In Brief: This review describes how heat stress causes systemic endocrine and metabolic alterations that contribute to intracellular ovarian perturbations, resulting in female infertility.
Abstract: Heat stress (HS) in mammals results from an imbalance in heat accumulation and dissipation. Fertility impairments consequential to HS have been recognized for decades in production animals, and more recently, observations have been extended to other species, including women.
Introduction: Sow mortality in the U.S. swine industry has increased in recent years, for which pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a major contributor, accounting for 21% of all sow mortality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPost-COVID-19 conditions (long COVID) has impacted many individuals, yet risk factors for this condition are poorly understood. This retrospective analysis of 88,943 COVID-19 patients at a multi-state US health system compares phenotypes, laboratory tests, medication orders, and outcomes for 1,086 long-COVID patients and their matched controls. We found that history of chronic pulmonary disease (CPD) (odds ratio: 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression, and for mammals typically occurs on cytosines within CpG dinucleotides. A significant challenge for methylation detection methods is accurately measuring methylation levels within GC-rich regions such as gene promoters, as inaccuracies compromise downstream biological interpretation of the data. To address this challenge, we compared methylation levels assayed using four different Methods Enzymatic Methyl-seq (EM-seq), whole genome bisulphite sequencing (WGBS), Infinium arrays (Illumina MethylationEPIC, "EPIC"), and Oxford Nanopore Technologies nanopore sequencing (ONT) applied to human DNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The use of sedation during interventional procedures has continued to rise resulting in increased costs, complications and reduced validity during diagnostic injections, prompting a search for alternatives. Virtual reality (VR) has been shown to reduce pain and anxiety during painful procedures, but no studies have compared it to a control and active comparator for a pain-alleviating procedure. The main objective of this study was to determine whether VR reduces procedure-related pain and other outcomes for epidural steroid injections (ESI).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose Of Review: To provide an evidence-informed review weighing the pros and cons of particulate vs. nonparticulate steroids for lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESI).
Recent Findings: The relative use of nonparticulate vs.
Zearalenone (ZEN), a nonsteroidal estrogenic mycotoxin, causes endocrine disruption and porcine reproductive dysfunction. Heat stress (HS) occurs when exogenous and metabolic heat accumulation exceeds heat dissipation. Independently, HS and ZEN both compromise swine reproduction; thus, the hypothesis investigated was two-pronged: that ZEN exposure would alter the ovarian proteome and that these effects would differ in thermal neutral (TN) and HS pigs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat stress (HS) occurs when exogenous and metabolic heat accumulation exceeds heat dissipation; a thermal imbalance that compromises female reproduction. This study investigated the hypothesis that HS alters the ovarian proteome and negatively impacts proteins engaged with insulin signaling, inflammation, and ovarian function. Prepubertal gilts (n = 19) were assigned to one of three environmental groups: thermal neutral with ad libitum feed intake (TN; n = 6), thermal neutral pair-fed (PF; n = 6), or HS (n = 7).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgeing of the immune system is characterized by decreased lymphopoiesis and adaptive immunity, and increased inflammation and myeloid pathologies. Age-related changes in populations of self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are thought to underlie these phenomena. During youth, HSCs with balanced output of lymphoid and myeloid cells (bal-HSCs) predominate over HSCs with myeloid-biased output (my-HSCs), thereby promoting the lymphopoiesis required for initiating adaptive immune responses, while limiting the production of myeloid cells, which can be pro-inflammatory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe synthesis, luminescence, and electrochemical properties of the Ce(III) compound, [(CMe)(2,6-PrCHO)Ce(THF)], , were investigated. Based on the electrochemical data, treatment of with CuX (X = Cl, Br, I) results in the formation of the corresponding Ce(IV) complexes, [(CMe)(2,6-PrCHO)Ce(X)]. Each complex has been characterized using NMR, IR, and UV-vis spectroscopy as well as structurally determined using X-ray crystallography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative (AUS-TBI) aims to co-design a data resource to predict outcomes for people with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) across Australia. Fundamental to this resource is the data dictionary, which is an ontology of data items. Here, we report the systematic review and consensus process for inclusion of biological markers in the data dictionary.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRhodopsin () mutations such as Pro23His are the leading cause of dominantly inherited retinitis pigmentosa in North America. As with other dominant retinal dystrophies, these mutations lead to production of a toxic protein product, and treatment will require knockdown of the mutant allele. The purpose of this study was to develop a CRISPR-Cas9-mediated transcriptional repression strategy using catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) fused to the Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) transcriptional repressor domain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndependently, both heat stress (HS) and zearalenone (ZEN) compromise female reproduction, thus the hypothesis that ZEN would affect phenotypic, endocrine, and metabolic parameters in pigs with a synergistic and/or additive impact of HS was investigated. Prepubertal gilts (n = 6-7) were assigned to: thermoneutral (TN) vehicle control (TC; n = 6); TN ZEN (40 μg/kg; TZ; n = 6); pair-fed (PF; n = 6) vehicle control (PC; n = 6); PF ZEN (40 μg/kg; PZ; n = 6); HS vehicle control (HC; n = 7); and HS ZEN (40 μg/kg; HZ; n = 7) and experienced either constant 21.0 ± 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPelvic organ prolapse (POP) is one contributor to recent increases in sow mortality that have been observed in some populations and environments, leading to financial losses and welfare concerns. With inconsistent previous reports, the objective here was to investigate the role of genetics on susceptibility to POP, using data on 30,429 purebred sows, of which 14,186 were genotyped (25K), collected from 2012 to 2022 in two US multiplier farms with a high POP incidence of 7.1% among culled and dead sows and ranging from 2% to 4% of all sows present by parity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a heterogeneous condition with a broad spectrum of injury severity, pathophysiological processes and variable outcomes. For moderate-to-severe TBI survivors, recovery is often protracted and outcomes can range from total dependence to full recovery. Despite advances in medical treatment options, prognosis remains largely unchanged.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLiquid biopsy assays for minimal residual disease (MRD) are used to monitor and inform oncological treatment and predict the risk of relapse in cancer patients. To-date, most MRD assay development has focused on targeting somatic mutations. However, epigenetic changes are more frequent and universal than genetic alterations in cancer and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) retains much of these changes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to determine if supplementation of oxidized-beta carotene (OxC-Beta) improved sow reproductive performance, litter growth performance, vitamin A status, and ability to alter immune cells abundance in sows and piglets, subsequent litter performance, and nursery growth performance. On approximately day 60 of gestation and through the lactation period, 194 sows (blocked by parity) were assigned to a common gestation diet or the common diet supplemented with 80 ppm oxidized beta-carotene (OxC-Beta, Aviagen, Ottawa, ON, Canada). A subset of sows (N = 54 per treatment) were sampled for blood and body weight recorded at the beginning of the study, farrowing, and weaning.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe U.S. pork production system is sensitive to supply chain disruptions, including those that can create challenges of feed delivery and feed management during the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiation therapy is a mainstay of cancer treatment but does not always lead to complete tumor regression. Here we combine radiotherapy with blockade of the 'don't-eat-me' cell-surface molecule CD47 in small cell lung cancer (SCLC), a highly metastatic form of lung cancer. CD47 blockade potently enhances the local antitumor effects of radiotherapy in preclinical models of SCLC.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroRNA21 (MIR21) abundance in porcine oocytes and cumulus cells increases during in vitro maturation. The mechanism by which MIR21 regulates oocyte maturation and the effect on the developmental competence of subsequent embryos remains unclear. The objective of this study was to assess the function of MIR21 during porcine oocyte maturation and its effect on embryonic development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat stress (HS) and Zearalenone (ZEN) exposure affect growth, production efficiency, and animal welfare; and, under extreme situations, both can be lethal. Given that both HS and ZEN independently cause oxidative stress, we hypothesized that simultaneous exposure to HS and ZEN would cause greater oxidative stress in porcine skeletal muscle than either condition, alone. To address this hypothesis, crossbred, prepubertal gilts were treated with either vehicle control (cookie dough) or ZEN (40 μg/kg) and exposed to either thermoneutral (TN; 21.
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