Climate change has exposed desert ecosystems to frequent extreme disturbances, including wet-dry cycles and freeze-thaw events, which accelerate desertification on a global scale. The limited nutrient availability characteristic of these ecosystems may constrain microbial survival and growth, making them more vulnerable to environmental perturbations and stressors. However, how nutrient availability modulates the stability of soil ecological communities and functions in desert ecosystems remains poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoils play a critical role in supporting agricultural production. Subsoils, below 20 cm, underpin fundamental agroecosystem sustainability traits including soil carbon storage, climate regulation and water provision. However, little is known about the ecological stability of subsoils in response to global change.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBody size is a key ecological trait of soil microorganisms related to their adaptation to environmental changes. In this study, we reveal that the smaller microorganisms show stronger community resistance than larger organisms in both maize and rice soil. Compared with larger organisms, smaller microorganisms have higher diversity and broader niche breadth to deploy survival strategies, because of which they are less affected by environmental selection and thus survive in complex and various kinds of environments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgriculture contributes to a decline in local species diversity and to above- and below-ground biotic homogenization. Here, we conduct a continental survey using 1185 soil samples and compare microbial communities from natural ecosystems (forest, grassland, and wetland) with converted agricultural land. We combine our continental survey results with a global meta-analysis of available sequencing data that cover more than 2400 samples across six continents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn increasing number of anthropogenic pressures can have negative effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. However, our understanding of how soil microbial communities and functions in response to multiple global change factors (GCFs) is still incomplete, particularly in less frequently disturbed subsoils. In this study, we examined the impact of different levels of GCFs (0-9) on soil functions and bacterial communities in both topsoils (0-20 cm) and subsoils (20-40 cm) of an agricultural ecosystem, and characterized the intrinsic factors influencing community resistance based on microbial life history strategy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA central aim of community ecology is to understand how local species diversity is shaped. Agricultural activities are reshaping and filtering soil biodiversity and communities; however, ecological processes that structure agricultural communities have often overlooked the role of the regional species pool, mainly owing to the lack of large datasets across several regions. Here, we conducted a soil survey of 941 plots of agricultural and adjacent natural ecosystems (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRhizosphere microbes play key roles in plant growth and productivity in agricultural systems. One of the critical issues is revealing the interaction of agricultural management (M) and rhizosphere selection effects (R) on soil microbial communities, root exudates and plant productivity. Through a field management experiment, we found that bacteria were more sensitive to the M × R interaction effect than fungi, and the positive effect of rhizosphere bacterial diversity on plant biomass existed in the bacterial three two-tillage system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgricultural ecosystems are facing increasing environmental changes. Revealing ecological stability of belowground organisms is key to developing management strategies that maintain agricultural ecosystem services in a changing world. Here, we collected soils from adjacent pairs of maize and rice fields along large spatial scale across Eastern and Southeast China to investigate the importance of core microbiota as a predictor of resistance of soil microbiome (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlowering stage of soybean is an important agronomic trait, which is important for soybean yield, quality and adaptability, and is the external expression of integrating external environmental factors and endogenous signals of the plant itself. Cropping system can change soil properties and fertility, which in turn determine plant growth and yield. The microbial community is the key regulator of plant health and production performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiodiversity is important for supporting ecosystem functioning. To evaluate the factors contributing to the strength of microbial diversity-function relationships in complex terrestrial ecosystems, we conducted a soil survey over different habitats, including an agricultural field, forest, wetland, grassland, and desert. Soil microbial multidiversity was estimated by the combination of bacterial and fungal diversity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough studies of biogeography in soil bacterial communities have attracted considerable attention, the generality of these patterns along with assembly processes and underlying drivers is poorly understood in the inner tissues of plants. Plant tissues provide unique ecological habitats for microorganisms, which play an essential role in plant performance. Here, we compared core bacterial communities among five soil-plant associated compartments of common bean across five sampling sites in China.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnraveling the key drivers of bacterial community assembly in agricultural soils is pivotal for soil nutrient management and crop productivity. Presently, the drivers of microbial community structure remain unexplored in maize cropping systems under complex and variable environmental scenarios across large spatial scales. In this study, we conducted high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing and network analysis to identify the major environmental factors driving bacterial community diversity and co-occurrence patterns in 21 maize field soils across China.
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