During medical image analysis, it is often useful to align (or 'normalize') a given image of a given body part to a representative standard (or 'template') of that body part. The impact that brain templates have had on the analysis of brain images highlights the importance of templates in general. However, templates for human hands do not exist.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn real life, we often have to make judgements under uncertainty. One such judgement task is estimating the probability of a given event based on uncertain evidence for the event, such as estimating the chances of actual fire when the fire alarm goes off. On the one hand, previous studies have shown that human subjects often significantly misestimate the probability in such cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen searching a visual image that contains multiple target objects of interest, human subjects often show a satisfaction of search (SOS) effect, whereby if the subjects find one target, they are less likely to find additional targets in the image. Reducing SOS or, equivalently, subsequent search miss (SSM), is of great significance in many real-world situations where it is of paramount importance to find all targets in a given image, not just one. However, studies have shown that even highly trained and experienced subjects, such as expert radiologists, are subject to SOS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany studies have shown that using a computer-aided detection (CAD) system does not significantly improve diagnostic accuracy in radiology, possibly because radiologists fail to interpret the CAD results properly. We tested this possibility using screening mammography as an illustrative example. We carried out two experiments, one using 28 practicing radiologists, and a second one using 25 non-professional subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen making decisions under uncertainty, human subjects do not always act as rational decision makers, but often resort to one or more mental "shortcuts", or heuristics, to arrive at a decision. How do such "top-down" processes affect real-world decisions that must take into account empirical, "bottom-up" sensory evidence? Here we use recognition of camouflaged objects by expert viewers as an exemplar case to demonstrate that the effect of heuristics can be so strong as to override the empirical evidence in favor of heuristic information, even though the latter is random. We provided the viewers a random number that we told them was the estimate of a drone reconnaissance system of the probability that the visual image they were about to see contained a camouflaged target.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen making decisions under uncertainty, people in all walks of life, including highly trained medical professionals, tend to resort to using 'mental shortcuts', or heuristics. Anchoring-and-adjustment (AAA) is a well-known heuristic in which subjects reach a judgment by starting from an initial internal judgment ('anchored position') based on available external information ('anchoring information') and adjusting it until they are satisfied. We studied the effects of the AAA heuristic during diagnostic decision-making in mammography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCamouflage-breaking is a special case of visual search where an object of interest, or target, can be hard to distinguish from the background even when in plain view. We have previously shown that naive, non-professional subjects can be trained using a deep learning paradigm to accurately perform a camouflage-breaking task in which they report whether or not a given camouflage scene contains a target. But it remains unclear whether such expert subjects can actually detect the target in this task, or just vaguely sense that the two classes of images are somehow different, without being able to find the target per se.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe scientific, clinical, and pedagogical significance of devising methodologies to train nonprofessional subjects to recognize diagnostic visual patterns in medical images has been broadly recognized. However, systematic approaches to doing so remain poorly established. Using mammography as an exemplar case, we use a series of experiments to demonstrate that deep learning (DL) techniques can, in principle, be used to train naïve subjects to reliably detect certain diagnostic visual patterns of cancer in medical images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Comput Neurosci
March 2019
Front Young Minds
January 2019
We have all have experienced the frustration of looking for something we want, only to find a seemingly endless series of things we do not want. This process of looking for an object of interest is called visual search. We perform visual search all the time in everyday life, because the objects we want are almost always surrounded by many other objects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Neuroinform
November 2018
Making clinical decisions based on medical images is fundamentally an exercise in statistical decision-making. This is because in this case, the decision-maker must distinguish between image features that are clinically diagnostic (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn everyday life, we rely on human experts to make a variety of complex decisions, such as medical diagnoses. These decisions are typically made through some form of weakly guided learning, a form of learning in which decision expertise is gained through labeled examples rather than explicit instructions. Expert decisions can significantly affect people other than the decision-maker (for example, teammates, clients, or patients), but may seem cryptic and mysterious to them.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe last three decades have seen major strides in our understanding of neural mechanisms of high-level vision, or visual cognition of the world around us. Vision has also served as a model system for the study of brain function. Several broad insights, as yet incomplete, have recently emerged.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor scientific, clinical, and machine learning purposes alike, it is desirable to quantify the verbal reports of high-level visual percepts. Methods to do this simply do not exist at present. Here we propose a novel methodological principle to help fill this gap, and provide empirical evidence designed to serve as the initial "proof" of this principle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to quantitatively study object perception, be it perception by biological systems or by machines, one needs to create objects and object categories with precisely definable, preferably naturalistic, properties. Furthermore, for studies on perceptual learning, it is useful to create novel objects and object categories (or object classes) with such properties. Many innovative and useful methods currently exist for creating novel objects and object categories (also see refs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHow does the visual system recognize a camouflaged object? Obviously, the brain cannot afford to learn all possible camouflaged scenes or target objects. However, it may learn the general statistical properties of backgrounds of interest, which would enable it to break camouflage by comparing the statistics of a background with a target versus the statistics of the same background without a target. To determine whether the brain uses this strategy, we digitally created novel camouflaged scenes that had only the general statistical properties of the background in common.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Comput Neurosci
August 2012
Visual appearance of natural objects is profoundly affected by viewing conditions such as viewpoint and illumination. Human subjects can nevertheless compensate well for variations in these viewing conditions. The strategies that the visual system uses to accomplish this are largely unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Hum Neurosci
October 2012
Theoretical studies suggest that the visual system uses prior knowledge of visual objects to recognize them in visual clutter, and posit that the strategies for recognizing objects in clutter may differ depending on whether or not the object was learned in clutter to begin with. We tested this hypothesis using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of human subjects. We trained subjects to recognize naturalistic, yet novel objects in strong or weak clutter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen one visual object moves behind another, the object farther from the viewer is progressively occluded and/or disoccluded by the nearer object. For nearly half a century, this dynamic occlusion cue has been thought to be sufficient by itself for determining the relative depth of the two objects. This view is consistent with the self-evident geometric fact that the surface undergoing dynamic occlusion is always farther from the viewer than the occluding surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen we perceive a visual object, we implicitly or explicitly associate it with an object category we know. Recent research has shown that the visual system can use local, informative image fragments of a given object, rather than the whole object, to classify it into a familiar category. We have previously reported, using human psychophysical studies, that when subjects learn new object categories using whole objects, they incidentally learn informative fragments, even when not required to do so.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensory information in the retinal image is typically too ambiguous to support visual object recognition by itself. Theories of visual disambiguation posit that to disambiguate, and thus interpret, the incoming images, the visual system must integrate the sensory information with previous knowledge of the visual world. However, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUpon prolonged viewing of a sinusoidal grating, the visual system is selectively desensitized to the spatial frequency of the grating, while the sensitivity to other spatial frequencies remains largely unaffected. This technique, known as pattern adaptation, has been so central to the psychophysical study of the mechanisms of spatial vision that it is sometimes referred to as the "psychologist's microelectrode." While this approach implicitly assumes that the adaptation behavior of the system is diagnostic of the corresponding underlying neural mechanisms, this assumption has never been explicitly tested.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHow do we see an object when it is partially obstructed from view? The neural mechanisms of this intriguing process are unclear, in part because studies of visual object perception heretofore have largely used stimuli of individual objects, such as faces or common inanimate objects, each presented alone. But in natural images, visual objects are typically occluded by other objects. Computational studies indicate that the perception of an occluded object requires processes that are substantially different from those for an unoccluded object in plain view.
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