Publications by authors named "Jeffrey Emenheiser"

Nonlinear dynamical systems with symmetries exhibit a rich variety of behaviors, often described by complex attractor-basin portraits and enhanced and suppressed bifurcations. Symmetry arguments provide a way to study these collective behaviors and to simplify their analysis. The Koopman operator is an infinite dimensional linear operator that fully captures a system's nonlinear dynamics through the linear evolution of functions of the state space.

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Synchronization of oscillators, a phenomenon found in a wide variety of natural and engineered systems, is typically understood through a reduction to a first-order phase model with simplified dynamics. Here, by exploiting the precision and flexibility of nanoelectromechanical systems, we examined the dynamics of a ring of quasi-sinusoidal oscillators at and beyond first order. Beyond first order, we found exotic states of synchronization with highly complex dynamics, including weak chimeras, decoupled states, traveling waves, and inhomogeneous synchronized states.

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The partial information decomposition (PID) is a promising framework for decomposing a joint random variable into the amount of influence each source variable X i has on a target variable , relative to the other sources. For two sources, influence breaks down into the information that both X 0 and X 1 redundantly share with , what X 0 uniquely shares with , what X 1 uniquely shares with , and finally what X 0 and X 1 synergistically share with . Unfortunately, considerable disagreement has arisen as to how these four components should be quantified.

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We study the synchronizability of duplex networks formed by two randomly generated network layers with different patterns of interlayer node connections. According to the master stability function, we use the smallest nonzero eigenvalue and the eigenratio between the largest and the second smallest eigenvalues of supra-Laplacian matrices to characterize synchronizability on various duplexes. We find that the interlayer linking weight and linking fraction have a profound impact on synchronizability of duplex networks.

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Following the long-lived qualitative-dynamics tradition of explaining behavior in complex systems via the architecture of their attractors and basins, we investigate the patterns of switching between distinct trajectories in a network of synchronized oscillators. Our system, consisting of nonlinear amplitude-phase oscillators arranged in a ring topology with reactive nearest-neighbor coupling, is simple and connects directly to experimental realizations. We seek to understand how the multiple stable synchronized states connect to each other in state space by applying Gaussian white noise to each of the oscillators' phases.

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Public opinion is often affected by the presence of committed groups of individuals dedicated to competing points of view. Using a model of pairwise social influence, we study how the presence of such groups within social networks affects the outcome and the speed of evolution of the overall opinion on the network. Earlier work indicated that a single committed group within a dense social network can cause the entire network to quickly adopt the group's opinion (in times scaling logarithmically with the network size), so long as the committed group constitutes more than about 10% of the population (with the findings being qualitatively similar for sparse networks as well).

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