The sun is the most sustainable light source available on our planet, therefore the direct use of sunlight for photochemistry is extremely appealing. Demonstrated here, for the first time, is that a diverse set of photon-driven transformations can be efficiently powered by solar irradiation with the use of solvent-resistant and cheap luminescent solar concentrator based photomicroreactors. Blue, green, and red reactors can accommodate both homogeneous and multiphase reaction conditions, including photochemical oxidations, photocatalytic trifluoromethylation chemistry, and metallaphotoredox transformations, thus spanning applications over the entire visible-light spectrum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA ligand decorated, synthetic polypeptide block copolymer platform with environment-responsive capabilities was designed. We evaluated the potential of this system to function as a polymersome for targeted-delivery of a systemic chemotherapy to tumors. Our system employed click chemistry to provide a pH-responsive polypeptide block that drives nanoparticle assembly, and a ligand (folic acid) conjugated PEG block that targets folate-receptor over-expressing cancer cells.
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