Publications by authors named "Jenifer C Braley"

Extraction of polar molecules by amphiphilic species results in a complex variety of clusters whose topologies and energetics control phase behavior and efficiency of liquid-liquid separations. A computational approach including quantum mechanical vibrational frequency calculations and molecular dynamics simulation with intermolecular network theory is used to provide a robust assessment of extractant and polar solute association through hydrogen bonding in the tributyl phosphate (TBP)/HNO/HO/dodecane system for the first time. The distribution of local topologies of the TBP/HNO/HO hydrogen bonded clusters is shown to be consistent with an equilibrium binding model.

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Diffusion nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to find the interaggregate interactions and sizes of tributyl phosphate (TBP) aggregates containing varying concentrations of uranium or zirconium and HNO in an n-dodecane diluent. The average diffusion coefficients of TBP species were measured using a pulsed-field gradient stimulated echo experiment with a longitudinal eddy-current delay (STE-LED). Interaggregate interactions were determined by measuring the diffusion coefficient of TBP in a sample after a series of dilutions with n-dodecane.

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Separation of americium from the lanthanides is considered one of the most difficult separation steps in closing the nuclear fuel cycle. One approach to this separation could involve oxidizing americium to the hexavalent state to form a linear dioxo cation while the lanthanides remain as trivalent ions. This work considers aqueous soluble Cu periodate as an oxidant under molar nitric acid conditions to separate hexavalent Am with diamyl amylphosphonate (DAAP) in n-dodecane.

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A molecular dynamics model for tributyl phosphate (TBP) and diamyl amyl phosphonate (DAAP) is presented using the Generalized AMBER Force Field (GAFF) and the AM1-BCC method for calculated atomic charges with a modification to the phosphorus-containing dihedral parameters. The density and average molecular dipole in a neat liquid simulation, and dimerization in dodecane and octane diluents, compare favorably to experimental values. At low extractant concentration, investigation of the dimer structure reveals the offset "head-to-head" orientation as the predominant structure over a range of TBP and DAAP concentrations with a phosphoryl oxygen separation distance between dimerized extractants of 3-5.

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Removing phosphate from alkaline high-level waste sludges at the Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Washington State is necessary to increase the waste loading in the borosilicate glass waste form that will be used to immobilize the highly radioactive fraction of these wastes. We are developing a process which first leaches phosphate from the high-level waste solids with aqueous sodium hydroxide, and then isolates the phosphate by precipitation with calcium oxide. Tests with actual tank waste confirmed that this process is an effective method of phosphate removal from the sludge and offers an additional option for managing the phosphorus in the Hanford tank waste solids.

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