For the present study, 15 species of pigeons representing the 5 sub-families usually recognized, and 3 species of sandgrouse were examined. The skeleton and musculature of the bill and hyoid apparatus are described. Morpho-functional analyses show that from a key adaptation to the removal and deglutition (without processing) of attached plant items, pigeons would have followed two pathways, one based on the joint muscular control of the movement of the jaws (Columbinae, Treroninae, Gourinae), the other on the separate muscular control (Didunculinae, Otidiphabinae).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol
September 2007
Locomotion in terrestrial vertebrates is supposed to be derived from preadaptation in bottom-dwelling fish. A few fish species have been assumed to walk on the substratum, on the basis of coordinated movements of their paired fins. However, the validity of this assumption has remained uncertain, because of a lack of evidence that their fin rays actually exert a force on the substratum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany studies of interest in motor behaviour and motor impairment in mice use equally treadmill or track as a routine test. However, the literature in mammals shows a wide difference of results between the kinematics of treadmill and overground locomotion. To study these discrepancies, we analyzed the locomotion of adult SWISS-OF1 mice over a large range of velocities using treadmill and overground track.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study compares the forefoot and hindfoot musculature of five representative species of Cavioidea rodents. In all species, the musculature of both forefeet and hindfeet have the same array regardless of the absence of digit I in the manus of Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and Cavia porcellus. Our results suggest a tendency in these species towards a three-digit system, with a functional loss of digit V and a predominance of digit III in their forefeet.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe analysed spatial and temporal characteristics of mouse locomotion and investigated whether mouse gait differed between strains and environments. To this end, we used two inbred strains of mice (BALB/cByJ and C57BL/6J) known for their contrasting inherent level of anxiety, in three different visual surroundings. The animal position was determined relative to each environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol
November 2004
The gaits of the adult SWISS mice during treadmill locomotion at velocities ranging from 15 to 85 cm s(-1) have been analysed using a high-speed video camera combined with cinefluoroscopic equipment. The sequences of locomotion were analysed to determine the various space and time parameters of limb kinematics. We found that velocity adjustments are accounted for differently by the stride frequency and the stride length if the animal showed a symmetrical or an asymmetrical gait.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study contrasts available biological data and results of morphofunctional analyses of the bill and hyoid apparatus in motmots. It shows that these omnivorous birds, which take relatively large food items, possess osteomuscular peculiarities that enable them to process these items as a whole in order to soften or cut them, and make them suited for easy ingestion. For that, they use the crenate edges of their rhamphotheca.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper suggests three additions to the Hildebrand method for gait-pattern specification. The first allows an extension of this method by the use of the forelimb as reference. Thus, dataset could be gathered indifferently from fore or hindlimbs cycles to identify a symmetrical gait or compare gaits of diverse species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe hoatzin remains one of the most enigmatic birds. A morphofunctional analysis of its bill and hyoid apparatus throws new light on its feeding adaptation as well as on its systematic relationships. Bony and muscular skull, rhamphotheca, palate, and hyoid apparatus were described in details.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFore- and hindlimb muscles were dissected in four species of Lipotyphla: the western European hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus (Erinaceidae, Erinaceinae); the moonrat Echinosorex gymnura (Erinaceidae, Hylomyinae or Galericinae); the tailless tenrec Tenrec ecaudatus (Tenrecidae, Tenrecinae); and the common European white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula (Soricidae, Soricinae). This work completely reviews the limb musculature of these walking mammals. Twelve myological characters were evaluated in order to disclose phylogenetic relationships.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA detailed description of muscular and skeletal features of the pelvi-cloacal region of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus reveals that the species has real hind limbs articulating with a real pelvic girdle. Arguments support this homology: 1) a link with the vertebral column; 2) a movable articulation, showing all the features of a diarthrosis, between the femur and the acetabulum; 3) all the long bone characteristics for the femur which distally bears a horny element. The morphological peculiarities of the amphisbaenian pelvic girdle are generally close to those of lizards, but the pubis seems to be more reduced.
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