Purpose: The purpose of this study was to quantify and describe the population of young adults with disability in Florida and to assess correlates of healthcare access in this population in contrast with adults belonging to middle and older age groups.
Methods: This study analyzed data of 36,704 respondents obtained from the 2007 Florida Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. A test for homogeneity of the risk difference across the three age groups was conducted using inverse weighting to adjust for confounding and selection bias.
Objective: To assess acceptability and feasibility of a school-based health care transition education intervention designed to equip adolescents and young adults (A/YA) who have special health care needs with important health literacy, self-advocacy, and self-determination skills.
Methods: A qualitative research approach was used to assess a 40-hr curriculum implemented with 137 A/YA in 13 high school special education classes. Three focus groups were conducted with 15 students and 7 educators.