Inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of the electron is a very important parameter for quantitative analysis of several electron spectroscopies and transport properties. In spite of being a fundamental material property, its experimental determination is not trivial due to complexity of the various electron scattering processes in matter. In this report, we demonstrate a procedure to determine the IMFP of 300 keV electrons in GaN, using the log-ratio technique where the local specimen thickness needs to be accurately known.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrathin ferroelectric semiconductors with high charge carrier mobility are much coveted systems for the advancement of various electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, in traditional oxide ferroelectric insulators, the ferroelectric transition temperature decreases drastically with decreasing material thickness and ceases to exist below certain critical thickness owing to depolarizing fields. Herein, we show the emergence of an ordered ferroelectric ground state in ultrathin (∼2 nm) single crystalline nanosheets of BiOSe at room temperature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGas sensors at low operating temperature with high sensitivity require group III nitrides owing to their high chemical and thermal stabilities. For the first time, Al0.07Ga0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
November 2017
Point sources exhibit low threshold electron emission due to local field enhancement at the tip. In the case of silicon, however, the realization of tip emitters has been hampered by unwanted oxidation, limiting the number of emission sites and the overall current. In contrast to this, here, we report the fascinating low threshold (∼0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeterojunction nanorods having dissimilar semiconductors possess charge transfer (CT) properties and are proposed as active elements in optoelectronic systems. Herein, we describe the synthetic methodologies for controlling the charge carrier recombination dynamics in CdSe-CdTe heterojunction nanorods through the precise growth of CdTe segment from one of the tips of CdSe nanorods. The location of heterojunction was established through a point-by-point collection of the energy-dispersive X-ray spectra using scanning transmission electron microscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWaste heat sources are generally diffused and provide a range of temperatures rather than a particular temperature. Thus, thermoelectric waste heat to electricity conversion requires a high average thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT ) of materials over the entire working temperature along with a high peak thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT ). Herein an ultrahigh ZT of 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSurface free energy, as an intrinsic property, is essential in determining the morphology of materials, but it is extremely difficult to determine experimentally. We report on the derivation of the SE of different facets of ZnO and GaN experimentally from the holes developed using electron beam drilling with transmission electron microscopy. Inverse Wullf's construction is employed to obtain polar maps of the SE of different facets to study different nanomaterials (ZnO and GaN) in different morphologies (nanorod, nanobelt and thin film) to prove its versatility and capability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe island nucleation in the context of heterogeneous thin film growth is often complicated by the growth kinetics involved in the subsequent thermodynamics. We show how the evolution of sputtered Zn island nucleation on Si(111) by magnetron sputtering in a large area can be completely understood as a model system by combining reflective second harmonic generation (RSHG), a 2D pole figure with synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Zn dots are then oxidized on the surfaces when exposed to the atmosphere as Zn/ZnO dots.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe important problem of how to generate lateral order for ion implantation patterning of substrates is solved by using a nanoporous anodic alumina membrane as a mask. Co and Pt implantation is used at two implantation doses. In order to observe the achieved implantation zones free from artifacts, electron transparent thin nitride and oxide films are used as substrates, which allows the quality of pattern transfer from the mask to the thin film to be assessed by plan-view transmission electron microscopy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLithium fluoride crystals were subjected to electron beam irradiation at 200 and 300 keV using transmission electron microscopy in order to study in situ fabrication of Li nanostructures. We observed that LiF crystals decompose in a unique way different to all other metal halides: Fluorine ablation and salt-to-metal conversion is non-local and due to a rapid lateral diffusion of Li, the life cycle from nucleation to annihilation of fresh Li nano-crystals can be observed at a distance from the Li-source, the irradiated salt. Growth, shape transition and annihilation of Li nanostructures follow at slow enough speed for live video recording with resolution of 25 frames per second.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpatially patterned ion beam implantation of 190 keV Co(+) ions into a SiO(2) thin film on a Si substrate has been achieved by using nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide with a pore diameter of 125 nm as a mask. The successful synthesis of periodic embedded Co regions using pattern transfer is demonstrated for the first time using cross-sectional (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in combination with analytical TEM. Implanted Co regions are found at the correct relative lateral periodicity given by the mask and at a depth of about 120 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNano-ribbons and very small nanoparticles (size 2-5 nm) of SbPO4 doped with lanthanide ions (Ce3+ and Tb3+) are prepared at a relatively low temperature of 120 degrees C based on a solution method. Detailed vibrational and luminescence studies on these samples establish that these lanthanide ions are incorporated at Sb3+ site of the SbPO4 lattice. The excitation spectrum corresponding to the Tb3+ emission and the excited state lifetime of the 5D4 level of Tb3+ ions in the sample confirm the energy transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+ ions in the SbPO4 host.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Nanosci Nanotechnol
February 2010
The stability of embedded Indium (In) nanoclusters (NCs) in silica under thermal annealing and ion irradiation was investigated. The In NCs were prepared by implantation of 890 keV indium ions in silica matrix at room temperature. Post implantation annealing resulted in the shifting of the size distribution to higher side.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSilicon nanowires grown using the vapor-liquid-solid method are promising candidates for nanoelectronics applications. The nanowires grow from an Au-Si catalyst during silicon chemical vapor deposition. In this paper, the effect of temperature, oxide at the interface and substrate orientation on the nucleation and growth kinetics during formation of nanogold silicide structures is explained using an oxide mediated liquid-solid growth mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Nanosci Nanotechnol
February 2007
CdS nanorods with varying dimensions were synthesized by solvothermal process. It was observed that the anions present with the Cd-salts play an important role in determining the dimensions of the CdS nanorods. The crystalline nature of the sources was found to play a crucial role in determining the phase of the products.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNickel nanorods with diameters ranging from 5 to 10 nm, encapsulated inside the carbon nanotubes, are prepared using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) studies reveal the perfect crystalline nature of the rods with d-spacing closely matching the (111) interplanar spacing of Ni. The (111) planes of the Ni nanorods are always aligned at 39.
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