Publications by authors named "Jayasankar Pillai"

Background: Odontogenic tumors constitute a rare group of lesions with diverse characteristics originating from tooth-forming tissues, primarily within the maxillofacial region. Variations in incidence across populations in India and with changes incorporated in successive World Health Organization (WHO) classifications, necessitate continued research to understand their epidemiology.

Objective: This retrospective study aims to provide an extensive analysis of Odontogenic tumors reported in a dental institute in Gujarat, India, using the 5 edition of the WHO classification.

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Background: Evaluation of maxillary width holds significant clinical importance in identifying developmental abnormalities, aiding in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, providing ethnicity-specific data, and supporting forensic applications. Still, research on maxillary growth in transverse dimension is limited due to a lack of standardized diagnostic criteria and methods for defining normalcy. Addressing these gaps, this study aimed to establish a standard transverse maxillary dimension using the intermolar (IMW)-to-intercanine (ICW) width ratio determined on a large, homogeneous sample of dental Class I well-aligned arches with Little's irregularity index 1 or 2 across India.

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Context: Age estimation is one of the prime requisites in forensic human identification cases and the criminal justice system. There are several age estimation methods using dental parameters. A method proposed by Mincer .

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Forensic science corresponds to the employment of science to the law or legal matters. One of the major concerns of legal system is to deduce the recognition of an item or individual, involved in crime for which forensic expert plays a pivotal role. Forensic odontology, a budding branch in dentistry, involves the application of dentistry to the legal system.

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Background: Dermatoglyphics play an important role in the identification of a person as well as identifying a person with a genetic abnormality. Hence, the present study was conducted with an aim to explore the association between the fingerprint patterns and oral potentially malignant disorders, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), individuals with habit and without lesion and the control group.

Materials And Methods: A cross-sectional study comprising of 100 individuals divided into 5 groups with 20 individuals in each group based on their habit and the presence of oral lesions.

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Background: The developmental stages of the teeth in the radiographs are graded on an ordinal scale. The present study was conducted using 123 digital orthopantomograms from individuals in the age group of 5 to 22 years and to analyze and evaluate the inter-observer agreement in grading the developmental stages of second and third molars. Four observers with different levels of practical experience in age estimation participated in the study.

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Context: The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and was declared a pandemic disease by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. The nasopharyngeal and the oropharyngeal swabs are being taken during the screening procedure. However, the virus is also present in the oral bio-fluid and hence it could be a potential tool for screening COVID-19 cases.

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The importance and the application of dental science and forensic odontology in the legal system are gradually increasing in India. In a long-term vision, there is a need for a specialized forensic training curriculum not only for the undergraduate and postgraduate dental students but also for the experienced dental surgeons. Dental experts opinion is sought most commonly in forensic casework of human identification, age estimation, and sexual assault cases with patterned injury, by the legal and forensic authorities.

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Introduction: Palatal rugae are irregular and nonidentical mucosal elevations seen on the anterior third of palate. They are arranged in transverse direction on either side of the median palatine raphe (MPR) and are protected from high temperature and trauma because of their rational position in the oral cavity. Their number and patterns are not uniform in all the individuals, and they appear to vary in different population subsets.

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Background: Malocclusion in the vertical and sagittal planes is easy to observe whereas it is difficult to diagnose malocclusion in the transverse plane. There are yet no criteria defining a normal transverse occlusion.

Aim: The aim of this study was to identify a ratio that defines a normal transverse occlusion.

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Background: Heat shock proteins-47 (HSP47) is a collagen specific molecular chaperone, involved in the processing and/or secretion of procollagen. It seems to be regularly upregulated in various fibrotic or collagen disorders. Hence, this protein can be a potential target for the treatment of various fibrotic diseases including oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), which is a collagen metabolic disorder of oral cavity and whose etiopathogeneic mechanism and therapeutic protocols are still not well documented.

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An unusual case of oronasal fistulla of infective origin in a patient with a previous history of aplastic anemia and cancrum oris is discussed here in this report. As the general condition of the patient was not favouring the surgical closure, an obturator was fabricated and inserted to relieve the problems of regurgitation of food and fluids into the nasal cavity.

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