Publications by authors named "Jeffrey R"

Chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy is limited by cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and neurotoxicity (NT). We sought to use once-daily prophylactic anakinra, an IL-1R antagonist, to prevent CRS/NT that would require hospitalization (grade 2 or higher) in patients receiving axicabtagene ciloleucel for large cell lymphoma, with the goal of facilitating outpatient therapy and management. Our study (ClinicalTrials.

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Background: The Symptom Checklist (SCL) developed by the Health Behaviour in School‑aged Children (HBSC) study is widely used to capture the psychosomatic complaints (PSC) of non-clinical children and adolescents. Although its psychometric properties have been well established internationally, the performance of the Mandarin Chinese version remains unclear. This study evaluates the Mandarin Chinese HBSC-SCL's psychometric properties, develops its norm, and creates the corresponding scoring algorithm.

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Machine learning (ML) models now play a crucial role in predicting properties essential to drug development, such as a drug's logscale acid-dissociation constant (p). Despite recent architectural advances, these models often generalize poorly to novel compounds due to a scarcity of ground-truth data. Further, these models lack interpretability.

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Introduction Acute appendicitis is a common reason for acute abdominal pain. It has a high perforation rate of 20%. Diagnosis of acute appendicitis is usually through well-known clinical signs and symptoms.

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Background: Foetal and early childhood development contributes to the risk of adult non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease. We aimed to investigate whether kidney size at birth is associated with markers of kidney function at 7-11 years.

Methods: Foetal kidney dimensions were measured using ultrasound scans at 34 weeks gestation and used to derive kidney volume (cm) in 1802 participants in the Born in Bradford (BiB) birth cohort.

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Background: The most used pancreatic cancer (PC) resectability criteria are descriptive in nature or based solely on dichotomous degree of involvement (< 180° or > 180°) of vessels, which allows for a high degree of subjectivity and inconsistency.

Methods: Radiographic measurements of the circumferential degree and length of tumor contact with major peripancreatic vessels were retrospectively obtained from pre-treatment multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) images from PC patients treated between 2001 and 2015 at two large academic institutions. Arterial and venous scores were calculated for each patient, then tested for a correlation with tumor resection and R0 resection.

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Endstage kidney failure rates are higher in South Asians than in White Europeans. Low birth weight is associated with adult chronic kidney disease and is more common in South Asians. Foetal kidney size was smaller in South Asians in the Born in Bradford (BiB) birth cohort.

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Many uterine abnormalities present clinically with bleeding encompassing a broad spectrum of patients from postmenopausal spotting to life-threatening hemorrhage. Color and spectral Doppler imaging of the pelvis is often the first crucial investigation used to quickly establish the correct etiology of the uterine bleeding and guide clinical decision making and patient management.

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Purpose: To identify early sonographic features of gangrenous cholecystitis.

Materials And Methods: 101 patients with acute cholecystitis and a pre-operative sonogram were retrospectively reviewed by three radiologists in this IRB-approved and HIPAA-compliant study. Imaging data were correlated with histologic findings and compared using the Fisher's exact test or Student t test with p < 0.

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: To differentiate oncocytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC) using radiomics features computed from spherical samples of image regions of interest, "radiomic biopsies" (RBs). : In a retrospective cohort study of 102 CT cases [68 males (67%), 34 females (33%); mean age ± SD, ], we pathology-confirmed 42 oncocytomas (41%) and 60 chromophobes (59%). A board-certified radiologist performed two RB rounds.

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Objective: The cell block (CB) is an important adjunct to cytological preparations in diagnostic cytopathology. Optimizing cellular material in the CB is essential to the success of ancillary studies such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) and molecular studies (MS). Our aim was to identify which CB method was most suitable in a variety of specimen types and levels of cellularity.

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Purpose: To determine whether multiphasic dual-energy (DE) CT iodine quantitation correlates with the severity of chronic liver disease.

Methods: We retrospectively included 40 cirrhotic and 28 non-cirrhotic patients who underwent a multiphasic liver protocol DECT. All three phases (arterial, portal venous (PVP), and equilibrium) were performed in DE mode.

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Diagnostic criteria for acute appendicitis using graded compression sonography have been well established based on the maximum outer diameter (MOD) of the appendix, with MOD values of <6 mm nearly always indicating normal appendices and MOD values of >8 mm nearly always indicating appendicitis. However, the "borderline-size" appendix, meaning one whose MOD lies between these ranges (ie, an appendix with MOD of 6-8 mm), presents a diagnostic dilemma because appendices in this size range are neither clearly normal nor abnormal when diagnosis is based on the MOD alone; accordingly, such borderline MOD values are diagnostically equivocal, and sonographic diagnosis must rely on sonographic findings other than the MOD. The goal of this review was to examine the additional sonographic findings that can add specificity and help enable an accurate diagnosis to be made in patients with borderline-size appendices.

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Environmental enrichment (EE) is one experimental manipulation that induces changes in the brain. However, it is important to distinguish between physical and social components of enrichment. To this end we established four groups of rats reared in different enriched environments during the adolescent period.

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Objectives: To test the hypothesis that abutting and encasing types of hyperechoic periappendiceal fat are specific sonographic indicators of appendicitis in pediatric patients, including individuals with maximum outer diameters (MODs) of 6 to 8 mm in whom diagnosis by the MOD alone is known to be equivocal.

Methods: Appendiceal sonograms of 271 consecutive pediatric patients were retrospectively evaluated for hyperechoic periappendiceal fat (globular, ≥1.0 cm; categorized as type 0, none; type 1, "abutting," encompassing <180° of the appendiceal circumference; or type 2, "encasing," encompassing 180° or more of the appendiceal circumference) and the MOD.

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Over the last decade India and Brazil implemented waste policy reforms to tackle the constraints of their waste management. This study compares those reforms using the methodological framework proposed by Wilson where waste policy evolves through a series of subsequent stages, depending on two aspects: local circumstances; and stakeholders' groups. The current research is exploratory in its scope, adopting this method to describe, compare and evaluate both Indian and Brazilian cases, and also verifying how the model performs when applied to developing countries.

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Purpose: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of DECT versus multiphasic CT and MRI for characterizing small incidentally detected indeterminate renal lesions using a Markov Monte Carlo decision-analytic model.

Background: Incidental renal lesions are commonly encountered due to the increasing utilization of medical imaging and the increasing prevalence of renal lesions with age. Currently recommended imaging modalities to further characterize incidental indeterminate renal lesions have some inherent drawbacks.

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Objective: To determine the frequency of elevated peak systolic proper hepatic artery velocity (HAV) in patients with acute cholangitis and to determine the diagnostic performance of this metric relative to existing criteria.

Methods: Between 9/2016 and 11/2017, 107 patients clinically suspected to have cholangitis were referred for an abdominal ultrasound. Of these, 56 patients had HAV measurements and were included in the final analysis.

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Introduction: The number of institutions engaging in research with potentially biohazardous materials has increased, indicating a need for newly formed Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs) in the United States and for similar biorisk management committees located outside the United States. Our institution identified the need for an IBC due to the growth of pertinent activities on campus.

Objectives: This article shares our experiences creating a new IBC at our institution from September 2017 to April 2019.

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Objective: To quantitatively assess the probability of tumor resection based on measurements of tumor contact with the major peripancreatic vessels.

Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of pancreatic cancer patients treated between January 2001 and December 2015 in a single academic comprehensive cancer center. Radiographic measurements of the circumferential degree and length of solid tumor contact with major peripancreatic vessels were obtained from diagnostic pancreatic protocol computed tomography images and tested for correlation with tumor resection and margin status.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the utility of peak systolic proper hepatic artery velocity (HAV) in differentiating causes of severely elevated liver function tests. HAV, hepatic artery resistive index and portal vein velocity of 41 patients with severely elevated liver function tests were evaluated. In 19 patients (46%), the causes were structural (e.

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Purpose: To analyze CT signs of bowel ischemia in patients with surgical bowel obstruction, and thereby improve CT diagnosis in this common clinical scenario. Surgical and histopathological findings were used as the reference standard.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed CT findings in patients brought to surgery for bowel obstruction over 13 years.

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Purpose: To determine the diagnostic performance of the "central echogenic area" sonographic finding in differentiating papillary carcinomas from benign nodules and to how this finding may be used to improve fine needle aspiration(FNA) technique/utilization.

Materials And Methods: We retrospectively analyzed ultrasound guided FNAs of thyroid nodules between 1 and 3 cm for central echogenic areas. 92 patients (evenly distributed benign vs papillary carcinoma) were evaluated by a blinded reader for areas of non-shadowing homogenously echogenic centers within the nodules and correlated with FNA proven pathologic diagnosis.

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