Unlabelled: Natural resource management networks cohere due to mutual dependencies and fragment, in part, due to the perceived risks of interaction. However, research on these networks has tended to accept coherence a priori rather than problematizing dependence, and few studies exist on interorganizational risk perception. This article presents the results of a study operationalizing these concepts and measuring the distribution of three types of dependence (capital, legitimacy, and regulatory) and two types of perceived risk (performance and sanction) among nearly fifty stakeholder groups and organizations participating in the management of fisheries in the binational Gulf of Maine.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper reviews the architecture of collaboration that exists within inter-organizational natural resource management (NRM) networks. It presents an integrative conceptual framework designed to help operationalize the multi-level interactions that occur between different dimensions of trust, risk perception, and control as key concepts in inter-organizational collaboration. The objective is to identify and justify a series of propositions considered suitable for assessing inter-organizational NRM network collaboration through empirical work.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrust is generally considered to play a key enabling role in water governance. Despite this notion, there have been no systematic assessments examining the way in which the literature on water governance engages with 'trust'. Our article fills this gap by providing an overview of the way in which this literature has engaged with trust as a conceptual lens, analytical device and empirical phenomenon.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe exponential rise of information available means we can now, in theory, access knowledge on almost any question we ask. However, as the amount of unverified information increases, so too does the challenge in deciding which information to trust. Farmers, when learning about agricultural innovations, have historically relied on in-person advice from traditional 'experts', such as agricultural advisers, to inform farm management.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Environ Manage
December 2021
Public trust in water managers is often considered an important precondition for the effective implementation of sustainable water-management practices. Although it is well known that general public trust in government institutions is under pressure, much less is known in the literature on water governance whether such distrust also affects general and task-specific trust of the wider public in water managers. In addition, empirical studies on the determinants of such trust seem to be scarce.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrent sanitation systems are inherently limited in their ability to address the new challenges for (waste)water management that arise from the rising demand to restore resource cycles. These challenges include removal of micropollutants, water (re)use, and nutrient recovery. New opportunities to address these challenges arise from new sanitation, a system innovation that combines elements of source separation, local treatment and reuse, and less use of water.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Capsular shrinkage is an arthroscopic stabilization technique that can be used in patients with chronic ankle instability (CAI), if desired in addition to primary arthroscopic procedures. Despite positive short-term results, long-term follow-up of these patients has not yet been performed. Therefore, our objective was to assess whether capsular shrinkage still provided functional outcome after 12-14 years compared to preoperative scores.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraffic Inj Prev
February 2014
Objective: Crashes involving agricultural vehicles (AVs) on public roads are an increasing road safety problem. We aim to analyze developments in the appearance and severity of these accidents, identify influencing factors, and draw lessons for possible interventions for accident prevention within the context of modern mechanized agriculture.
Methods: To analyze developments in the appearance of accidents we use a subset of accidents with AVs involved on public roads in The Netherlands aggregated per year for 1987-2010.
Juxta-articular myxoma is a benign lesion usually presenting as a slow-growing, well-circumscribed mass. Occasionally, however, the lesion grows rapidly and is poorly circumscribed, and it is this clinical presentation that arouses suspicion of malignancy. Furthermore, on histology a myxoma can also be confused with a variety of sarcomas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Chronic lateral ankle instability occurs in 10% to 20% of people after an acute ankle sprain. Initial treatment is conservative but if this fails and ligament laxity is present, surgical intervention is considered.
Objectives: To compare different treatments, conservative or surgical, for chronic lateral ankle instability.
For safety reasons a maximum speed limit of 60km/h has been applied to minor rural roads in the Netherlands since 1998. To support this structurally, a part of these roads have also received additional physical measures in a so-called "low cost design" that is expected to reduce the number of traffic casualties by 10-20%. This measure has been implemented as much as possible in an area oriented way.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study was designed as a prospective multicenter longitudinal trial. Adult patients with symptomatic mechanical chronic ankle instability, not improving with conservative therapy, were included and underwent surgery. Primary outcome measures were radiological and manually tested mechanical laxity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Weber operation is an anatomical reconstruction of the anterior talofibular ligament with the plantaris tendon. Few long-term studies have been published.
Methods: We evaluated 40 ankles in 37 patients (19 women) at an average of 24 years after the procedure.
The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate our results of treating subtrochanteric nonunions with a (AO/ASIF) blade plate. We treated a total of 32 patients (33 hips) with a subtrochanteric nonunion with a blade plate. Outcome measures were time to healing, complications after the index-operation and the Merle d'Aubigne hip score at follow-up.
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