Publications by authors named "Jennifer Popp"

Hydration plays an important role in performance, injury prevention, and recovery for athletes engaged in competitive sports. Therefore, it is important that strength and conditioning coaches understand an athlete's hydration needs to prevent illness and enhance performance. The purpose of this study was to identify hydration knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of collegiate track and field throwers, as well as identify barriers to hydration and sources of nutritional information.

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Hill running is often used as a foundational training mechanism to build strength and speed. Distance runners in particular are at an increased likelihood of encountering steep hills during training runs. There is limited research regarding downhill running, and there is no research available on the biomechanics of females specifically during downhill running.

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Backpacks lead to poor posture due to the posterior placement of the load, which overtime may contribute to low back pain and musculoskeletal complications. This study examined postural and load distribution differences between a traditional backpack (BP) and a nontraditional backpack (BTP) in a young adult population. Using a 3D motion analysis system, 24 healthy young adults (22.

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Drop height and fatigue have been shown in isolation to affect landing mechanics and increase the risk of sustaining an anterior cruciate ligament injury. The purpose of this study was to identify the combined effects of drop height and fatigue on landing mechanics in recreationally active females. To assess this, 11 healthy, young adult females performed a series of drop jumps from randomized heights before and following a lower extremity fatiguing protocol.

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Popp, JK, Bellar, DM, Hoover, DL, Craig, BW, Leitzelar, BN, Wanless, EA, and Judge, LW. Pre- and post-activity stretching practices of collegiate athletic trainers in the United States. J Strength Cond Res 31(9): 2347-2354, 2017-The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge and practices of collegiate-certified athletic trainers (ATs) in the United States.

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Walking is a popular form of exercise and is associated with many health benefits; however, frontal-plane knee joint loading brought about by a large internal knee-abduction moment and cyclic loading could lead to cartilage degeneration over time. Therefore, knee joint mechanics during an alternative walking exercise needs to be analyzed. The purpose of this study was to examine the lower-extremity joint mechanics in the frontal and sagittal planes during incline walking.

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The purpose of this study is to determine the pre- and postactivity stretching practices of Division I, II, and III track and field throws programs. A 33-item survey instrument was developed to collect data regarding the warm-up and flexibility practices at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I (n = 320), Division II (n = 175), and Division III (n = 275) universities. A total of 135 surveys were completed for a 17.

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Context: Athletic training educators often anecdotally suggest that athletic training students enhance their learning by teaching their peers. However, peer-assisted learning (PAL) has not been examined within athletic training education to provide evidence for PAL's current use or for its use as a pedagogic tool.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of intentional, formal PAL on the performance of psychomotor skills and to identify students' perceptions of PAL.

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