Publications by authors named "Jeroen Smaers"

Introduction: The red nucleus is part of the motor system controlling limb movements. While this seems to be a function common in many vertebrates, its organization and circuitry have undergone massive changes during evolution. In primates, it is sub-divided into the magnocellular and parvocellular parts that give rise to rubrospinal and rubro-olivary connection, respectively.

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Human newborns are considered altricial compared with other primates because they are relatively underdeveloped at birth. However, in a broader comparative context, other mammals are more altricial than humans. It has been proposed that altricial development evolved secondarily in humans due to obstetrical or metabolic constraints, and in association with increased brain plasticity.

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Investigating evolutionary changes in frontal cortex microstructure is crucial to understanding how modifications of neuron and axon distributions contribute to phylogenetic variation in cognition. In the present study, we characterized microstructural components of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and primary motor cortex from 14 primate species using measurements of neuropil fraction and immunohistochemical markers for fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons, large pyramidal projection neuron subtypes, serotonergic innervation, and dopaminergic innervation. Results revealed that the rate of evolutionary change was similar across these microstructural variables, except for neuropil fraction, which evolves more slowly and displays the strongest correlation with brain size.

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A central challenge for biology is to reveal how different levels of biological variation interact and shape diversity. However, recent experimental studies have indicated that prevailing models of evolution cannot readily explain the link between micro- and macroevolution at deep timescales. Here, we suggest that this paradox could be the result of a common mechanism driving a correlated pattern of evolution.

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Nocturnal birds display diverse adaptations of the visual system to low-light conditions. The skulls of birds reflect many of these and are used increasingly to infer nocturnality in extinct species. However, it is unclear how reliable such assessments are, particularly in cases of recent evolutionary transitions to nocturnality.

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Effective interpretation of historical selective regimes requires comprehensive in vivo performance evaluations and well-constrained ecomorphological proxies. The feeding apparatus is a frequent target of such evolutionary studies due to a direct relationship between feeding and survivorship, and the durability of craniodental elements in the fossil record. Among vertebrates, behaviors such as bite force have been central to evaluation of clade dynamics; yet, in the absence of detailed performance studies, such evaluations can misidentify potential selective factors and their roles.

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Objectives: It seems to be commonly accepted that gestation length within the subfamily Colobinae lasts several weeks longer in the African tribe (Colobini) than in the Asian tribe (Presbytini) even though closely related taxa of similar body mass should have similar life histories. Suspecting problems with data provenance to cause the difference, we revisited the published records expecting similar gestation lengths in both tribes if based on vetted, accurate data.

Materials And Methods: We compiled published gestation length data for Colobini and Presbytini, labeling them as "unspecified" (n = 16) if the primary reference could not be located, methods were not described, and/or conceptions, the beginning of gestation, were determined based on sporadic observations of mating.

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Tissue vibrations in the larynx produce most sounds that comprise vocal communication in mammals. Larynx morphology is thus predicted to be a key target for selection, particularly in species with highly developed vocal communication systems. Here, we present a novel database of digitally modeled scanned larynges from 55 different mammalian species, representing a wide range of body sizes in the primate and carnivoran orders.

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Synapses are involved in the communication of information from one neuron to another. However, a systematic analysis of synapse density in the neocortex from a diversity of species is lacking, limiting what can be understood about the evolution of this fundamental aspect of brain structure. To address this, we quantified synapse density in supragranular layers II-III and infragranular layers V-VI from primary visual cortex and inferior temporal cortex in a sample of 25 species of primates, including humans.

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Variation in the relationship between gestation length and body mass can arise because different types of tissue require varying amounts of energy to build, and not all species build such tissues in the same proportions. Given that a pregnant female has a finite amount of energy, trade-offs between investment in different tissues may occur. Here we examine if dental precocity accounts for variation in primate gestation length.

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Relative brain sizes in birds can rival those of primates, but large-scale patterns and drivers of avian brain evolution remain elusive. Here, we explore the evolution of the fundamental brain-body scaling relationship across the origin and evolution of birds. Using a comprehensive dataset sampling> 2,000 modern birds, fossil birds, and theropod dinosaurs, we infer patterns of brain-body co-variation in deep time.

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Variation in neocortex size is one of the defining features of mammalian brain evolution. The paramount assumption has been that neocortex size indicates a monotonic allometric relationship with brain size. This assumption holds the concomitant neurodevelopmental assumption that the ontogenetic trajectory of neocortex size is so stable across species that it restrains changes in the direction of evolution.

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Humans have bred different lineages of domestic dogs for different tasks such as hunting, herding, guarding, or companionship. These behavioral differences must be the result of underlying neural differences, but surprisingly, this topic has gone largely unexplored. The current study examined whether and how selective breeding by humans has altered the gross organization of the brain in dogs.

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Given their close genetic relatedness to humans, bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) offer an essential comparative framework for studying the evolution of uniquely human traits. These two species differ markedly in their socio-behavioral repertoires, which is reflected in neuroanatomical differences that have been reported in the literature. However, phylogenetic comparative methods have not yet been used to map the evolution of neuroanatomical traits in bonobos and chimpanzees, limiting our ability to understand which neural systems are derived in each species in relation to the last common ancestor of Pan (Pan-LCA).

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Because of the central role of the hippocampus in representing spatial and temporal details of experience, comparative studies of its volume and structure are relevant to understanding the evolution of representational memory across species. The hippocampal formation, however, is organized into separate anatomical subregions with distinct functions, and little is known about the evolutionary diversification of these subregions. We investigate relative volumetric changes in hippocampal subregions across a large sample of primate species.

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Comparative variation in brain size is arguably one of the most dominant features of primate evolution. Enduring questions in this context comprise whether evolutionary changes in certain brain regions outpace changes in other regions, and to what extent such regional variation between species explains comparative variation in overall brain size. To answer this question, we investigate the tempo and mode of evolution of brain organization using the largest combination of brain regions and species analyzed to date (36 brain regions, together representing over 90% of overall brain size, across 17 anthropoid primates, including humans).

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Through elasmobranch (sharks and rays) evolutionary history, gigantism evolved multiple times in phylogenetically distant species, some of which are now extinct. Interestingly, the world's largest elasmobranchs display two specializations found never to overlap: filter feeding and mesothermy. The contrasting lifestyles of elasmobranch giants provide an ideal case study to elucidate the evolutionary pathways leading to gigantism in the oceans.

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Understanding the nature of the relationship between vocal complexity and brain architecture across non-human primates may help elucidate some of the key elements underlying the evolution of human speech. Here, we report a positive correlation between vocal repertoire size and the relative size of cortical association areas (governing voluntary control over behavioural output) in non-human primates. We further demonstrate that a hominid grade shift in the relative volume of cortical association areas coincides with a similar grade shift in the hypoglossal nucleus (which is associated with the cranial nerve that innervates the muscles of the tongue).

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Given that complex behavior evolved multiple times independently in different lineages, a crucial question is whether these independent evolutionary events coincided with modifications to common neural systems. To test this question in mammals, we investigate the lateral cerebellum, a neurobiological system that is novel to mammals, and is associated with higher cognitive functions. We map the evolutionary diversification of the mammalian cerebellum and find that relative volumetric changes of the lateral cerebellar hemispheres (independent of cerebellar size) are correlated with measures of domain-general cognition in primates, and are characterized by a combination of parallel and convergent shifts towards similar levels of expansion in distantly related mammalian lineages.

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Primates are some of the most playful animals in the natural world, yet the reason for this remains unclear. One hypothesis posits that primates are so playful because playful activity functions to help develop the sophisticated cognitive and behavioural abilities that they are also renowned for. If this hypothesis were true, then play might be expected to have coevolved with the neural substrates underlying these abilities in primates.

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Article Synopsis
  • A key focus of neuroscientific research is the differences in the prefrontal cortex between humans and other animals, particularly regarding its role in complex cognitive functions like language and decision-making.
  • Studies have shown that humans have a significantly larger prefrontal cortex compared to other primates, but it's unclear if this growth is just part of a general trend or something unique to humans.
  • Recent investigations reveal that the expansion of the prefrontal cortex in humans and great apes is not simply the result of normal growth patterns, suggesting specific evolutionary changes in how their brains developed over time that are linked to advanced cognitive abilities.
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The large brain and small postcanine teeth of modern humans are among our most distinctive features, and trends in their evolution are well studied within the hominin clade. Classic accounts hypothesize that larger brains and smaller teeth coevolved because behavioral changes associated with increased brain size allowed a subsequent dental reduction. However, recent studies have found mismatches between trends in brain enlargement and posterior tooth size reduction in some hominin species.

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Ecomorphology - the characterisation of the adaptive relationship between an organism's morphology and its ecological role - has long been central to theories of the origin and early evolution of the primate order. This is exemplified by two of the most influential theories of primate origins: Matt Cartmill's Visual Predation Hypothesis, and Bob Sussman's Angiosperm Co-Evolution Hypothesis. However, the study of primate origins is constrained by the absence of data directly documenting the events under investigation, and has to rely instead on a fragmentary fossil record and the methodological assumptions inherent in phylogenetic comparative analyses of extant species.

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