Background: Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) affects approximately 15-20% of couples. Constitutional chromosomal abnormalities (CA) are an important cause of RPL because the gametes of carriers may have chromosomal imbalance which is lethal to the fetus. Therefore, the identification of CA helps to provide information about likely outcome of pregnancy in carriers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Over-medicalization of normal pregnancy is associated with unnecessary inductions of labor leading to operative deliveries. In a busy outpatient department (OPD) or low-resource setup where ultrasound availability, experience, and cost will be a concern, routine ultrasound at term can be avoided if the clinical estimation of fetal weight is more or less equal to the actual birth weight.
Aims: To assess the reliability and validity of fetal weight estimation at term by ultrasound and clinical estimation.
Background: There is a very little information known about CRP in term pregnancies. It is a marker that is easily tested and is inexpensive. Although CRP has been used very effectively in diagnosing infection in the neonate, its clinical use and values have not been studied in term pregnancies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Misoprostol is widely used for cervical ripening and labour induction as it is heat-stable and inexpensive. Oral misoprostol 25 μg given 2-hourly is recommended over vaginal misoprostol 25 μg given 6-hourly, but the need for 2-hourly fetal monitoring makes oral misoprostol impractical for routine use in high-volume obstetric units in resource-constrained settings.
Objectives: To compare the efficacy and safety of oral misoprostol initiated at 25 or 50 μg versus 25 μg vaginal misoprostol given at 4- to 6-hourly intervals for labor induction in women at or beyond term (≥ 37 weeks) with a single viable fetus and an unscarred uterus.
Introduction: In a large developing country, with diverse population characteristics and differential access to healthcare, it is important to identify factors that influence postnatal health. This knowledge will help frame recommendations to enhance universal postnatal care.
Methods And Analysis: A prospective cohort study will be conducted by recruiting all participants who deliver in a referral centre in South India during a 1-year period after written consent is obtained from them.
Introduction: New onset hypertension is more common in antenatal women with increased Body Mass Index (BMI). This may be due to either gestational hypertension (GH) or pre-eclampsia (PE). GH unlike PE is not associated with poor perinatal outcomes and would not require interventions such as increased antenatal visits and induction of labour.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Objectives: Maternal antibodies are transferred to the child, predominantly IgG, via the transplacental route, and mostly IgA through breast milk. Cases reported by us and others have shown the transfer of red cell allo-antibodies through breast milk. This study was conducted to assess the presence of isohaemagglutinins in breast milk, the range of titres, and the correlation between breast milk and maternal plasma titres.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To assess the effectiveness in preventing cesarean section for failed induction by using Foley catheter for cervical ripening in comparison to Foley catheter with a weight attached to it.
Methods: A randomized control trial conducted between November 2018 and July 2020, which looked at induction of labor with 30-ml Foley catheter in one arm and the Foley placed with a 500 ml weight attached to it in the other arm. Primary outcome was the cesarean section rate.
Introduction: Lifestyle modification is the mainstay of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) prevention. However, clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of diet or physical activity (PA) in low-income and middle-income settings such as Africa and India are lacking. This trial aims to evaluate the efficacy of yoghurt consumption and increased PA (daily walking) in reducing GDM incidence in high-risk pregnant women.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Significant anomalies are those that are lethal or those that require prolonged follow-up and unaffordable treatments. Detection of these anomalies allows early termination or the support systems necessary for pregnancies with these diagnoses. Anxiety associated with overdiagnosis makes the woman a victim of modern imaging technology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContext: Studies comparing the efficacy of expectant management (EM) and immediate delivery (ID) in the management of women with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) between 34 and 35 weeks have not been done in a developing country. Although large multicentric studies show better outcomes with EM, the economic implications have not been studied.
Aims: This study compared women with PPROM between 34 and 35 weeks, managed expectantly with women who were delivered immediately.
Background: Medical termination for missed miscarriage with the use of 800 μg of vaginal misoprostol as a single agent is recommended as a cheap option before 14 weeks of gestation in developing countries. A few studies have looked at its efficacy.
Methods: A prospective, observational study was done on women having medical termination with up to three doses of 800 μg vaginal misoprostol at 12 hourly intervals.
Background: Diabetes is the most common condition in pregnancy with a worldwide prevalence of 16.9%.
Aim: To determine the adequacy of the nutrient intake of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus.
Background: The initiation of metformin in early pregnancy in Gestational Diabetes mellitus (GDM) remains controversial. The aim of our study was to assess the influence of Metformin on maternal and fetal outcomes when initiated within the first trimester of pregnancy in GDM.
Methods And Materials: A retrospective analysis of 540 women with diabetes complicating pregnancy (IADPSG criteria) over five years (January 2011 to May 2016) was done.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of syphilis in pregnancy and to assess the effect of syphilis on maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Methods: In a retrospective study, data were reviewed for pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis during routine prenatal screening at a center in India between January 2011 and December 2015. Women with both a positive venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test and a positive Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA) were considered to have syphilis, and their maternal and fetal outcomes were assessed.
Objective: To investigate the effect of amniotomy on the duration of spontaneous labor.
Methods: In the present randomized controlled trial, women in spontaneous labor with singleton pregnancies presenting at a tertiary teaching hospital in South India between August 1, 2014, and October 31, 2015, were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to undergo amniotomy or conservative management. The primary outcome was the duration of labor.
An assessment of the efficacy and satisfaction of women in active labour having digital cervical stretching compared to women who did not have this intervention. Ours was a randomised controlled trial at a tertiary centre in India. Low-risk women at term with vertex presentation in active labour with ruptured membranes and cervical dilation of 4-6 cm were included.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Gynecol Obstet
January 2017
Objective: To compare the efficacy of preinduction outpatient use of a single dose of 25 μg vaginal misoprostol between 38 and 40 weeks with that of placebo, to decrease the interval from intervention to delivery after stretch and sweep in low-risk gravid women with Bishop's score <4.
Method: Sixty three women received 25 μg vaginal misoprostol and 63 women received placebo after stretch and sweep.
Results: The duration from intervention to delivery was 3.
Preterm births (PTBs), defined as births before 37 weeks of gestation account for the majority of deaths in the newborn period. Prediction and prevention of PTB is challenging. A history of preterm labour or second trimester losses and accurate measurement of cervical length help to identify women who would benefit from progesterone and cerclage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Pregnancy Childbirth
March 2016
Background: Birth weight centile curves are commonly used as a screening tool and to assess the position of a newborn on a given reference distribution. Birth weight of twins are known to be less than those of comparable singletons and twin-specific birth weight centile curves are recommended for use. In this study, we aim to construct gestational age specific birth weight centile curves for twins born in south India.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA comparison of induction of labour (IOL) using three doses of 25 µg vaginal misoprostol inserted at intervals of 4 h or more with a stepwise oral regime starting with 50 µg followed by two doses of 100 µg was studied in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial in a tertiary centre in South India. Primary outcome was vaginal delivery in 24 h. Significantly more women in the first group required oxytocin augmentation and a third dose of the drug than women in the second group.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInducing labour with a Foley balloon catheter rather than using oxytocin or prostaglandins is considered to be less risky if the uterus is scarred. It is not known if more fluid in the balloon is more effective without being more dangerous. Volumes of 80 mL and 30 mL were compared in 154 eligible women.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Milder forms of vitamin D deficiency could be responsible for poor muscular performance causing dysfunctional labor. The aim of our research was to study the association between vitamin D deficiency and primary cesarean section.
Materials And Methods: This was a case control study.