Context: More than 74% of pediatric deaths occur in an intensive care unit (ICU), with 40% occurring after withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies (WOLST). No needs assessment has described provider needs or suggestions for improving the WOLST process in pediatrics.
Objectives: This study aims to describe interdisciplinary provider self-reported confidence, needs, and suggestions for improving the WOLST process.
Purpose: Children with advanced cancer are often not referred to palliative or hospice care before they die or are only referred close to the child's death. The goals of the current project were to learn about pediatric oncology team members' perspectives on palliative care, to collaborate with team members to modify and tailor three separate interdisciplinary team-based interventions regarding initiating palliative care, and to assess the feasibility of this collaborative approach.
Methods: We used a modified version of experience-based codesign (EBCD) involving members of the pediatric palliative care team and three interdisciplinary pediatric oncology teams (Bone Marrow Transplant, Neuro-Oncology, and Solid Tumor) to review and tailor materials for three team-based interventions.