J Am Acad Psychiatry Law
September 2022
Although individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders (ND), such as intellectual disability (ID) and autism, are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, most psychiatry training is limited regarding NDs, and forensic psychiatry training tends to focus on psychotic and mood disorders. This article explores the complex interactions between NDs and criminality, including direct etiological explanations and potential mediating variables (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince the Tarasoff case of 1976, mental health professionals are recognized to have a "duty to protect" third-party targets from violence-threatening patients, but little is known about what happens after clinicians warn law enforcement. In 2000, Huber et al. published a study that surveyed Michigan police about "Tarasoff warnings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common among psychiatric and criminal populations, yet there have been few studies among forensic psychiatric populations and no known studies have specifically examined insanity acquittees. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of trauma and to assess recognition of PTSD in forensic settings. Using a cross-sectional self-report survey methodology, we examined traumas, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and PTSD in insanity acquittees ( = 107).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn March 2015, a co-pilot flying Germanwings Flight 9525 deliberately pointed his airplane into a descent, killing himself, five other crew members, and 144 passengers. Subsequent investigation and review teams examined the incident and considered potential lessons to maximize air safety. In this article, aviation industry clinical leaders, including the U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInnov Clin Neurosci
February 2018
While post-stroke depression (PSD) is a common sequelae of stroke, many stroke survivors also have expressive aphasia (i.e., the inability to produce spoken or written language), which limits or prevents treating depression with talk psychotherapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis review discusses risks, benefits, and alternatives in patients already taking benzodiazepines when care transfers to a new clinician. Prescribers have the decision-sometimes mutually agreed-upon and sometimes unilateral-to continue, discontinue, or change treatment. This decision should be made based on evidence-based indications (conditions and timeframes), comorbidities, potential drug-drug interactions, and evidence of adverse effects, misuse, abuse, dependence, or diversion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBenzodiazepines are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world. These sedative-hypnotics can provide rapid relief for symptoms like anxiety and insomnia, but are also linked to a variety of adverse effects (whether used long-term, short-term, or as needed). Many patients take benzodiazepines long-term without ever receiving evidence-based first-line treatments (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough it is well known that different trauma histories can uniquely affect subsequent trauma-related symptoms, this is the first study to evaluate individual posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSSs) in relation to trauma type and timing. This cross-sectional study surveyed a consecutive sample of mental health outpatients (n = 602), using regression to estimate associations between DSM-5 PTSSs and demographics, several trauma types, and age at first trauma in those with trauma (n = 367). Combat and sexual trauma were associated with worse total PTSS severity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose Of Review: Since 1980, posttraumatic stress (PTS) disorder has been controversial because of its origin as a social construct, its discriminating trauma definition, and the Procrustean array of symptoms/clusters chosen for inclusion/exclusion. This review summarizes the history of trauma-related nosology and proposed changes, within current categorical models (trauma definitions, symptoms/clusters, subtypes/specifiers, disorders) and new models.
Recent Findings: Considering that trauma is a risk factor for virtually all mental disorders (particularly depressive, anxiety, dissociative, personality), the multi-finality of trauma (some survivors are resilient, and some develop PTS and/or non-PTS symptoms), and the various symptoms that trauma survivors express (mood, cognitive, perceptual, somatic), it is difficult to classify PTS.
Objective: Olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic, is associated with glucoregulatory abnormalities, but the nature of this link is not fully elucidated. This is the first olanzapine oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) study to consider treatment dose and duration, and to compare complementary indices respectively assessing insulin sensitivity (Matsuda index) and resistance (homeostasis model assessment).
Methods: Body mass index (BMI), body composition, plasma lipids, and oGTT were measured in olanzapine-treated nondiabetic patients with DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (n = 35).
JAMA Psychiatry
November 2016
Am J Psychother
January 2017
The concept of earned security is important and has significant implications for psychotherapy. Understanding how individuals with insecure attachment styles can develop secure attachment styles through reparative relationships, such as the therapeutic relationship, can assist psychotherapists in helping patients to overcome the effects of early negative life experiences. Personality disorders are commonly associated with negative experiences, such as abuse, neglect, and other empathic failures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Trauma is commonly associated with substance-related problems, yet associations between specific substances and specific posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSSs) are understudied. We hypothesized that substance-related problems are associated with PTSS severities, interpersonal traumas, and benzodiazepine prescriptions.
Methods: Using a cross-sectional survey methodology in a consecutive sample of adult outpatients with trauma histories (n = 472), we used logistic regression to examine substance-related problems in general (primary, confirmatory analysis), as well as alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug problems specifically (secondary, exploratory analyses) in relation to demographics, trauma type, PTSSs, and benzodiazepine prescriptions.
While psychiatric disorders are common among juvenile delinquents, many mental health problems go undetected, increasing the likelihood for persistent difficulties. This is the first known study to examine mental health referral rates and recidivism in the juvenile justice system. In addition to the study, we review juvenile justice mental health screening to improve detection and treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis review addresses how changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) criteria has the potential to affect the care and careers of those who have served in the military, where the diagnosis often determines fitness for duty and veterans' benefits. PTSD criteria changes were intended to integrate new knowledge acquired since previous DSM editions. Many believe the changes will improve diagnosis and treatment, but some worry these could have negative clinical, occupational, and legal consequences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Although benzodiazepines (BZDs) are commonly used in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), no systematic review or meta-analysis has specifically examined this treatment. The goal of this study was to analyze and summarize evidence concerning the efficacy of BZDs in treating PTSD.
Methods: The review protocol was undertaken according to the principles recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and is registered with the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews (http://www.