Publications by authors named "Jennifer Flippin"

Ethylene thiourea, or ETU, is used in the rubber industry and is a degradation product and impurity in some fungicides. The general public may be exposed to low concentrations of residues of ETU in a variety of ways, including food treated with ethylene bis-dithiocarbamate (EBDC) fungicides or migration from rubber products. Biomonitoring of ETU in urine is useful for an assessment of integrated exposures to ETU across different sources and routes of exposure.

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One of the most widely used herbicides worldwide, glyphosate is registered for use in many agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Accordingly, regulatory authorities develop toxicology reference values (TRVs) to conduct risk assessments for potential exposures. Exposures to glyphosate are typically biomonitored via measures of glyphosate in urine.

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Trace levels of a variety of currently unregulated organic chemicals have been detected in treated wastewater effluents and surface waters that receive treated effluents. Many of these chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) originate from pharmaceuticals and personal care products that are used widely and that frequently are transported "down the drain" to a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Actual effects of CECs on aquatic life have been difficult to document, although biological effects consistent with effects of some CECs have been noted.

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We examined Hg(II) bioaccumulation and compartmentalization patterns in conjunction with antioxidant responses in four aquatic insect species: two caddisflies (Chimarra sp. and Hydropsyche betteni) and two mayflies (Maccaffertium modestum and Isonychia sp). Total antioxidant capabilities differed among unexposed larvae, with both caddisfly species exhibiting elevated antioxidant activities relative to the mayflies.

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Effluents from wastewater treatment plants and untreated sewage constitute a low concentration but continuous source of pharmaceutical products to the aquatic environment. One such drug, ibuprofen, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent that primarily acts through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) activity. Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) were exposed for 6 weeks via water to three concentrations of ibuprofen (1-100 microg/L nominal concentrations) and a water control.

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