Publications by authors named "Jarvis N"

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis are severe mucocutaneous reactions with high morbidity and mortality, most commonly triggered by prescribed medications. Here, we report a case of a 33-year-old female who developed Stevens-Johnson/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis after receiving an IV vitamin infusion containing glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin D. While not commonly associated with the development of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome glutathione has been previously reported to have been the inciting agent in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome cases.

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The spin-exotic hybrid meson π_{1}(1600) is predicted to have a large decay rate to the ωππ final state. Using 76.6  pb^{-1} of data collected with the GlueX detector, we measure the cross sections for the reactions γp→ωπ^{+}π^{-}p, γp→ωπ^{0}π^{0}p, and γp→ωπ^{-}π^{0}Δ^{++} in the range E_{γ}=8-10  GeV.

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To protect human health, wildlife and the aquatic environment, "safe uses" of pesticides are determined at the EU level while product authorization and terms of use are established at the national level. In Sweden, extra precaution is taken to protect drinking water, and permits are therefore required for pesticide use within abstraction zones. This paper presents MACRO-DB, a tool for assessing pesticide contamination risks of groundwater and surface water, used by authorities to support their decision-making for issuing such permits.

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Abdominal-based free flaps are the mainstay of autologous breast reconstruction; however, the region may not be ideal for patients with inadequate soft tissue or history of abdominal surgery. This case describes the use of a novel conjoined flap based on the profunda artery perforator and upper gracilis pedicles, named the perforator and upper gracilis (PUG) flap. This flap design aims to maximize medial thigh flap volume while ensuring robust tissue perforation.

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Unlabelled: AbstractPurpose: to characterize ethics course content, structure, resources, pedagogic methods, and opinions among academic administrators and course directors at U.S. medical schools.

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Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are unique lung resident cells that contact airborne pathogens and environmental particulates. The contribution of human AMs (HAMs) to pulmonary diseases remains poorly understood due to the difficulty in accessing them from human donors and their rapid phenotypic change during culture. Thus, there remains an unmet need for cost-effective methods for generating and/or differentiating primary cells into a HAM phenotype, particularly important for translational and clinical studies.

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Unlabelled: Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are unique lung resident cells that contact airborne pathogens and environmental particulates. The contribution of human AMs (HAM) to pulmonary diseases remains poorly understood due to difficulty in accessing them from human donors and their rapid phenotypic change during culture. Thus, there remains an unmet need for cost-effective methods for generating and/or differentiating primary cells into a HAM phenotype, particularly important for translational and clinical studies.

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Unlabelled: Over the past 10 years, smartphones have become ubiquitous, and mobile apps serve a seemingly endless number of functions in our everyday lives. These functions have entered the realm of plastic surgery, impacting patient care, education, and delivery of services. This article reviews the current uses of plastic surgery mobile apps, app awareness within the plastic surgery community, and the ethical issues surrounding their use in patient care.

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Objective: Many patients with cochlear implants (CI) and auditory brainstem implants (ABI) require magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) following implantation. This study explores the patient experience of MRI, identifying factors associated with pain, and the effect of interventions designed to enhance comfort and safety.

Methods: A prospective observational case series from a tertiary referral unit.

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Extrapulmonary involvement of coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19) is being documented and studied at an increasing frequency. Specifically, gastrointestinal involvement is hypothesized to occur due to cellular entry via the ACE2 receptor found in gastrointestinal epithelial cells, causing inflammation and symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea. We present the case of a 45-year-old female with recent severe COVID-19 infection and early gastrointestinal symptoms who later presented with worsening abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and constipation after initial discharge.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to characterize cutaneous heat and light-induced pain thresholds in people with post-traumatic headache (PTH) compared with healthy controls (HCs).

Background: Photophobia and allodynia are common in PTH, and there is emerging evidence to support multimodal sensory dysfunction.

Methods: In this age- and sex-matched cohort study, individuals with PTH (n = 20) and HCs (n = 20), aged 18-65 years, were recruited from an institutional database of research volunteers, from the concussion clinic, and via the use of approved flyers posted on the Mayo Clinic Campus in Scottsdale, Arizona.

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, Senior Charge Nurse and TB Lead Nurse, TB Team, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, ( was runner-up in the Respiratory Nurse of the Year category of the Awards 2021.

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Background: In the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented number of individuals required endotracheal intubation. To safely face these challenges, expert intubation teams were formed in some institutions. Here, we report on the experience of emergency rapid intubation teams (ERITs) in two Canadian hospitals.

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Plurisexual is an umbrella term which refers to individuals who are, or who have the potential to be, attracted to more than one gender. Identities including bisexual, pansexual and fluid therefore fall under the category plurisexual. Academic research surrounding plurisexuality and sport has received limited academic attention in comparison to research based on homosexuality and sport.

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Background: Vascularized omental lymphatic transplant (VOLT) is an increasingly popular treatment of extremity lymphedema given its promising donor site. While the success of VOLT in the treatment of lymphedema has been reported previously, several questions remain.

Aim: To further elucidate appropriate use of VOLT in the treatment of lymphedema, specifically addressing patient selection, harvest technique, and operative methods.

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Weight loss occurs when the supply of energy is insufficient to meet the energy needs of an individual. The energy supply may be reduced by inadequate provision of feed, inadequate consumption, reduced digestion and absorption, or disruption in metabolic processing. Increased energy expenditure occurs with exercise and during cold temperatures, pregnancy, and lactation.

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The detection, enumeration, and virulence potential of viable but non-culturable (VBNC) pathogens continues to be a topic of discussion. While there is a lack of definitive evidence that VBNC (Lm) pose a public health risk, recent studies suggest that Lm in its VBNC state remains virulent. VBNC bacteria cannot be enumerated by traditional plating methods, so the results from routine Lm testing may not demonstrate a sample's true hazard to public health.

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Purpose Patients receive multiple bolus trials during a videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) to assess swallow function, inclusive of narrowing within the pharyngoesophageal segment (PES). While differences in the narrowest and widest segments are visualized, the ratio of distention across boluses is not well understood. Method A retrospective review of 50 consecutive VFSSs with five boluses of varied viscosity and volume was performed.

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The European Commission asked EFSA to undertake a 'repair action' of the FOCUS surface water report after the EFSA Pesticide Steering Network had been consulted. The main request was to introduce into all FOCUS surface water scenarios (both run-off and drainage) a 20-year assessment period instead of the current 12- or 16-month assessment period. Because of the 20-year assessment period, the way application dates are defined needed to be reviewed, reconsidering the functionality of the pesticide application timing currently used.

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Soil degradation is a worsening global phenomenon driven by socio-economic pressures, poor land management practices and climate change. A deterioration of soil structure at timescales ranging from seconds to centuries is implicated in most forms of soil degradation including the depletion of nutrients and organic matter, erosion and compaction. New soil-crop models that could account for soil structure dynamics at decadal to centennial timescales would provide insights into the relative importance of the various underlying physical (e.

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We report on the measurement of the γp→J/ψp cross section from E_{γ}=11.8  GeV down to the threshold at 8.2 GeV using a tagged photon beam with the GlueX experiment.

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