Publications by authors named "Jenny Ekberg"

Cell transplantation using olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) is a promising approach for nerve repair but there are numerous limitations with their delivery method. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems potentially offer a powerful approach for cell production and delivery options. To further optimise the use of OECs, strategies to promote cell viability and maintain cell behaviours in 3D cultures become important.

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) represents an urgent unmet need for clinical reparative therapy due to its largely irreversible and devastating effects on patients, and the tremendous socioeconomic burden to the community. While different approaches are being explored, therapy to restore the lost function remains unavailable. Olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) transplantation is a promising approach in terms of feasibility, safety, and limited efficacy; however, high variability in reported clinical outcomes prevent its translation despite several clinical trials.

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Olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) transplantation is emerging as a promising treatment option for injuries of the nervous system. OECs can be obtained relatively easily from nasal biopsies, and exhibit several properties such as secretion of trophic factors, and phagocytosis of debris that facilitate neural regeneration and repair. But a major limitation of OEC-based cell therapies is the poor survival of transplanted cells which subsequently limit their therapeutic efficacy.

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Glial cell transplantation using olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) holds a promising approach for treating spinal cord injury (SCI). However, integration of OECs into the hostile acute secondary injury site requires interaction and response to macrophages. Immunomodulation of macrophages to reduce their impact on OECs may improve the functionality of OECs.

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causes neonatal meningitis and can also infect the adult central nervous system (CNS). can cross the blood-brain barrier but may also reach the CNS other paths. Several species of bacteria can directly invade the CNS the olfactory and trigeminal nerves, which extend between the nasal cavity and brain and injury to the nasal epithelium can increase the risk/severity of infection.

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Injuries to the peripheral nervous system result in devastating consequences with loss of motor and sensory function and lifelong impairments. Current treatments have largely relied on surgical procedures, including nerve autografts to repair damaged nerves. Despite improvements to the surgical procedures over the years, the clinical success of nerve autografts is limited by fundamental issues, such as low functionality and mismatching between the damaged and donor nerves.

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Chlamydia pneumoniae is a respiratory tract pathogen but can also infect the central nervous system (CNS). Recently, the link between C. pneumoniae CNS infection and late-onset dementia has become increasingly evident.

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The nerves of the peripheral nervous system are not able to effectively regenerate in cases of severe neural injury. This can result in debilitating consequences, including morbidity and lifelong impairments affecting the quality of the patient's life. Recent findings in neural tissue engineering have opened promising avenues to apply fibrous tissue-engineered scaffolds to promote tissue regeneration and functional recovery.

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Peripheral glial cell transplantation with Schwann cells (SCs) is a promising approach for treating spinal cord injury (SCI). However, improvements are needed and one avenue to enhance regenerative functional outcomes is to combine growth factors with cell transplantation. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are neuroprotective, and a combination of these factors has improved outcomes in rat SCI models.

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Transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) is a promising approach for repairing the injured nervous system that has been extensively trialed for nervous system repair. However, the method still needs improvement and optimization. One avenue of improving outcomes is to stimulate OEC migration into the injury site.

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Staphylococcus aureus infections of the central nervous system are serious and can be fatal. S. aureus is commonly present in the nasal cavity, and after injury to the nasal epithelium it can rapidly invade the brain via the olfactory nerve.

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Cell transplantation shows promise for repair of the injured nervous system, including spinal cord injury (SCI) and peripheral nerve injury (PNI). There are, however, still problems hampering these therapies moving from bench to bedside, and the methods need optimization. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems are suggested to improve outcomes, bridging the gap between the in vitro and in vivo environments.

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The central nervous system (CNS) has very limited capacity to regenerate after traumatic injury or disease. In contrast, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) has far greater capacity for regeneration. This difference can be partly attributed to variances in glial-mediated functions, such as axon guidance, structural support, secretion of growth factors and phagocytic activity.

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can infect the brain and has been linked to late-onset dementia. , which infects mice, is often used to model human chlamydial infections. While it has been suggested to be also important for modelling brain infection, nervous system infection by has not been reported in the literature.

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To identify themes of interest for the production of educational resources for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). A mixed-method study. Outpatient SCI community in Australia.

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Montelukast is a cysteinyl leukotriene (CysLT) receptor antagonist with efficacy against a variety of diseases, including asthma and inflammation-related conditions. However, various neuropsychiatric events (NEs) suspected to be related to montelukast have been reported recently, with limited understanding on their association and underlying mechanisms. This study aimed to investigate whether montelukast can induce neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity in microglial HAPI cells and neural SH-SY5Y cells.

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) largely leads to irreversible and permanent loss of function, most commonly as a result of trauma. Several treatment options, such as cell transplantation methods, are being researched to overcome the debilitating disabilities arising from SCI. Most pre-clinical animal trials are conducted in rodent models of SCI.

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Transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells, the glia of the primary olfactory nervous system, has been trialed for spinal cord injury repair with promising but variable outcomes in animals and humans. Olfactory ensheathing cells can be harvested either from the lamina propria beneath the neuroepithelium in the nasal cavity, or from the olfactory bulb in the brain. As these areas contain several other cell types, isolating and purifying olfactory ensheathing cells is a critical part of the process.

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Zika virus (ZIKV) has recently emerged as an important human pathogen due to the strong evidence that it causes disease of the central nervous system, particularly microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The pathogenesis of disease, including mechanisms of neuroinvasion, may include both invasion via the blood-brain barrier and via peripheral (including cranial) nerves. Cellular responses to infection are also poorly understood.

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Cell transplantation constitutes an important avenue for development of new treatments for spinal cord injury (SCI). These therapies are aimed at supporting neural repair and/or replacing lost cells at the injury site. To date, various cell types have been trialed, with most studies focusing on different types of stem cells or glial cells.

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The infectious disease melioidosis is caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Melioidosis is characterised by high mortality and morbidity and can involve the central nervous system (CNS). We have previously discovered that B.

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, a common cause of sepsis and bacterial meningitis, infects the meninges and central nervous system (CNS), primarily via paracellular traversal across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) or blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. is often present asymptomatically in the nasopharynx, and the nerves extending between the nasal cavity and the brain constitute an alternative route by which the meningococci may reach the CNS. To date, the cellular mechanisms involved in nerve infection are not fully understood.

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