Publications by authors named "Jared M Bartels"

Relations between average temperature of each of the 48 contiguous states and estimates of state IQ were inspected. Additional state variables were controlled in the correlational analyses, namely gross state product, percent Hispanic, Black, and Asian in the state population, and the pupil-to-teacher ratio for each state. A significant correlation between average temperature and state IQ was found (r = -.

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This study investigated test-retest stability of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition, in 43 elementary/middle school students tested on two occasions approximately 11 months apart. Subtest stability coefficients ranged from .26 (Picture Concepts) to .

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The goal was to examine the relationship between the number of psychology courses students have taken and their perceptions of psychology as a science. Additionally, differences in perceptions of psychology among psychology, education, and natural science majors were examined. Results indicated that students who had taken four or more psychology courses had more favorable perceptions of psychology as a science compared to those who had taken no courses or one course and those who had taken two to three courses.

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We evaluated Verbal IQ (VIQ)-Performance IQ (PIQ) and Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)-Perceptual Organization Index (POI) discrepancies among 16 patients with right-sided and 20 with left-sided cerebral lesions. Means for age and education among left hemisphere-damaged patients were 46.25 years (SD = 17.

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Internal consistency reliabilities of the WISC-IV subtest and index scores were estimated for a sample of 76 primary school students from a small Midwestern community. Means for age and Full Scale IQ were 8.2 yr.

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Temporal orientation is often disrupted in the context of psychiatric or neurological disease; tests assessing this function are included in most mental status examinations. The present study examined the relationship between scores on the Temporal Orientation Scale (TOS) and performance on a battery of tests that assess memory, language, and cognitive functioning in a sample of patients with Alzheimer's disease (N = 55). Pearson-product moment correlations showed that, in all but two instances, the TOS was significantly correlated with each neuropsychological measure, p values < or = .

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The present investigation compares WAIS-III FSIQ-WMS-III with GAI-WMS-III discrepancies in 135 male inpatients with suspected memory impairment. Full Scale IQ and GAI scores were highly correlated, r= .96, with mean values of 92.

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This investigation compared proration and linear scaling for estimating Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) verbal comprehension (VCI) and perceptual reasoning (PRI) composites from all relevant two subtest combinations. Using 57 primary school students and 41 clinical referrals, actual VCI and PRI scores were highly correlated with estimated index scores based on proration and linear scaling (all rs> or =.90).

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This study compared the new Delayed Memory (DMI) with the General Memory (GMI) index of the WMS-III using 134 inpatients with substance abuse disorders. The WMS-III Immediate Memory Index (IMI) and the GMI are not parallel because the latter includes Auditory Recognition Delayed. A solution to this dilemma is the DMI, in that it directly parallels the original IMI.

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For Digit Symbol-Coding (CD) and Symbol Search (SS) we tested the hypothesis that young adults (44 males, 60 females) would start out quickly and demonstrate steady increases in symbols/items completed across each of four 30-s intervals. The average number of CD symbols was 23.19 (S.

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