Vacuum polarization (VP) and electron self-energy (SE) are implemented and evaluated as quantum electrodynamic (QED) corrections in a (quasi-relativistic) two-component zeroth order regular approximation (ZORA) framework. For VP, the Uehling potential is considered, and for SE, the effective potentials proposed by Flambaum and Ginges as well as the one proposed by Pyykkö and Zhao. QED contributions to ionization energies of various atoms and group 2 monofluorides, group 1 and 11 valence orbital energies, 2P1/2 ← 2S1/2 and 2P3/2 ← 2S1/2 transition energies of Li-, Na-, and Cu-like ions of nuclear charge Z = 10, 20, …, 90 as well as Π1/2 ← Σ1/2 and Π3/2 ← Σ1/2 transition energies of BaF and RaF are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurr Pharm Teach Learn
February 2025
Background: An oral examination, in addition to assessing knowledge gains, can assess various skills including communication, critical thinking, and decision-making. These anticipated outcomes are valuable in helping students matriculate. This study aims to describe and explore unanticipated effects of an oral exam, and how those effects can have a positive long-term influence on student learning.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study aimed to provide pharmacy educators with an understanding of threshold concepts as a framework that can help understand and support the internal work involved in professional identity formation (PIF).
Findings: Threshold concepts are transformative and troublesome concepts critical to the transition from trainee to practitioner. In particular, threshold concepts shed light on the individual, recursive, and transformational processes learners undertake while they grapple with important professional practices as they explore what it means to be a pharmacist.
Am J Pharm Educ
December 2024
Objectives: Since leadership development was first included in the 2013 Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education Educational Outcomes as a desired outcome of pharmacy curricula, pharmacy educators have embraced leadership development as a desired outcome of pharmacy professional programs. As we gain experience and as circumstances change, educators must consider whether our current strategies for preparing leaders will meet the needs of an ever-evolving and deeply complex practice environment. The aim of this review is to encourage educators to reconsider our investments in leadership development and leader development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPediatric brain tumor (PBT) survivors are at significantly increased risk of cognitive, psychosocial, and educational/vocational sequelae that impact health-related quality of life. These complications and health morbidities result in high burden on survivors and their families, particularly those already vulnerable to disparities in health care access and outcomes. Since neurological comorbidities are common in this population, neurologists are uniquely positioned to screen, treat identified symptoms, and connect families with services and resources.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Patients living with life-limiting illnesses other than cancer constitute the majority of patients in need of palliative care globally, yet most previous systematic reviews of the cost impact of palliative care have not exclusively focused on this population. Reviews that tangentially looked at non-cancer patients found inconclusive evidence. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for treatment efficacy, while total health care costs offer a comprehensive measure of resource use.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The objective of this study was to describe the data being used to support poster presentations in pharmacy education scholarship.
Methods: Research and education posters presented at the 2020 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting were unitized to isolate text to be coded, and two coders categorized the quantitative and qualitative data by type and source. Questionnaires, instruments, and exams were categorized as new (ie developed and used for this particular inquiry) vs.
Objective: Assess trends in access to veterinary care for companion animals in Canada.
Procedure: Analysis and integration of available data, 2007 to 2020.
Results: Cumulative growth in the Canadian veterinary workforce was 38%, and 49% for companion animal veterinarians.
Background: Most research on community empowerment provides evidence on engaging communities for health promotion purposes rather than attempts to create empowering conditions. This study addresses this gap.
Intervention: Big Local started in 2010 with £271M from the National Lottery.
Objective: Professional identity formation (PIF) is the process of internalizing a profession's core values and beliefs so that one begins to think, act, and feel like a member of that profession. PIF occurs over an individual's professional socialization in stages, precipitated by critical moments or experiences. The purpose of this study was to answer the following: (1) What are the critical events for pharmacy student PIF in introductory pharmacy practice experiences?; and (2) How do these events support or challenge PIF?
Methods: This study used critical event narrative inquiry methodology.
In academia, significant emphasis is given to the importance of writing. However, reading may be given less prominence in faculty work lives. The purpose of this commentary is to explore the educator's relationship with academic reading, habits that support this practice, and points of reflection for creating space for reading in our professional lives.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The aim of the present study was to report clinical findings, surgical complications and outcomes for previously hoarded cats treated surgically for otitis media-interna (OMI) and to investigate the risk factors for complications and poor outcomes.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted of 58 cats from an institutional hoarding environment that underwent ventral bulla osteotomy (VBO).
Results: Inappetence was uncommon at presentation (9/58, 16%) compared with pruritus/alopecia (50%), nasopharyngeal signs (45%), otitis externa (OE) (79%) and otitis interna (OI) (ataxia ± head tilt/head excursions) in 40%.
Objective: To determine the relationship between first-year retention and variables related to professional engagement and professional, academic, and personal identities.
Methods: This study evaluated data from 3 cohorts of students at a private 0-6 college of pharmacy. A theoretical and conceptual framework linking professional identity and retention informed the study.
From junior faculty members to seasoned full professors, pharmacy educators have likely all felt pressure to focus on peer-reviewed publication. Although publication is an important part of an academician's work, have we missed something critical by not focusing greater attention on a more inclusive conceptualization of education-related scholarship's impact? How can we describe the full impact of our education-related scholarship beyond traditional metrics (ie, publications, presentations, and grant funding) if the issue is not critically examined? With the growing expectations for scholarly teaching and interest in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in academic pharmacy in both the United States and Canada, this commentary examines and questions the current, often narrow, views on pharmacy educators' scholarly impact. In addition, it provides a new definition of education-related impact to encourage a more expansive view.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Experiential education is a key area in the pharmacy curriculum that professional identity formation (PIF) occurs. However, little is known about PIF influences and supports for pharmacy students during early experiential placements. The study aimed to explore pharmacy student PIF in an early experiential rotation in community pharmacy using reflective writing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBotulism outbreaks due to commercial products are extremely rare in the European Union. Here we report on the first international outbreak of foodborne botulism caused by commercial salt-cured, dried roach (). Between November and December 2016, an outbreak of six foodborne botulism type E cases from five unrelated households was documented in Germany and Spain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Some composite measures for determining the treatment effects of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on remission and low disease activity (LDA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may produce misleading results if they include an acute phase reactant (APR). To inform the choice of appropriate measure, we performed a systematic comparison of treatment effects using different composite measures.
Methods: We used data generated for a systematic review of biologics in RA conducted by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care and data from systematic reviews of newer biologics and Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors provided by sponsors.
Aging is associated with progressive skin fragility and a tendency to tear, which can lead to severe clinical complications. The transcription factor NRF2 is a key regulator of the cellular antioxidant response, and pharmacological NRF2 activation is a promising strategy for the prevention of age-related diseases. Using a combination of molecular and cellular biology, histology, imaging and biomechanical studies we show, however, that constitutive genetic activation of Nrf2 in fibroblasts of mice suppresses collagen and elastin expression, resulting in reduced skin strength as seen in aged mice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the behavioral characteristics and success of adoption for previously hoarded cats.
Methods: Shelter records and post-adoption surveys were analyzed for hoarded cats ⩾6 months old at intake. A non-standard scoring system was used.
Introduction: The primary aim was to determine the key variables in a new practitioner's success from the perspective of pharmacy employers. A secondary aim was to describe the use of a modified Delphi process to collect quality information from external constituents.
Methods: A historical review of the literature was conducted to ensure the inquiry extended existing thinking and to aid the development of questions.
To provide an educator-friendly travel guide for supporting pharmacy students' lifelong journey to professional identity formation. In contrast to professionalism, which has emphasized externally visible behaviors, professional identity focuses on the internalization of the attitudes, standards, and behavioral norms of a profession, such that one "thinks, acts, and feels" like a member of that profession. Identity, whether personal or professional, is continuously developed in part during interactions with others and in response to internal and external feedback on those interactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInequities exist in all facets of society, and animal welfare organizations (AWOs) and their communities are no exception. These organizations interface with multiple stakeholder groups. An active analysis of stakeholder groups to identify under-served areas and communities has not been performed.
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