Organic heterojunction nanoparticles (NP) have recently gained significant interest as photocatalysts for visible light-driven hydrogen production. Whilst promising photocatalytic efficiencies have been reported for aqueous NP dispersions, the underlying dynamics of photogenerated charges in such organic heterojunction photocatalysts and how these might differ from more widely studied dry heterojunction films remain relatively unexplored. In this study, we combine transient optical spectroscopies over twelve orders of magnitude in time, using pulsed and continuous light illumination, to elucidate the differences in the charge carrier dynamics of heterojunction NP dispersions, dried NP films, and bulk heterojunction films prepared by spin coating.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFour solution-processable, linear conjugated polymers of intrinsic porosity are synthesised and tested for gas phase carbon dioxide photoreduction. The polymers' photoreduction efficiency is investigated as a function of their porosity, optical properties, energy levels and photoluminescence. All polymers successfully form carbon monoxide as the main product, without the addition of metal co-catalysts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrganic semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) composed of an electron donor/acceptor (D/A) semiconductor blend have recently emerged as an efficient class of hydrogen-evolution photocatalysts. It is demonstrated that using conjugated polymers functionalized with (oligo)ethylene glycol side chains in NP photocatalysts can greatly enhance their H -evolution efficiency compared to their nonglycolated analogues. The strategy is broadly applicable to a range of structurally diverse conjugated polymers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNovel p-type semiconducting polymers that can facilitate ion penetration, and operate in accumulation mode are much desired in bioelectronics. Glycol side chains have proven to be an efficient method to increase bulk electrochemical doping and optimize aqueous swelling. One early polymer which exemplifies these design approaches was p(g2T-TT), employing a bithiophene--thienothiophene backbone with glycol side chains in the 3,3' positions of the bithiophene repeat unit.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSemiconducting polymers are versatile materials for solar energy conversion and have gained popularity as photocatalysts for sunlight-driven hydrogen production. Organic polymers often contain residual metal impurities such as palladium (Pd) clusters that are formed during the polymerization reaction, and there is increasing evidence for a catalytic role of such metal clusters in polymer photocatalysts. Using transient and operando optical spectroscopy on nanoparticles of F8BT, P3HT, and the dibenzo[]thiophene sulfone homopolymer P10, we demonstrate how differences in the time scale of electron transfer to Pd clusters translate into hydrogen evolution activity optima at different residual Pd concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe status of golden loaches (genus ) in the region of Central Europe and Balkans is still ambiguous. The greatest controversy is caused by species and . Both species are characterized by a wide spectrum of morphological variability and overlapping of distinguishing features, which then lead to difficulties in their determination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrganic semiconductors require an energetic offset in order to photogenerate free charge carriers efficiently, owing to their inability to effectively screen charges. This is vitally important in order to achieve high power conversion efficiencies in organic solar cells. Early heterojunction-based solar cells were limited to relatively modest efficiencies (<4%) owing to limitations such as poor exciton dissociation, limited photon harvesting, and high recombination losses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite its inherent costs, sexual reproduction is ubiquitous in nature, and the mechanisms to protect it from a competitive displacement by asexuality remain unclear. Popular mutation-based explanations, like the Muller's ratchet and the Kondrashov's hatchet, assume that purifying selection may not halt the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the nonrecombining genomes, ultimately leading to their degeneration. However, empirical evidence is scarce and it remains particularly unclear whether mutational degradation proceeds fast enough to ensure the decay of clonal organisms and to prevent them from outcompeting their sexual counterparts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn infection of zoonotic Clinostomum complanatum metacercariae with potential human transmission was recorded close to fish farms in the Tisa River Basin of Slovakia and Ukraine. The prevalence varied from 19.4% to 81.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMethylammonium lead halide perovskites are attracting intense interest as promising materials for next-generation solar cells, but serious issues related to long-term stability need to be addressed. Perovskite films based on CHNHPbI undergo rapid degradation when exposed to oxygen and light. Here, we report mechanistic insights into this oxygen-induced photodegradation from a range of experimental and computational techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of the spirlins in the genus Alburnoides are examined by comparative sequencing analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Molecular analyses revealed 17 Eurasian lineages divided into two main clades, termed the Ponto-Caspian and European in accordance with the lineage distribution. The indel diagnostics of β-actin and S7 markers and translation of cyt b to the amino acid chain were evaluated as a reliable identifying tool for most of the recognised lineages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe phylogenetic relationships among gudgeons that represent most nominal taxa within Gobio gobio sensu lato were examined by mitochondrial and nuclear genome sequencing. The molecular analyses confirmed the separate generic status of Gobio as a monophyletic group and revealed 15 Eurasian lineages divided into two main clades, the Northern European and the Ponto-Caspian. The validity of eleven nominal taxa as distinct species was confirmed, gudgeons from the Volga River basin were described as a new species G.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFolia Biol (Krakow)
August 2004
This study identifies of populations of the genus Cobitis from the Slovakian Tisza drainage area, using karyotype, enzyme electrophoresis and flow cytometry. Pure diploid populations of Cobitis elongatoides were found in drainage basins of the Hornád, Slaná and Bodva rivers (5 populations). Species identifity was proven by analysis of genome and allelic composition.
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