Publications by authors named "Jane Carrington"

Herein, we propose a blueprint for action to completely measure and recognize the care provided by acute and critical care nurses to be incorporated into policy that shapes and supports practice. We address the nature of nurses' work by identifying nine practice domains, hospital practice environment assumptions, and expected outcomes. Nurses' work, as a cross-system process, needs to be included in hospital-based core measures to fully reflect nurses' impact on patient care.

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With artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly advancing, advanced practice nurses must understand and use it responsibly. Here, we describe an assignment in which Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students learned to use generative text AI. Using our program and course outcomes, developed from the 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials competency for DNP students to learn and use AI, we reviewed the literature seeking examples using ChatGPT for the DNP informatics course.

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The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is shifting the nursing education paradigm to competency-based education. Competency-based nursing education focuses on the nursing students' demonstration of knowledge. This shift in nursing education will rely on performance measures and data to determine success.

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Qualitative descriptive research can be used when researchers are seeking to find the "how," "what," or "when" of phenomena. The most common qualitative descriptive analysis methods are content and thematic analyses. Data triangulation through content analysis and natural language processing was first described in 2018 for the analysis of nurse-to-nurse communication in an acute care setting.

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Millions of injuries and deaths occur yearly from preventable errors, despite interventions applied at the point of care. Although evidence suggests that system-level factors are responsible for hospital system health and patient safety, research has largely not accounted for hospital complexity. Prior to the authors' research regarding the communication of system-level events that influence hospital system health and patient safety, no nursing-specific communication theories that accounted for hospital complexity were identified.

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Artificial intelligence, as a nonhuman entity, is increasingly used to inform, direct, or supplant nursing care and clinical decision-making. The boundaries between human- and nonhuman-driven nursing care are blurred with the advent of sensors, wearables, camera devices, and humanoid robots at such an accelerated pace that the critical evaluation of its influence on patient safety has not been fully assessed. Since the pivotal release of To Err is Human, patient safety is being challenged by the dynamic healthcare environment like never before, with nursing at a critical juncture to steer the course of artificial intelligence integration in clinical decision-making.

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Article Synopsis
  • Clinical trials are becoming more complex, making it harder for clinical nurses to access investigational safety profiles for participants during clinical care.
  • Wearable devices are being used to gather participant data and provide safety information, which is essential for preventing adverse events and ensuring proper alignment with research protocols.
  • A preclinical nurse-nurse communication framework is proposed to improve the exchange of safety-related trial information, encouraging better management of trial participant safety during clinical assessments.
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The expanded access to clinical trials has provided more patients the opportunity to participate in novel therapeutics research. There is an increased likelihood of a patient, as a pediatric oncology clinical trial participant, to present for clinical care outside the research site, such as at an emergency room or urgent care center. A novel wearable universal serial bus device is a proposed technology to bridge potential communication gaps, pertaining to critical information such as side effects and permitted therapies, between research teams and clinical teams where investigational agents may be contraindicated to standard treatments.

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Background: The increased use of the copy and paste function (CPF) in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has raised concerns about possible clinician miscommunication and adverse patient outcomes.

Objective: This study investigated the prevalence and extent of CPF in the EHRs of patients diagnosed with Hospital-acquired Conditions (HACs). We also examined the association between the use of CPF and patient characteristics.

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The nursing metaparadigm, as described by Fawcett in 1984, includes human, health, nursing, and the environment, all of which support theory development by giving direction to our focus as a scientific body. Nursing scientists make their mark in biotechnological applications, mobile health, informatics, and human factors research. We give voice to the patient through design feedback and incorporating technological advancements in our evolving nursing knowledge; however, we have not formally acknowledged technology in our metaparadigm.

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Background: There is a wealth of literature focused on the task of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screening; however, little literature exists describing the broader process of ACE-related communication, specifically between nurse practitioners (NPs) and adult primary care patients. Consequently, there is no standardized process for communicating about ACEs in primary care and significant gaps remain related to how, when, and where these conversations occur.

Objectives: To systematically examine peer-reviewed published literature from 2011 to 2021 to describe the current state of patient-to-provider communication about ACEs in primary care.

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Telehealth is a means for providing care to our rural patients. This mode of healthcare delivery is not without challenges with technology, research, quality improvement, practice and education. Here we present the TRIP-E Meta Model.

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The miscommunication and inconsistent recall of patient information due to cognitive lapses that occur during the hand-off between healthcare providers account for 80% of sentinel events in acute care. Cognitive lapses are a consequence of the nurse experiencing cognitive overload, which impedes the nurse's ability to recall relevant information during and after the hand-off communication. The primary cognitive and human factor contributing to cognitive overload in the hand-off is language.

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Natural language processing software programs are used primarily to mine both structured and unstructured data from the electronic health record and other healthcare databases. The mined data are used, for example, to identify vulnerable at-risk populations and predicting hospital associated infections and complications. Natural language processing programs are seldomly used in healthcare research to analyze the how providers are communicating essential patient information from one provider to another or how the language that is used impacts patient outcomes.

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Miscommunication occurring during the nursing handoff continues to be a primary cause of sentinel events and adverse patient outcomes. The primary purpose of the nursing handoff is to communicate essential patient data, information, and knowledge to ensure the safe continued continuity of care. The aim of this study was to examine the content of the nurse-to-nurse change-of-shift handoff communication in terms of data, information, and knowledge for both bedside and nonbedside handoffs of a patient who has experienced a clinical event.

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Clinical trials are exploratory in nature and thus present a degree of risk for those individuals who participate in the trial. Risks include adverse events, which are undesirable experiences that arise from use of investigational products or devices that may cause participant injury or withdrawal from the clinical trial. The prevention of adverse events is a challenge given the lack of interoperability among organizational electronic health records and reliance on wallet cards to communicate safety-related information, leaving the burden of describing research-related information to external providers on the trial participant.

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Clinical trials have become commonplace as a treatment option. As clinical trial participants are integrated into all healthcare delivery settings, organizations are tasked with sustaining specific care regimens with appropriate documentation and maintenance of participant protections within electronic health records. Our aim was to identify the common elements necessary for electronic health record integration of clinical research for optimal trial conduct and participant management.

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Background: Effective communication by those providing clinical care to adult patients is required to identify and address health disparities associated with childhood adversity. Many primary care NPs are unaware of these relationships, often lacking the communication skills and training needed to elicit this clinically relevant information.

Objectives: A systematic review in the form of a concept analysis was undertaken to increase our understanding about patient-to-provider communication of childhood adversity in the context of the primary care setting.

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Telehealth training was important for nurse practitioner (NP) students prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but now it is essential. Training in telehealth allows access to health care for vulnerable populations in rural health areas and beyond. As the future of health care delivery changes, providers will be required to use this technology.

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Background: Datum from electronic sources has accumulated and resulted in the establishment of big data and data science. Big data consists of data sets that are larger than traditional data processing applications can manage. Data science is the research method used to analyze big data.

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Postpartum depression (PPD) affects10% to 20% of women within the first year after birth and 25% beyond the first year. PPD, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, remains underdiagnosed and misunderstood. Women do not always display signs of PPD while in care for delivery of the infant and may not discuss mood changes to their primary care provider at discharge and first post-delivery appointment.

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Effective nurse decision making is essential for best patient outcomes in the acute care nurse practice environment. The purpose of this study was to explore acute care RNs' perceptions of clinical decision making for a patient who experienced a clinical event. Clinical events include changes in patient condition and are manifested by fever, pain, bleeding, changes in output, changes in respiratory status, and changes in level of consciousness.

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Background: Building on the efforts of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, we developed a model to infuse data science constructs into doctor of philosophy (PhD) curriculum. Using this model, developing nurse scientists can learn data science and be at the forefront of data driven healthcare.

Purpose: Here we present the Data Science Curriculum Organizing Model (DSCOM) to guide comprehensive doctoral education about data science.

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Concepts of communication and organizational health were analyzed using the parameters set forth by Walker and Avant, including conceptual selection; clarification; synthesis; attribute exploration and identification; and review of corresponding events. Concept synthesis was initiated through exploration of medical and social science journals, and current literature regarding communication and organizational health was scrutinized to aid conceptual clarification. Concept analysis was informed by using the search engines CINAHL, PubMed, and PsycINFO, with inclusion criteria of "hospital," "communication," and "organizational health.

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