The study investigated guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) supplementation with varying dietary digestible arginine (Arg) and glycine+serine (Gly+Ser) concentrations in the starter phase, exploring respective carry-over effects on growth performance, blood chemistry, incidence of pectoral myopathies and proximate composition in broilers. A total of 2,800 one-day-old male broiler chicks were distributed in a central composite design with 2 factors and double experimental mesh, represented by supplementation or omission of 0.6 g per kg of GAA, with a central point represented by 107% of Arg and 147% of Gly+Ser, 4 factorial points (combinations of Arg/Gly+Ser concentrations: 96.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMangalica pigs are gaining popularity within the U.S. as a niche breed, given their reputation for superior-quality pork.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCulture temperatures for broiler chicken cells are largely based on those optimized for mammalian species, although normal broiler body temperature is typically more than 3°C higher. The objective was to evaluate the effects of simulating broiler peripheral muscle temperature, 41°C, compared with standard temperature, 38°C, on the proliferation and differentiation of primary muscle-specific stem cells (satellite cells; SC) from the (PM) of broiler chickens. Primary SC cultures were isolated from the PM of 18-day-old Ross 708 × Yield Plus male broilers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe etiology of Wooden Breast (WB) is unknown; therefore, it is difficult to produce broiler flocks with similar proportions of WB-affected and unaffected birds. Because WB has been detected as early as 15 d posthatch, the objective of this randomized complete block experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement was to determine whether combining the effects of light intensity (LI) and early nutrient reduction strategies could reliably produce WB-affected and normal broilers to further investigate the physiological mechanisms underlying WB. On day of hatch, male, Ross 708 × Yield Plus broilers (n = 384; 16 birds per pen; 3 replicate blocks) were randomly allotted to floor pens in the same facility and exposed to either 2 (LOWLI) or 30 (HIGHLI) lux of light from d 0 to 35.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCholine has been demonstrated to partially substitute methionine in broiler chicken diets due to their interconnected biosynthesis pathways. Yet, research on the impacts of dietary choline supplementation on modern strains of high-yielding broilers is limited. The objective was to evaluate the effect of increasing additions of choline chloride on the performance and carcass characteristics of broilers fed reduced methionine diets and reared under summer environmental conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA randomized complete block design experiment was conducted to determine the safety and efficacy of supplementation of increasing concentrations of a novel, bacterial fermentation-derived vitamin D source on growth performance and tissue deposition of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD3) in growing swine. Dietary treatments were as follows: commercial control with vitamin D3 (CON) at NRC recommended concentrations and three diets composed of CON + increasing inclusions (25, 50, and 250 µg/kg equivalent) of 25OHD3 from a novel source (CON + 25; CON + 50; and CON + 250, respectively). Pigs (n = 144) were assigned to 24 pens which were allotted to one of the four dietary treatments and fed for 42 d.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Anim Sci
August 2022
Skeletal muscle growth is largely dependent on the proliferation and differentiation of muscle-specific stem cells known as satellite cells (SC). Previous work has shown that dietary inclusion of the vitamin D3 metabolite, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD3), also called calcidiol, can promote skeletal muscle growth in post-hatch broiler chickens. Improving vitamin D status of broiler breeder hens by feeding 25OHD3 in addition to vitamin D3 has also been shown to positively impact progeny.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVitamin D signaling is important for intestinal homeostasis. An increase in vitamin D receptors in immune cells can modulate cell phenotype and cytokine secretion. Cytokines regulate both pro- (interleukin 17; IL-17) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) responses triggered by external stimuli.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe most recent research cited by the NRC Nutrition Requirements of Poultry to establish choline recommendations was published in 1987, so choline guidelines for modern broilers are outdated and may be insufficient to optimize growth. The objective was to determine the effect of additional dietary choline chloride supplementation on growth performance and carcass characteristics of modern broilers reared for 66 days. As-hatched Ross 708 × Yield Plus broiler chicks (n = 2160; 30 birds per pen) were randomly allotted to one of six experimental corn and soybean meal-based diets formulated to contain an additional 0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, or 2000 mg of choline chloride above the choline content of the basal diet ingredients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this experiment was to access primary satellite cell (SC) proliferation and differentiation when cultured in different combinations of basal media and sera due to little consistency being published on the optimal culture media for primary broiler chicken satellite cells. Cells were cultured in one of three different basal media: McCoy's 5A, high glucose Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium (DMEM), and low glucose DMEM. Media were supplemented with 15% chicken serum (CS) or a combination of 5% horse serum (HS) + 10% CS during proliferation while 3% HS or 3% CS were added to the media during differentiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs antibiotic-free (ABF) broiler production continues to increase, understanding the development and local immune response in the intestines of ABF broilers is essential. Mitotically active cells, the majority of which will become enterocytes, help maintain the intestinal epithelial barrier. Macrophages prevent pathogen invasion by their phagocytic activity, functioning as immune response amplifying cells to aid in the recruitment of additional immune cells, and stimulating cytokine production in other adjacent cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Vet Sci
April 2022
The previous work has demonstrated that maternal supplementation of the circulating metabolite of vitamin D3 (D3), 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD3), enhances the immunocompetence of broiler chick offspring. In post-hatch broiler diets, 25OHD3 has been shown to affect intestinal morphology and improve the immune status of broilers. An experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement was conducted to assess the effects of combining maternal (MDIET) and post-hatch (PDIET) dietary 25OHD3 inclusion on duodenal crypt and macrophage cell populations and mitotic activity in young broiler chickens.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Physiol
May 2020
Muscle satellite cells (MSCs) are myogenic stem cells that play a critical role in post-hatch skeletal muscle growth and regeneration. Activation of regeneration pathways to repair muscle fiber damage requires both the proliferation and differentiation of different MSC populations as well as the function of resident phagocytic cells such as anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory macrophages. The Wooden Breast (WB) phenotype in broiler chickens is characterized by myofiber degeneration and extensive fibrosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Anim Sci Technol
September 2019
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of different stocker management programs on skeletal muscle development and growth characteristics, satellite cell (SC) activity in growing-finishing beef cattle as well as the effects of SC-conditioned media on preadipocyte gene expression and differentiation. Fall-weaned Angus steers (n = 76; 258 ± 28 kg) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 stocker production systems: 1) grazing dormant native range (NR) supplemented with a 40% CP cottonseed meal-based supplement (1.02 kg · steer · d) followed by long-season summer grazing (CON, 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)
November 2019
The transition from a high forage to a high concentrate diet is an important milestone for beef cattle moving from a stocker system to the feedlot. However, little is known about how this transition affects the rumen epithelial gene expression. This study assessed the effects of the transition from a high forage to a high concentrate diet as well as the transition from a high concentrate to a high forage diet on a variety of genes as well as ruminal papillae morphology in rumen fistulated Jersey steers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe developmental potential of skeletal muscle stem cells (satellite cells) remains controversial. The authors investigated satellite cell developmental potential in single fiber and clonal cultures derived from MyoD(iCre/+);R26R(EYFP/+) muscle, in which essentially all satellite cells are permanently labeled. Approximately 60% of the clones derived from cells that co-purified with muscle fibers spontaneously underwent adipogenic differentiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Raf/MEK/MAPK signaling module elicits a strong negative impact on skeletal myogenesis that is reflected by a complete loss of muscle gene transcription and differentiation in multinucleated myocytes. Recent evidence indicates that Raf signaling also may contribute to myoblast cell cycle exit and cytoprotection. To further define the mechanisms by which Raf participates in cellular responses, a stable line of myoblasts expressing an estrogen receptor-Raf chimeric protein was created.
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