Publications by authors named "Javier Gonzalez-Martin-Moro"

This research describes the management of mandibular fractures in edentulous patients with atrophic mandibles and implant-retained overdentures, exploring etiologies and treatment options. : A retrospective study (January 2010-December 2023) was conducted on six patients from two hospitals (Hospital Gregorio Marañón y Hospital La Paz, Madrid). The data collected included fracture etiology, treatment type, and complications.

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Background: Oral cancer is the 11th most common type of cancer in the world, with established major risk factors as tobacco and alcohol, and recently included high-risk human papillomavirus types 16 and 18. HPV types 16 and 18 are the etiologic agents of cervical cancers and a proportion of oropharyngeal cancers. However, the picture of HPV and the clinical implications of oral cancers are not clear with most reports combining oral cancer data with head and neck cancers.

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Jacob disease is a rare entity consisting of the formation of a pseudojoint between the inner surface of the zygoma and the coronoid process. This requires constant contact between the two implicated surfaces. It can be achieved by two mechanisms: one by an enlarged coronoid process and two by an anterior displacement of the coronoid process caused by a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

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Factors associated with the potential for recurrence of keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOT) still remain to be clearly determined and no consensus exists concerning the management of KCOT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different clinical factors associated with KCOT and its treatment methods. A retrospective review was performed of 55 cases treated from 2001 to 2010.

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Diplopia is a very disturbing condition that has been reported as a complication of several surgical procedures. The following review aims to identify the ocular and nonocular surgical techniques more often associated with this undesirable result. Diplopia is reported as an adverse outcome of some neurosurgical procedures, dental procedures, endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery, and several ophthalmic procedures.

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We report the first case of syngnathia with hypophyseal duplication and describe the central nervous system (CNS) and craniofacial anomalies associated with hypophyseal duplication in the reported autopsy case. We studied clinical reports, scanner images, and autopsy results of a 2-months-old female baby. The propositus had frontonasal dysmorphism, retrognathia, and bifid tongue.

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Surgical treatment of benign diseases of the neck produces a cervicotomy scar. A modified rhytidectomy incision has been used since 2003 in our department in selected cases of parotid gland tumours. However, there is no mention in bibliography about using facelift approach for treatment of cervical diseases.

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Mucormycosis is a rare oportunistic infection typically described in diabetic patients with a ketoacidotic status, as well as neutropenic patients. The infection is caused by a group of saprophytic fungi of the class Phycomicetes, being the most frequent ones the Rhizomucor, Rhizopus and Mucor. Its hystological findings include vascular trombosis and tissue necrosis, predominantly in the rino-orbito-cerebral area.

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The appearance of an intraoral mass is common in our specialty. Most are benign lesions, but some are primary malignancies. Metastases account for less than 1% of all oral malignancies.

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