Since the end of January 2020, covid-19 is a group A infectious disease according to the Public Health Act (in Dutch: Wet publiekegezondheid or Wpg). To avert the risk of infection with covid-19, coercive measures can be imposed under this law. Almost at the same time, since January 1 2020, two new Dutch laws regulate the mandatory care for people with intellectual disability and dementia (the Care and Compulsion Act (in Dutch: Wet zorgendwang or Wzd) and for people with a mental disorder (the Mandatory Mental Health Care Act (in Dutch: Wet verplichte GGZ or Wvggz).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVisual temporal processing and multisensory integration (MSI) of sound and vision were examined in individuals with schizophrenia using a visual temporal order judgment (TOJ) task. Compared to a non-psychiatric control group, persons with schizophrenia were less sensitive judging the temporal order of two successively presented visual stimuli. However, their sensitivity to visual temporal order improved as in the control group when two accessory sounds were added (temporal ventriloquism).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In many natural audiovisual events (e.g., the sight of a face articulating the syllable /ba/), the visual signal precedes the sound and thus allows observers to predict the onset and the content of the sound.
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