have unrestricted access to occupational therapy (OT) services. Identifying OT interventions used based on clinical rationale and patient needs can provide insight toward developing best practice guidelines. The purpose of this retrospective observational study was to identify preferred OT practice patterns for U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBlood flow restriction (BFR) therapy is an innovative rehabilitative program that enables patients to increase strength at a fraction of the weight typically necessary in endurance exercises. Therefore, we conducted a pilot study evaluating patient outcomes with a BFR therapy program for closed management after a distal radius fracture compared to a traditional rehabilitation protocol. A randomized-controlled study was conducted comparing a standardized hand therapy rehabilitation protocol alone to a combined protocol with the use of BFR therapy in patients who were initially treated with closed reduction and short arm cast immobilization for a displaced distal radius fracture between May 1, 2015 and August 1, 2016.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Polytrauma, to include major limb amputation, in a military population presents unique rehabilitation challenges with the overarching goal of restoring function leading to the primary question, "Is this Service Member (SM) capable of returning to duty following rehabilitation?" The US military has a vested interest in maximizing injured SMs occupational performance to allow for return to duty. The purpose of this report is to describe marksmanship (shot grouping and weapon qualification) and return to duty outcomes following a course of VRE-based firearm training in a polytrauma patient population.
Methods: The medical records, stored in the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), of all patients who received rehabilitative care at the Center for the Intrepid (CFI) to include VRE-based firearms training between 01OCT2015 and 01AUG2016 were manually reviewed for inclusion.
The hand and arm are exceptionally dexterous, exquisitely sensitive, and proficient in performing tasks and functions. Given the invaluable functions of the upper extremity in daily life, replacement of a missing limb through prosthetic substitution is challenging. Prosthetic and rehabilitation needs of injured Service members from recent military conflicts have brought upper extremity amputation to the forefront, which has led to an increase in attention and resource allocation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Design: Pretest/posttest case series design.
Introduction: Rates of prosthetic device abandonment are highest among persons with upper extremity (UE) amputation. Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT), which has been extensively studied in patients with chronic, subacute, and acute stroke, is an under-utilized approach to treat persons with UE amputation.
Introduction: EMG pattern recognition control (EMG-PR) is a promising option for control of upper limb prostheses with multiple degrees of freedom (DOF). The purposes of this study were to 1) evaluate outcomes of EMG-PR and inertial measurement units (IMU) control of the DEKA Arm as compared to personal prosthesis; and 2) compare outcomes of EMG-PR to IMU control of DEKA Arm.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental, multi-site study with repeated measures that compared non-randomized groups using two types of controls: EMG-PR and IMUs.