Publications by authors named "Jennifer Emond"

Objective: Problematic media use (PMU) is addiction-like media use. No study has examined if genetic factors for addiction relate to PMU during childhood. This study tested the association between genetic risk factors for addiction and PMU among 9-to-12-year-olds.

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Objectives: We aim to quantify the performance of accelerometry in objectively measuring physical activity (PA) intensity among infants and toddlers.

Methods: Thirty-eight 6- to 24-month-olds participated in a 30-min, semistructured lab visit. Twenty-three (61%) children could walk independently.

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Screen media use, and particularly mobile device use, is frequent among preschool-age children. Studies support that problematic media use (PMU) symptoms are present among older children (4-11-year-olds) and toddlers, and PMU correlates with child temperament and parenting around child media use. We examined the performance of a widely used PMU measure among a sample of 85 3-5-year-old children to document whether variation in PMU exists in this age group and whether this PMU measure specifically has face validity relative to expected correlates of PMU.

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  • The study aimed to investigate how certain genetic factors related to obesity influence children's brain responses to food advertisements after eating.* -
  • Researchers analyzed fMRI data from 151 children aged 9-12 and found that a specific genetic variant (rs9939609) was associated with increased brain activity in the lateral hypothalamus in response to food cues, although this result wasn't significant after correcting for multiple comparisons.* -
  • The overall conclusion suggests that children with a genetic predisposition to obesity may exhibit stronger brain reward responses to food cues, which might lead to overeating.*
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Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate obesity-related genetic factors in relation to excess consumption and assess if food cues modify associations.

Methods: Children (9-12 years) completed a randomized crossover experiment. During two visits, children ate a preload and then snacks ad libitum while watching television, embedded with food or non-food advertisements to assess eating in the absence of hunger (EAH).

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The etiology of obesity is multifaceted, with multiple risk factors occurring during early childhood (e.g., fast food frequency, eating dinner as a family, TV in the bedroom).

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Introduction: Food desert (FD) residence has emerged as a risk factor for poor outcomes in breast, colon and esophageal cancers. The purpose of this retrospective study was to examine FD residence as an associated risk factor in nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with anatomic lung resection (ALR).

Methods: All consecutive ALRs for stage I-III NSCLC from January 2015 to December 2017 at a single institution were reviewed.

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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are related to various adverse health outcomes, and food is a common source of PFAS exposure. Dietary sources of PFAS have not been adequately explored among U.S.

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Objective: To assess whether attentional bias to food cues and appetitive traits are independently and interactively associated with adiposity in adolescents.

Method: Eighty-five adolescents, 14-17-years had their attentional bias to food images measured in a sated state by computing eye tracking measures of attention (first fixation duration, cumulative fixation duration) to food and control distractor images that bordered a computer game. Parents reported adolescent appetitive traits including the food approach domains of enjoyment of food, food responsiveness, emotional overeating, and the food avoidance domains of satiety responsiveness and emotional overeating through the Children's Eating Behavior Questionnaire.

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Introduction: Exposure to food marketing increases the risk of poor diet. Children's perception and interpretation of food marketing across digital media platforms is understudied. Children aged 9-11 years are uniquely susceptible to food marketing because children may watch content alone, and it is unclear whether embedded ads are decipherable by children (e.

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Background: Short sleep is consistently linked with childhood obesity, possibly via disrupting appetite hormones and increasing food responsiveness. Few studies have objectively examined this association in early childhood.

Objective: To evaluate associations of sleep quantity and quality with child appetitive traits and eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) in a higher-income cohort of 86 preschool-age children (age 4.

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Objective: Understand the correlates of ultra-processed food (UPF) intake and examine the association of UPF on body mass index in children aged 3-5 years.

Design: Secondary analysis of a prospective cohort of 3-5-year-olds/parent, followed 1-year between March 2014 and October 2016. Usual UPF intake from 2 3-day food records completed 1 year apart, a standardized nutrient database customized with child-specific foods, and a NOVA food classification system was used.

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  • GLP-1 receptor agonists, like semaglutide, show promise for weight management, with patients reporting decreased "food noise," which is the obsessive thinking about food.
  • The narrative review focuses on research concepts that help understand food noise, especially how individuals react to food cues internally and externally.
  • The authors introduce the Cue-Influencer-Reactivity-Outcome (CIRO) model, which outlines the factors influencing food cue reactivity and offers a framework for future research on food noise and eating behavior.
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Background/objectives: Obesity polygenic risk scores (PRS) explain substantial variation in body mass index (BMI), yet associations between PRSs and appetitive traits in children remain unclear. To better understand pathways leading to pediatric obesity, this study aimed to assess the association of obesity PRSs and appetitive traits.

Subjects/methods: This study included 248 unrelated children aged 9-12 years.

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Background: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is widely used as a treatment for actinic keratoses (AK), with new sunlight-based regimens proposed as alternatives to lamp-based treatments. Prescribing indoor daylight activation could help address the seasonal temperature, clinical supervision, and access variability associated with outdoor treatments.

Objective: To compare the AK lesion clearance efficacy of indoor daylight PDT treatment (30 min of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) pre-incubation, followed by 2 h of indoor sunlight) versus a lamp-based PDT treatment (30 min of ALA preincubation, followed by 10 min of red light).

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Background: Super-utilizers consume the greatest share of resource intensive healthcare (RIHC) and reducing their utilization remains a crucial challenge to healthcare systems in the United States (U.S.).

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Decreased behavioral regulation is hypothesized to be a risk factor for excess weight gain among children, possibly via reduced appetite-specific regulation. Little research has specifically focused on behavioral regulation and food cue responsiveness, a conditioned precursor to eating, at a young age. This study examined the association between behavioral regulation and external food cue responsiveness among preschool-age children and explored if a more structured parenting style moderated that association.

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Background: COVID-19 severity is amplified among individuals with obesity, which may have influenced mainstream media coverage of the disease by both improving understanding of the condition and increasing weight-related stigma.

Objective: We aimed to measure obesity-related conversations on Facebook and Instagram around key dates during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: Public Facebook and Instagram posts were extracted for 29-day windows in 2020 around January 28 (the first US COVID-19 case), March 11 (when COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic), May 19 (when obesity and COVID-19 were linked in mainstream media), and October 2 (when former US president Trump contracted COVID-19 and obesity was mentioned most frequently in the mainstream media).

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Background: Food deserts are low-income census tracts with poor access to supermarkets and are associated with worse outcomes in breast, colon, and a small number of esophageal cancer patients. This study investigated residency in food deserts on readmission rates in a multi-institutional cohort of esophageal cancer patients undergoing trimodality therapy.

Methods: A retrospective review of patients who underwent trimodality therapy at 6 high-volume institutions from January 2015 to July 2019 was performed.

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Introduction: Food cues including food advertisements (ads) activate brain regions related to motivation and reward. These responses are known to correlate with eating behaviors and future weight gain. The objective of this study was to compare brain responses to food ads by different types of ad mediums, dynamic (video) and static (images), to better understand how medium type impacts food cue response.

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  • The study investigates the relationship between various tobacco products and asthma in young adults (18-39 years old) who do not have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), using data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study.
  • No tobacco product, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, showed a clear link to the prevalence or incidence of asthma among the participants, although combustible tobacco and cigarettes were linked to poorer asthma control in those already diagnosed.
  • Sensitivity analyses suggested that when older adults or those with both asthma and COPD were included, or when adjustments for other smoke exposures were removed, some associations between tobacco use and asthma incidence appeared.
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Background: Reddit is a popular social media platform that has faced scrutiny for inflammatory language against those with obesity, yet there has been no comprehensive analysis of its obesity-related content.

Objective: We aimed to quantify the presence of 4 types of obesity-related content on Reddit (misinformation, facts, stigma, and positivity) and identify psycholinguistic features that may be enriched within each one.

Methods: All sentences (N=764,179) containing "obese" or "obesity" from top-level comments (n=689,447) made on non-age-restricted subreddits (ie, smaller communities within Reddit) between 2011 and 2019 that contained one of a series of keywords were evaluated.

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