Publications by authors named "Jeremy Biane"

The ability to discriminate and categorize the meaning of environmental stimuli and respond accordingly is essential for survival. The ventral hippocampus (vHPC) controls emotional and motivated behaviors in response to environmental cues and is hypothesized to do so in part by deciphering the positive or negative quality of these cues. Yet, what features of the environment are represented in the activity patterns of vCA1 neurons, and whether the positive or negative meaning of a stimulus is present at this stage, remains unclear.

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Layer 5 neurons of the neocortex receive their principal inputs from layer 2/3 neurons. We seek to identify the nature and extent of the plasticity of these projections with motor learning. Using optogenetic and viral intersectional tools to selectively stimulate distinct neuronal subsets in rat primary motor cortex, we simultaneously record from pairs of corticospinal neurons associated with distinct features of motor output control: distal forelimb vs.

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Animals associate cues with outcomes and update these associations as new information is presented. This requires the hippocampus, yet how hippocampal neurons track changes in cue-outcome associations remains unclear. Using two-photon calcium imaging, we tracked the same dCA1 and vCA1 neurons across days to determine how responses evolve across phases of odor-outcome learning.

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We used viral intersectional tools to map the entire projectome of corticospinal neurons associated with fine distal forelimb control in Fischer 344 rats and rhesus macaques. In rats, we found an extraordinarily diverse set of collateral projections from corticospinal neurons to 23 different brain and spinal regions. Remarkably, the vast weighting of this "motor" projection was to sensory systems in both the brain and spinal cord, confirmed by optogenetic and transsynaptic viral intersectional tools.

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Animals must discern important stimuli and place them onto their cognitive map of their environment. The neocortex conveys general representations of sensory events to the hippocampus, and the hippocampus is thought to classify and sharpen the distinctions between these events. We recorded populations of dentate gyrus granule cells (DG GCs) and lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) neurons across days to understand how sensory representations are modified by experience.

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Recurrent synaptic connections between neighboring neurons are a key feature of mammalian cortex, accounting for the vast majority of cortical inputs. Although computational models indicate that reorganization of recurrent connectivity is a primary driver of experience-dependent cortical tuning, the true biological features of recurrent network plasticity are not well identified. Indeed, whether rewiring of connections between cortical neurons occurs during behavioral training, as is widely predicted, remains unknown.

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The hippocampus is traditionally thought to transmit contextual information to limbic structures where it acquires valence. Using freely moving calcium imaging and optogenetics, we show that while the dorsal CA1 subregion of the hippocampus is enriched in place cells, ventral CA1 (vCA1) is enriched in anxiety cells that are activated by anxiogenic environments and required for avoidance behavior. Imaging cells defined by their projection target revealed that anxiety cells were enriched in the vCA1 population projecting to the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) but not to the basal amygdala (BA).

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Recent studies suggest that a shared neural ensemble may link distinct memories encoded close in time. According to the memory allocation hypothesis, learning triggers a temporary increase in neuronal excitability that biases the representation of a subsequent memory to the neuronal ensemble encoding the first memory, such that recall of one memory increases the likelihood of recalling the other memory. Here we show in mice that the overlap between the hippocampal CA1 ensembles activated by two distinct contexts acquired within a day is higher than when they are separated by a week.

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The corticospinal tract (CST) is the most important motor system in humans, yet robust regeneration of this projection after spinal cord injury (SCI) has not been accomplished. In murine models of SCI, we report robust corticospinal axon regeneration, functional synapse formation and improved skilled forelimb function after grafting multipotent neural progenitor cells into sites of SCI. Corticospinal regeneration requires grafts to be driven toward caudalized (spinal cord), rather than rostralized, fates.

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Layer 5 neurons of the neocortex receive direct and relatively strong input from the thalamus. However, the intralaminar distribution of these inputs and their capacity for plasticity in adult animals are largely unknown. In slices of the primary motor cortex (M1), we simultaneously recorded from pairs of corticospinal neurons associated with control of distinct motor outputs: distal forelimb versus proximal forelimb.

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Behavior is derived from the configuration of synaptic connectivity among functionally diverse neurons. Fine motor behavior is absent at birth in most mammals but gradually emerges during subsequent postnatal corticospinal system maturation; the nature of circuit development and reorganization during this period has been largely unexplored. We investigated connectivity and synaptic signaling among functionally distinct corticospinal populations in Fischer 344 rats from postnatal day 18 through 75 using retrograde tracer injections into specific spinal cord segments associated with distinct aspects of forelimb function.

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Within the cortex, nerve growth factor (NGF) mediates the innervation of cholinergic neurons during development, maintains cholinergic corticopetal projections during adulthood and modulates cholinergic function through phenotypic control of the cholinergic gene locus. Recent studies suggest NGF may also play an important role in cortical plasticity in adulthood. Previously, NGF-producing cells have been shown to colocalize with GABAergic cell markers within the hippocampus, striatum, and basal forebrain.

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Vocal learning and neuronal replacement have been studied extensively in songbirds, but until recently, few molecular and genomic tools for songbird research existed. Here we describe new molecular/genomic resources developed in our laboratory. We made cDNA libraries from zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) brains at different developmental stages.

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Despite the known adverse consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure, some pregnant women continue to drink alcohol, making it imperative to identify treatments for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The authors recently reported that perinatal choline supplementation can reduce some fetal alcohol effects (J. D.

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