Issue Addressed: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the infodemic has been highly visible. Vaccine-related advice and evidence-based guidelines for breastfeeding women have lagged, and, at times have been contradictory and confusing. Breastfeeding is an important public health issue with long-lasting health benefits for infants and mothers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is a growing awareness that diversity, health equity, and inclusion play a significant role in improving patient outcomes and advancing knowledge. The Pediatric Heart Network launched an initiative to incorporate diversity, health equity, and inclusion into its 2021 Scholar Award Funding Opportunity Announcement. This manuscript describes the process of incorporating diversity, health equity, and inclusion into the Pediatric Heart Network Scholar Award and the lessons learned.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The objective of this paper was to examine the predictors of breastfeeding exclusivity at two time-points (6 and 26 weeks postpartum) using a dyadic mother-father extended model of the theory of planned behaviour.
Design/method: A sample of 1139 first-time Australian mother-father dyads completed measures of each of the Theory of Planned Behaviour variables (intention, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control) and additional psychosocial and behavioural predictors of breastfeeding, including problems with breastfeeding, psychological distress, childcare stress, partner support, and the frequency and time of first public breastfeed. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to determine the factor structures of the latent constructs to be included in the structural model.
Objective: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is characterized by compositional and structural changes to the skin at lesional sites. Alteration to the levels and organization of both protein and lipid components are associated with disease status and lead to impaired barrier and hydration. Corneodesmosin (CDSN) and the arrangement and length of the intercellular lipid lamellae (ICLL) are altered in disrupted skin states.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeveloping acute hepatitis B in immunocompetent non-responders to hepatitis B vaccination has been rarely reported. We report such a case in a 79 year old heterosexual male. There is evidence that tenofovir disoproxil/emtricitabine as primary prophylaxis can prevent acquisition of hepatitis B.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReducing free sugars intake is important for the prevention of dental caries and obesity in children. The study aimed to determine the amount and sources of free sugars known to contribute to dental caries, and identify sociodemographic determinants of intake by children aged 5 years in Australia. Cross-sectional analysis of dietary data from a cohort study, collected using a customized food frequency questionnaire were used to calculate free sugars intake as grams/day and percentage contribution to Estimated Energy Requirement (EER).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
February 2024
Foods and beverages high in free sugars can displace healthier choices and increase the risk of weight gain, dental caries, and noncommunicable diseases. Little is known about the intake of free sugars across early childhood. This study aimed to examine the longitudinal intake from 1 to 5 years of free sugars and identify the independent maternal and child-related predictors of intake in a cohort of Australian children participating in the Study of Mothers' and Infants' Life Events Affecting Oral Health (SMILE).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In the Southeastern United States, the 2022 mpox outbreak disproportionately impacted people who are black and people with HIV (PWH).
Methods: We analyzed a cohort of 395 individuals diagnosed with mpox across 3 health care systems in Atlanta, Georgia between 1 June 2022 and 7 October 2022. We present demographic and clinical characteristics and use multivariable logistic regression analyses to evaluate the association between HIV status and severe mpox (per the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition) and, among PWH, the associations between CD4+ T-cell count and HIV load with severe mpox.
Objective: To develop and internally validate a Free Sugars Screener (FSS) for Australian children aged 2 and 5 years.
Design: Using data collected from a ninety-nine-item (2-year-olds) and ninety-eight-item (5-year-olds) FFQ in the Study of Mothers' and Infants' Life Events affecting oral health (SMILE-FFQ), a regression-based prediction modelling approach was employed to identify a subset of items that accurately estimate total free sugars intake (FSI). The predictors were grams of free sugars (FSg) for individual items in the SMILE-FFQ and child's age and sex.
Fire retardancy for textiles is important to prevent the rapid spread of fire and minimize damage to property and harm to human life. To infer fire-resistance on textile materials such as cotton or nylon, chemical coatings are often used. These chemicals are usually toxic, and economically and environmentally unsustainable, however, some naturally produced protein-based fire retardants could be an alternative.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Bioeng Biotechnol
July 2023
This paper presents significant advances in mycelium biofabrication using permanent knitted textile formwork and a new substrate formulation to dramatically improve the mechanical properties of mycelium-textile biocomposites suitable for large-scale components for use in construction. The paper outlines the biofabrication process, detailing the composition of , a viscous mycelium substrate developed for use with permanent knitted formwork, and the injection process required to regulate the filling of slender tubes of fabric with mycocrete. The use of a permanent integrated knitted formwork shows promise as a composite system for use with mycelium to improve mechanical performance and enable complex shapes to be fabricated for lightweight construction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To assess the antiviral effect, clinical outcomes, and safety of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion inhibitor rilematovir in non-hospitalized RSV-infected adults.
Methods: This phase 2a, double-blind, multicentre study randomly assigned RSV-positive adult outpatients ≤5 days from symptom onset 1:1:1 to receive rilematovir 500 mg, 80 mg, or placebo once-daily for 7 days. Antiviral effect was assessed by RSV RNA viral load (VL), measured by quantitative RT-PCR, and Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimates of time to undetectable VL.
Front Bioeng Biotechnol
June 2023
Living materials (biohybrids, textile-microbial hybrids, hybrid living materials) have gained much attention in recent years with enormous potential for applications in biomedical science, the built environment, construction and architecture, drug delivery and as environmental biosensors. Living materials contain matrices which incorporate microorganisms or biomolecules as the bioactive components. A cross-disciplinary approach, operating at the intersection of creative practice and scientific research, incorporated textile technology and microbiology to demonstrate textile fibres providing microbial scaffolds and highways during this study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Respiratory Infection Intensity and Impact Questionnaire (RiiQ™) is a patient-reported outcome measure designed to assess symptoms and impacts of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. This study evaluated the construct validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the RiiQ™ Respiratory and Systemic Symptoms Scale scores.
Methods: Prospective data were analyzed from a total of 1795 participants, including from non-hospitalized patients with acute respiratory infection (ARI) and no coinfections enrolled in a Phase 2b RSV vaccine study (RSV-positive: n = 60; RSV-negative: n = 1615), and two observational studies of patients hospitalized with RSV (n = 20; n = 100).
Objectives: To investigate the association between trajectories of free sugars intake during the first five years of life and dental caries experience at five years.
Methods: Data from the SMILE population-based prospective birth cohort study, collected at one, two and five years old, were used. A 3-days dietary diary and food frequency questionnaire were used to estimate free sugars intake (FSI) in grams.
Issue Addressed: Lifelong eating behaviours are established in childhood. Improving parents' food literacy skills is essential, as parents play a fundamental role in establishing their children's healthy eating behaviours and preferences for nutritious food. This paper describes the development and evaluation of an innovative program that combines food literacy with positive parent feeding practices, targeting parents in disadvantaged areas of Western Australia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: An unmet need for contraception is associated with unintended pregnancy and adverse maternal and childhood outcomes. Family planning counselling is linked with reduced unmet need for contraception. However, evidence is lacking in Ethiopia on the impact of integrated family planning counselling on the unmet need for contraception.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIssue Addressed: The COVID-19 pandemic has seen evidence and advice evolve quickly. Since the start of the pandemic there has been confusion and concern about breastfeeding and COVID-19, and advice for this group has at times been contradictory. The volume of information on social media has exacerbated this.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFamily planning counselling can help improve the postpartum modern contraceptive uptake. However, studies in Ethiopia indicate inconsistent effects of integrated family planning counselling on postpartum modern contraceptive uptake. This study aimed to determine the extent of family planning counselling and its role in improving postpartum contraceptive uptake among women in Ethiopia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The support of her infant's father is one of the most important factors influencing a mother's breastfeeding success, and an increasing number of interventions are targeted towards fathers. Engaging fathers as agents to influence a maternal behavior is potentially problematic, yet few studies report on maternal experiences.
Objective: This study aims to explore mothers' perspectives of their partners' use of Milk Man, a father-focused breastfeeding smartphone app, and the acceptability of this approach.
During February 2021-June 2022, the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) detected five clusters of rapid HIV transmission concentrated among Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in metropolitan Atlanta. The clusters were detected through routine analysis of HIV-1 nucleotide sequence data obtained through public health surveillance (1,2). Beginning in spring 2021, GDPH partnered with health districts with jurisdiction in four metropolitan Atlanta counties (Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett) and CDC to investigate factors contributing to HIV spread, epidemiologic characteristics, and transmission patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
February 2023
Environmentally sustainable diets are increasingly aspired to in food-based dietary guidelines across the world. However, little is known about consumer attitudes toward these diets when making food decisions. This study aimed to identify the demographic characteristics of Australian adults based on the level of attention they paid to the healthfulness of their diet, their consideration of the level of food processing, and their concern about household food waste and sustainable packaging disposal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both mothers and their infants. Research has examined the psychosocial influences on breastfeeding, yielding important findings in relation to particular constructs that play a significant role in this vital health behaviour. One such construct is subjective norms.
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