Publications by authors named "Janaina Pantoja"

Cortical areas that directly receive sensory inputs from the thalamus were long thought to be exclusively dedicated to a single modality, originating separate labeled lines. In the past decade, however, several independent lines of research have demonstrated cross-modal responses in primary sensory areas. To investigate whether these responses represent behaviorally relevant information, we carried out neuronal recordings in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and primary visual cortex (V1) of rats as they performed whisker-based tasks in the dark.

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In freely moving rats that are actively performing a discrimination task, single-unit responses in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) are strikingly different from responses to comparable tactile stimuli in immobile rats. For example, in the active discrimination context prestimulus response modulations are common, responses are longer in duration and more likely to be inhibited. To determine whether these differences emerge as rats learned a whisker-dependent discrimination task, we recorded single-unit S1 activity while rats learned to discriminate aperture-widths using their whiskers.

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The ability to detect unusual events occurring in the environment is essential for survival. Several studies have pointed to the hippocampus as a key brain structure in novelty detection, a claim substantiated by its wide access to sensory information through the entorhinal cortex and also distinct aspects of its intrinsic circuitry. Novelty detection is implemented by an associative match-mismatch algorithm involving the CA1 and CA3 hippocampal subfields that compares the stream of sensory inputs received by CA1 to the stored representation of spatiotemporal sequences in CA3.

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Delayed-response sensory discrimination is believed to require primary sensory thalamus and cortex for early stimulus identification and higher-order forebrain regions for the late association of stimuli with rewarded motor responses. Here we investigate neuronal responses in the rat primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus (VPM) during a tactile discrimination task that requires animals to associate two different tactile stimuli with two corresponding choices of spatial trajectory to be rewarded. To manipulate reward expectation, neuronal activity observed under regular reward contingency (CR) was compared with neuronal activity recorded during freely rewarded (FR) trials, in which animals obtained reward regardless of their choice of spatial trajectory.

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The wake-sleep cycle, a spontaneous succession of global brain states that correspond to major overt behaviors, occurs in all higher vertebrates. The transitions between these states, at once rapid and drastic, remain poorly understood. Here, intracranial local field potentials (LFPs) recorded in the cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and thalamus were used to characterize the neurophysiological correlates of the rat wake-sleep cycle.

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The discovery of experience-dependent brain reactivation during both slow-wave (SW) and rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep led to the notion that the consolidation of recently acquired memory traces requires neural replay during sleep. To date, however, several observations continue to undermine this hypothesis. To address some of these objections, we investigated the effects of a transient novel experience on the long-term evolution of ongoing neuronal activity in the rat forebrain.

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To investigate whether contour integration is a generalized mammalian feature we studied single cells in V1 on the South-America opossum ( ), a plesiomorphic animal believed to retain basic characteristics of early mammals. We observed that when a cell's receptive field (RF) was masked (i.e.

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