Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
February 2025
Polarized fluorescence microscopy is a valuable tool for measuring molecular orientations in biological samples, but techniques for recovering three-dimensional orientations and positions of fluorescent ensembles are limited. We report a polarized dual-view light-sheet system for determining the diffraction-limited three-dimensional distribution of the orientations and positions of ensembles of fluorescent dipoles that label biological structures. We share a set of visualization, histogram, and profiling tools for interpreting these positions and orientations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGroundwater is an important resource for alleviating global water scarcity. Therefore, understanding its hydrochemical characteristics and mechanisms is of great significance for groundwater management. A total of 210 groundwater samples from shallow monitoring wells in the plain area of Beijing were collected in this study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhenols and parabens, as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), are prevalent in daily consumer products and industrial applications. Folate, a vital vitamin, plays a crucial role in numerous metabolic processes. The interaction between EDCs and folate is not well understood and warrants investigation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStarvation triggers bacterial spore formation, a committed differentiation program that transforms a vegetative cell into a dormant spore. Cells in a population enter sporulation nonuniformly to secure against the possibility that favorable growth conditions, which put sporulation-committed cells at a disadvantage, may resume. This heterogeneous behavior is initiated by a passive mechanism: stochastic activation of a master transcriptional regulator.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActivation of the innate immune Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING) pathway potentiates antitumor immunity. However, delivering STING agonists systemically to tumors presents a formidable challenge, and resistance to STING monotherapy has emerged in clinical trials with diminishing natural killer (NK) cell proliferation. Here, we encapsulated the STING agonist diABZI within polymersomes containing a Type I photosensitizer (NBS), creating a nanoagonist (PNBS/diABZI) for highly responsive tumor immunotherapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenetic diversity is a hallmark of RNA viruses and the basis for their evolutionary success. Taking advantage of the uniquely large genomic database of SARS-CoV-2, we examine the impact of mutations across the spectrum of viable amino acid sequences on the biophysical phenotypes of the highly expressed and multifunctional nucleocapsid protein. We find variation in the physicochemical parameters of its extended intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) sufficient to allow local plasticity, but also observe functional constraints that similarly occur in related coronaviruses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeep neural networks have been applied to improve the image quality of fluorescence microscopy imaging. Previous methods are based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which generally require more time-consuming training of separate models for each new imaging experiment, impairing the applicability and generalization. Once the model is trained (typically with tens to hundreds of image pairs) it can then be used to enhance new images that are like the training data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolarized fluorescence microscopy is a valuable tool for measuring molecular orientations, but techniques for recovering three-dimensional orientations and positions of fluorescent ensembles are limited. We report a polarized dual-view light-sheet system for determining the and diffraction-limited positions of ensembles of fluorescent dipoles that label biological structures, and we share a set of visualization, histogram, and profiling tools for interpreting these positions and orientations. We model our samples, their excitation, and their detection using coarse-grained representations we call (ODFs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen faced with starvation, the bacterium transforms itself into a dormant cell type called a "spore". Sporulation initiates with an asymmetric division event, which requires the relocation of the core divisome components FtsA and FtsZ, after which the sigma factor σ is exclusively activated in the smaller daughter cell. Compartment-specific activation of σ requires the SpoIIE phosphatase, which displays a biased localization on one side of the asymmetric division septum and associates with the structural protein DivIVA, but the mechanism by which this preferential localization is achieved is unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenetic diversity is a hallmark of RNA viruses and the basis for their evolutionary success. Taking advantage of the uniquely large genomic database of SARS-CoV-2, we examine the impact of mutations across the spectrum of viable amino acid sequences on the biophysical phenotypes of the highly expressed and multifunctional nucleocapsid protein. We find variation in the physicochemical parameters of its extended intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) sufficient to allow local plasticity, but also exhibiting functional constraints that similarly occur in related coronaviruses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTopoisomerases (TOP1, TOP2α, and β) are nuclear enzymes crucial for virtually all aspects of DNA metabolisms. They also are the targets of important anti-tumor chemotherapeutics that act by trapping the otherwise reversible topoisomerase-DNA covalent complex intermediates (TOPccs) that are formed during their catalytic reactions, resulting in long-lived topoisomerase DNA-protein crosslinks (TOP-DPCs) that interfere with DNA transactions. The Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) family protein PARP1 is activated by DNA damage to recruit DNA repair proteins, and PARP inhibitors are another class of commonly used chemotherapeutics, which bind and trap PARP molecules on DNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe mechanism of long-term depression (LTD), a cellular substrate for learning, memory, and behavioral flexibility, is extensively studied in Schaffer collateral (SC) synapses, with inhibition of autophagy identified as a key factor. SC inputs terminate at basal and proximal apical dendrites, whereas distal apical dendrites receive inputs from the temporoammonic pathway (TAP). Here, we demonstrate that TAP and SC synapses have a shared LTD mechanism reliant on NMDA receptors, caspase-3, and autophagy inhibition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColorectal cancers (CRCs) are prevalent worldwide, yet current treatments remain inadequate. Using chemical genetic screens, we identify that co-inhibition of topoisomerase I (TOP1) and NEDD8 is synergistically cytotoxic in human CRC cells. Combination of the TOP1 inhibitor irinotecan or its bioactive metabolite SN38 with the NEDD8-activating enzyme inhibitor pevonedistat exhibits synergy in CRC patient-derived organoids and xenografts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) can be subdivided into the activated B-cell (ABC) and germinal center B cell-like (GCB) subtypes. Self-antigen engagement of B-cell receptors (BCR) in ABC tumors induces their clustering, thereby initiating chronic active signaling and activation of NF-κB and PI3 kinase. Constitutive BCR signaling is essential in some GCB tumors but primarily activates PI3 kinase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe nucleocapsid (N-)protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has a key role in viral assembly and scaffolding of the viral RNA. It promotes liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), forming dense droplets that support the assembly of ribonucleoprotein particles with as-of-yet unknown macromolecular architecture. Combining biophysical experiments, molecular dynamics simulations, and analysis of the mutational landscape, we describe a heretofore unknown oligomerization site that contributes to LLPS, is required for the assembly of higher-order protein-nucleic acid complexes, and is coupled to large-scale conformational changes of N-protein upon nucleic acid binding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe axial resolution of three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy (3D SIM) is limited to ∼300 nm. Here we present two distinct, complementary methods to improve axial resolution in 3D SIM with minimal or no modification to the optical system. We show that placing a mirror directly opposite the sample enables four-beam interference with higher spatial frequency content than 3D SIM illumination, offering near-isotropic imaging with ∼120-nm lateral and 160-nm axial resolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present Richardson-Lucy network (RLN), a fast and lightweight deep learning method for three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy deconvolution. RLN combines the traditional Richardson-Lucy iteration with a fully convolutional network structure, establishing a connection to the image formation process and thereby improving network performance. Containing only roughly 16,000 parameters, RLN enables four- to 50-fold faster processing than purely data-driven networks with many more parameters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe rainwater and rainfall runoff of roofs in the central district of Beijing from June to September in 2019 were sampled and analyzed to study the characteristics of the water quality, the first flush effect, and the main influential factors and sources of pollutants. The results showed that the roof runoff was seriously polluted by total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids whose event mean concentration (EMC) exceeded the fifth level of environmental quality standards for surface water (GB 3838-2002) (the EMC of suspended solids exceeded the second level of discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plants (GB 18918-2002)). The rainwater was relatively less polluted than the rainfall runoff, but the EMC of ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen of the rainwater also exceeded the standard in some rainfall events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHIV-1 encodes a viral protease that is essential for the maturation of infectious viral particles. While protease inhibitors are effective antiretroviral agents, recent studies have shown that prematurely activating, rather than inhibiting, protease function leads to the pyroptotic death of infected cells, with exciting implications for efforts to eradicate viral reservoirs. Despite 40 years of research into the kinetics of protease activation, it remains unclear exactly when protease becomes activated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWorldwide SARS-CoV-2 sequencing efforts track emerging mutations in its spike protein, as well as characteristic mutations in other viral proteins. Besides their epidemiological importance, the observed SARS-CoV-2 sequences present an ensemble of viable protein variants, and thereby a source of information on viral protein structure and function. Charting the mutational landscape of the nucleocapsid (N) protein that facilitates viral assembly, we observe variability exceeding that of the spike protein, with more than 86% of residues that can be substituted, on average by 3-4 different amino acids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConfocal microscopy remains a major workhorse in biomedical optical microscopy owing to its reliability and flexibility in imaging various samples, but suffers from substantial point spread function anisotropy, diffraction-limited resolution, depth-dependent degradation in scattering samples and volumetric bleaching. Here we address these problems, enhancing confocal microscopy performance from the sub-micrometre to millimetre spatial scale and the millisecond to hour temporal scale, improving both lateral and axial resolution more than twofold while simultaneously reducing phototoxicity. We achieve these gains using an integrated, four-pronged approach: (1) developing compact line scanners that enable sensitive, rapid, diffraction-limited imaging over large areas; (2) combining line-scanning with multiview imaging, developing reconstruction algorithms that improve resolution isotropy and recover signal otherwise lost to scattering; (3) adapting techniques from structured illumination microscopy, achieving super-resolution imaging in densely labelled, thick samples; (4) synergizing deep learning with these advances, further improving imaging speed, resolution and duration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPoly(ADP)-ribosylation (PARylation) regulates chromatin structure and recruits DNA repair proteins. Using single-molecule fluorescence microscopy to track topoisomerase I (TOP1) in live cells, we found that sustained PARylation blocked the repair of TOP1 DNA-protein crosslinks (TOP1-DPCs) in a similar fashion as inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). PARylation of TOP1-DPC was readily revealed by inhibiting poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG), indicating the otherwise transient and reversible PARylation of the DPCs.
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