Tumors of the spine are challenging in terms of diagnoses and interdisciplinary treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate and characterize a large multicenter cohort of surgically treated spine tumor patients.Data of the German Spine Society (DWG) were used to characterize a cohort of all surgically treated spine tumor cases that were registered between 2017 and 2021.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVertebral osteomyelitis (VO) is a primary infection of the endplates of the vertebral bodies with secondary infection of the adjacent intervertebral discs. Diagnosis is often delayed due to unspecific symptoms and a lack of specific infection markers. In this prospective study, we determined the suitability of 27 cytokines for the discrimination of VO and degenerative diseases of the spine and compared its diagnostic potential in relation to the C-reactive protein (CRP), which is widely used as a non-specific inflammation marker in clinical diagnostics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLumbar lordotic correction (LLC), the gold standard treatment for sagittal spinal malalignment (SMA), and its effect on sagittal balance have been critically discussed in recent studies. This paper assesses the biomechanical response of the spinal components to LLC as an additional factor for the evaluation of LLC. Human lumbar spines (L2L5) were loaded with combined bending moments in flexion (Flex)/extension (Ex) or lateral bending (LatBend) and axial rotation (AxRot) in a physiological environment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) has a high mortality and leads to chronic pain and functional disability. Surgical treatment is often necessary. To date, little is known about the consequences of surgery on patient outcome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Design: Prospective cohort study.
Objective: We aimed to determine the 2-year survival and to identify clinical and microbiological characteristics of patients with native vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) as compared to postoperative VO to find further strategies for improvement of the management of VO.
Summary Of Background Data: A relevant subgroup (20%-30%) of patients with VO has a history of spine surgery.
Purpose: Various pathologies of the lumbosacral junction require fusion of the L5/S1 segment. However, pseudarthroses, which often come along with sacral screw loosening, are problematic. The aim of the present investigation was to elaborate the morphological features of the L5/S1 segment to define a so-called "safe zone" for bi- or tricortical screw placement without risking a damage of the iliac vessels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is still a challenge in discriminating between vertebral osteomyelitis and degenerative diseases of the spine. To this end, we determined the suitability of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) and compared the diagnostic potential of suPAR to CRP.
Methods: Patients underwent surgical stabilization of the lumbar and/or thoracic spine with removal of one or more affected intervertebral discs, as therapy for vertebral osteomyelitis (n = 16) or for erosive osteochondrosis (control group, n = 20).
Background: Needlestick injuries (NSI) are potentially infectious injuries from sharp or pointed medical instruments and through contact with blood on mucous membranes or nonintact skin. Although the European Union (EU) Council directive 2010/32/EU on the prevention of NSI was implemented in EU countries in 2013, information on the effectiveness of the measures is limited.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a safety concept according to the EU Council Directive 2010/32/EU on prevention of NSI.
Posterior dynamic stabilization systems (PDSS) were developed to provide stabilization to pathologic or hypermobile spinal segments while maintaining the healthy biomechanics of the spine. Numerous novel dynamic devices incorporate the temperature and moisture dependent material polycarbonate urethane (PCU) due to its mechanical properties and biocompatibility. In this study, standardized pure moment in vitro tests were carried out on human lumbar spines to evaluate the performance of a device containing PCU.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Anterior stabilisation of osteoporotic spine fractures is uncommon but necessary in the case of complex vertebral body comminution. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of additional cement-augmentation on the endplate stability.
Methods: Twelve human cadaveric lumbar spines were divided in two groups: (A) posterior cement-augmented pedicle screw/rod-based instrumentation of L3 to L5, posterior decompression of L4/5 and partial corpectomy of L4 and (B) same experimental setup with additional cement-augmentation of the adjacent endplates.
Purpose: International Standards Organization (ISO) 12189 and American Society for Testing and Materials F2624 are two standard material specification and test methods for spinal implant devices. The aim of this study was to assess whether the existing and required tests before market launch are sufficient.
Methods: In three prospective studies, patients were treated due to degenerative disease of the lumbar spine or spondylolisthesis with lumbar interbody fusion and dynamic stabilization of the cranial adjacent level.
Background: Posterior dynamic stabilization systems are developed to maintain the healthy biomechanics of the spine while providing stabilization. Numerous dynamic systems incorporate polycarbonate urethane with temperature- and moisture-dependent material properties. In the underlying study, a novel test rig is used to evaluate the biomechanical performance of a system containing polycarbonate urethane.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Surgical treatment methods for degenerative spondylolisthesis (decompression versus decompression and fusion) have been critically debated. The medical care situation is almost unknown for either treatment. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to provide information regarding the use of parameters for decision-making and the employment of surgical techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Sports Med Phys Fitness
March 2019
Background: Equestrian vaulting is a sport, particularly popular among children and adolescents, in which gymnastic and dance routines are performed on horseback. Current data regarding injuries and thus, the risks of this sport, is meager and based only on retrospective studies.
Methods: In the current prospective study, 233 active members of a vaulting club were questioned monthly from November 2014 until October 2015.
Background: Dynamic spine implants were developed to prevent adjacent segment degeneration (ASD) and adjacent segment disease (ASDi). Purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical and radiological outcomes of "topping off" devices following lumbar spinal fusion procedure using a PEEK-based dynamic rod system. Moreover, this study focused on the hypothesis that "topping off" devices can prevent ASD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown coherence between obesity and higher rates of complications following spinal surgery. However, there is a lack of information about the influence of obesity and the mass of outer abdominal fat (OAF) on adjacent segment instability after spinal fusion surgery. Radiographs of 194 patients with spinal fusion surgery were assessed retrospectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The purpose of this study was to assess the radiological and clinical outcome parameters following lumbar hybrid dynamic instrumentation with the focus on the adjacent segment degeneration (ASD) and adjacent segment disease (ASDi).
Methods: In this prospective trial all patients presenting with degenerative changes to the lumbar spine have been included. Precondition was a stable adjacent level with/without degenerative alteration.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the radiologic and clinical outcomes after lumbar fusion intervention and to compare the established posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) technique and dynamic hybrid instrumentation (topping off).
Methods: In this prospective randomized trial, all patients who presented with degenerative changes to the lumbar spine (L2-S1) were included and randomized in 2 groups: patients who underwent the 360°-fusion procedure in PLIF (group 1: control group) and those patients who underwent fusion surgery with additional hybrid instrumentation (Dynesys-Transition-Optima [Zimmer Spine Inc., Denver, Colorado, USA]) cranial to the rigid fixed segment (group 2: intervention group).
Background: Our aim was to examine the specific dimensions of cervical pedicles in a large Caucasian cohort on high dissolving CT scans.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 100 cervical spine CT scans with a maximum slice thickness of 1 mm in axial, sagittal, and coronal reconstructions was performed. The pedicle axial length (PAL), inner and outer pedicle diameter (IPD/OPD), pedicle sagittal and transverse angle (PSA/PTA), pedicle height (PH), pedicle width (PW), and the cortical thickness (COT) at different margins were measured by two independent observers.
Objective: A possible risk factor for premature facet joint degeneration or adjacent segment degeneration after surgical treatment of spine fractures is facet joint violation (FV) during insertion of pedicle screws. The aim of this study was to determine risk factors for FV in the thoracic and lumbar spine after minimally invasive screw insertion or open instrumentation (OI).
Methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients with spine fractures requiring posterior stabilization was performed.
Background: A recent population-based study from Denmark showed that the incidence of spondylodiscitis rose from 2.2 to 5.8 per 100 000 persons per year over the period 1995-2008; the age-standardized incidence in Germany has been estimated at 30 per 250 000 per year on the basis of data from the Federal Statistical Office (2015).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Parkinson disease (PD) is a major risk factor during spine surgery, and its frequency is increasing as the population ages. The study aim was to examine the influence of PD specifically on lumbar decompression surgery.
Methods: A retrospective review was performed of all patients with PD who underwent elective lumbar decompression surgery at 2 university hospital departments between December 2003 and July 2016.
Background: External impingement tests are considered as being particularly reliable for identifying subacromial and coracoid shoulder impingement mechanisms. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate if these tests are likely to provoke an internal shoulder impingement mechanism which, in cases of a pathologic condition, can lead to a positive test result.
Method: In 37 subjects, the mechanical contact between the glenoid rim and the rotator cuff (RC) was measured quantitatively and qualitatively in external impingement test positions using an open MRI system.
Purpose: The three aims of this Spine Tango registry study of patients undergoing decompression for spinal stenosis were to: report the rate of dural tear (DT) stratified by treatment centre; find factors associated with an increased likelihood of incurring a DT; and compare treatment outcomes in relation to DT (none vs. repaired vs. unrepaired DT).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn vitro pure moment spine tests are commonly used to analyse surgical implants in cadaveric models. Most of the tests are performed at room temperature. However, some new dynamic instrumentation devices and soft tissues show temperature-dependent material properties.
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