Publications by authors named "Jenny Bosten"

To what extent is perception shaped by low-level statistical regularities of our visual environments and on what time scales? We characterized the chromatic 'visual diets' of people living in remote rainforest and urban environments, using calibrated head-mounted cameras worn by participants as they went about their daily lives. All environments had chromatic distributions with the most variance along a blue-yellow axis, but the extent of this bias differed across locations. If colour perception is calibrated to the visual environments in which participants are immersed, variation in the extent of the bias in scene statistics should have a corresponding impact on perceptual judgements.

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Aesthetic judgements are partly predicted by image statistics, although the extent to which they are calibrated to the statistics of real-world scenes and the 'visual diet' of daily life is unclear. Here, we investigated the extent to which the beauty ratings of Western oil paintings from the JenAesthetics dataset can be accounted for by real-world scene statistics. We computed spatial and chromatic image statistics for the paintings and a set of real-world scenes captured by a head-mounted camera as participants went about daily lives.

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Purpose: Within the healthy population there is a large variation in the ability to perform smooth pursuit eye movements. Our purpose was to investigate the genetic and physiological bases for this variation.

Methods: We carried out a whole-genome association study, recording smooth pursuit movements for 1040 healthy volunteers by infrared oculography.

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Manufacturers of notch filter-based aids for color vision claim that their products can enhance color perception for people with anomalous trichromacy, a form of color vision deficiency (CVD). Anecdotal reports imply that people with CVD can have radically enhanced color vision when using the filters. However, existing empirical research largely focussed on the effect of notch filters on performance on diagnostic tests for CVD has not found that they have any substantial effect.

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EnChroma filters are aids designed to improve color vision for anomalous trichromats. Their use is controversial because the results of lab-based assessments of their effectiveness have so far largely failed to agree with positive anecdotal reports. However, the effectiveness of EnChroma filters will vary depending on the conditions of viewing, including whether the stimuli are broadband reflective surfaces or colors presented on RGB displays, whether illumination spectra are broadband or narrowband, the transmission spectra of particular filters, and the cone spectral sensitivity functions of the observer.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study aims to assess how visible new and old red, white, and pink cricket balls are under different lighting and background conditions during day-night matches.
  • Researchers measured how much light these balls reflect at different wavelengths and analyzed their visibility against backgrounds like the pitch, grass, and crowd throughout the match.
  • Results indicate that older balls, particularly red and pink, often blend into their surroundings, making them harder to see, especially at dusk, highlighting visibility issues for all ball colors in varying conditions of a cricket match.
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Aesthetics has been characterized as a triadic interaction of perceptual, emotional, and conceptual neural systems (e.g., Chatterjee & Vartanian, 2014).

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The idea that visual coding and perception are shaped by experience and adjust to changes in the environment or the observer is universally recognized as a cornerstone of visual processing, yet the functions and processes mediating these calibrations remain in many ways poorly understood. In this article we review a number of facets and issues surrounding the general notion of calibration, with a focus on plasticity within the encoding and representational stages of visual processing. These include how many types of calibrations there are - and how we decide; how plasticity for encoding is intertwined with other principles of sensory coding; how it is instantiated at the level of the dynamic networks mediating vision; how it varies with development or between individuals; and the factors that may limit the form or degree of the adjustments.

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Visual perception in adult humans is thought to be tuned to represent the statistical regularities of natural scenes. For example, in adults, visual sensitivity to different hues shows an asymmetry which coincides with the statistical regularities of colour in the natural world. Infants are sensitive to statistical regularities in social and linguistic stimuli, but whether or not infants' visual systems are tuned to natural scene statistics is currently unclear.

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The Ishihara plates test is one of the most established and widely used means of identifying color vision deficiencies. However, literature examining the effectiveness of the Ishihara plates test has identified weaknesses, particularly when screening for milder anomalous trichromacy. We constructed a model of the chromatic signals expected to contribute to false negative readings by calculating, for particular anomalous trichromatic observers, the differences in chromaticity between the ground and pseudoisochromatic portions of plates.

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We assessed the effect of a contact lens that filters short-wavelength (SW) visible light on color appearance. These effects were modeled and measured by direct comparison to a clear contact lens. Sixty-one subjects were enrolled, and 58 completed as cohort; 31 were 18 to 39 years old (mean ± SD, 29.

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Color-biased regions have been found between face- and place-selective areas in the ventral visual pathway. To investigate the function of the color-biased regions in a pathway responsible for object recognition, we analyzed the natural scenes dataset (NSD), a large 7T fMRI dataset from 8 participants who each viewed up to 30,000 trials of images of colored natural scenes over more than 30 scanning sessions. In a whole-brain analysis, we correlated the average color saturation of the images with voxel responses, revealing color-biased regions that diverge into two streams, beginning in V4 and extending medially and laterally relative to the fusiform face area in both hemispheres.

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Nonlinear encoding of chromatic contrast by the early visual cortex predicts that anomalous trichromats will show a larger McCollough effect than normal trichromats. In Experiment 1 we employed the McCollough effect to probe the cortical representation of saturation in normal trichromats, and used the results to predict enhanced McCollough effects for anomalous trichromats, which we measured in Experiment 2. In Experiment 1 three participants adapted to red and green orthogonal gratings of four different saturations.

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In our tendency to discuss the objective properties of the external world, we may fail to notice that our subjective perceptions of those properties differ between individuals. Variability at all levels of the color vision system creates diversity in color perception, from discrimination to color matching, appearance, and subjective experience, such that each of us lives in a unique perceptual world. In this review, I discuss what is known about individual differences in color perception and its determinants, particularly considering genetically mediated variability in cone photopigments and the paradoxical effects of visual environments in both contributing to and counteracting individual differences.

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Background: Physiological anisocoria is an asymmetry of pupil size in the absence of pathology.

Methods: Images of the pupils under standard illumination were collected in the course of a whole-genome association study of a range of visual functions in 1060 healthy adults. DNA for each participant was extracted from saliva samples.

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There is a need for a straightforward, accessible and accurate pediatric test for color vision deficiency (CVD). We present and evaluate ColourSpot, a self-administered, gamified and color calibrated tablet-based app, which diagnoses CVD from age 4. Children tap colored targets with saturations that are altered adaptively along the three dichromatic confusion lines.

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In anomalous trichromacy, the color signals available from comparing the activities of the two classes of cone sensitive in the medium and long wavelength parts of the spectrum are much reduced from those available in normal trichromacy, and color discrimination thresholds along the red-green axis are correspondingly elevated. Yet there is evidence that suprathreshold color perception is relatively preserved; this has led to the suggestion that anomalous trichromats post-receptorally amplify their impoverished red-green signals. To test this idea, we measured chromatic discrimination from white and from saturated red and green pedestals.

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Prior knowledge has been shown to facilitate the incorporation of visual stimuli into awareness. We adopted an individual differences approach to explore whether a tendency to 'see the expected' is general or method-specific. We administered a binocular rivalry task and manipulated selective attention, as well as induced expectations via predictive context, self-generated imagery, expectancy cues, and perceptual priming.

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The phenomenon of change blindness reveals that people are surprisingly poor at detecting unexpected visual changes; however, research on individual differences in detection ability is scarce. Predictive processing accounts of visual perception suggest that better change detection may be linked to assigning greater weight to prediction error signals, as indexed by an increased alternation rate in perceptual rivalry or greater sensitivity to low-level visual signals. Alternatively, superior detection ability may be associated with robust visual predictions against which sensory changes can be more effectively registered, suggesting an association with high-level mechanisms of visual short-term memory (VSTM) and attention.

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We all pass out our lives in private perceptual worlds. The differences in our sensory and perceptual experiences often go unnoticed until there emerges a variation (such as 'The Dress') that is large enough to generate different descriptions in the coarse coinage of our shared language. In this essay, we illustrate how individual differences contribute to a richer understanding of visual perception, but we also indicate some potential pitfalls that face the investigator who ventures into the field.

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The biological basis of the commonality in color lexicons across languages has been hotly debated for decades. Prior evidence that infants categorize color could provide support for the hypothesis that color categorization systems are not purely constructed by communication and culture. Here, we investigate the relationship between infants' categorization of color and the commonality across color lexicons, and the potential biological origin of infant color categories.

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