J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
February 2025
Currently, little is known about the spatial variability of significant soil properties and their relationships to forest ecosystems of different vegetation grades. This work evaluates the variability of the properties of the upper layer of Cambisol taxa and their relationship to altitude and forest ecosystems of 2nd to 5th forest vegetation grades selected in the Western Carpathians using PCA and regression analysis. The content of clay, total carbon and total nitrogen, humus, energy, and ash in the soils varied between 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJACC Clin Electrophysiol
November 2023
The rising level of pollutant emissions is becoming one of the most pressing environmental problems of our time. Therefore, this work is focused on evaluating Cd and Ni contamination of soils and assimilatory organs of two native ( L., L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper evaluates the impact of car transport on the distribution and accumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in soils, as well as in the vegetation near a newly built R4 motorway Košice-Milhosť (Slovakia). Samples were taken from surface humus layer (litter) and 0−5, 10−20 and 20−30 cm mineral layers of Cambisol and Luvisol, as well as from assimilatory organs of Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus cerris, Quercus rubra, Negundo aceroides and Anthriscus sylvestris growing in the segments of geobiocoenosis Querci-Fageta Typica. The concentrations of total Zn and Cu were determined using SensAA AAS and the total concentrations of Cd and Pb using an instrument iCE 3000 Series AAS-F.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe variability of selected biogenic elements in soils and leaves of three dominant plant species was studied in segments of Querci-Fageta typica and Fagi-Querceta typica forest ecosystems located near R1 Pribina highway in SW Slovakia. The amounts of nutrients (Mg, K, Na and Zn) in soils distant 30 m from the highway were mostly low and increased significantly with a depth of soil. On the other hand, the highest Ca concentrations were found in the surface humus horizons and decreased significantly with soil depth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Environ Contam Toxicol
October 2019
This paper assesses the impact of vehicle emissions on energy stores in assimilation organs of five plant species on plots at different distances from the highway. On more remote plots (500 m away from the road) with lower level of pollutants there was a significant increase in the amount of energy in leaves of Negundo aceroides, Quercus rubra and Anthriscus sylvestris. The increase of energy in Quercus cerris was negligible and in the case of Fraxinus excelsior was even recorded a decrease in energy store.
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