Digital and mechatronic methods, paired with artificial intelligence and machine learning, are transformative technologies in behavioral science and biology. The central element of the most important pollinator species-honey bees-is the colony's queen. Because honey bee self-regulation is complex and studying queens in their natural colony context is difficult, the behavioral strategies of these organisms have not been widely studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPostpartum/peripartum hemorrhage (PPH) is an obstetric emergency complicating 1-10% of all deliveries and is a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide. However, the incidence of PPH differs widely according to the definition and criteria used, the way of measuring postpartum blood loss, and the population being studied with the highest numbers in developing countries. Despite all the significant progress in healthcare, the incidence of PPH is rising due to an incomplete implementation of guidelines, resulting in treatment delays and suboptimal care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe performance of deep learning-based detection methods has made them an attractive option for robotic perception. However, their training typically requires large volumes of data containing all the various situations the robots may potentially encounter during their routine operation. Thus, the workforce required for data collection and annotation is a significant bottleneck when deploying robots in the real world.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPostpartum haemorrhage (PPH) remains the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths worldwide. Typically, bleeding is controlled by timely obstetric measures in parallel with resuscitation and treatment of coagulopathy. Early recognition of abnormal coagulation is crucial and haemostatic support should be considered simultaneously with other strategies as coagulopathies contribute to the progression to massive haemorrhage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite the advances in mobile robotics, the introduction of autonomous robots in human-populated environments is rather slow. One of the fundamental reasons is the acceptance of robots by people directly affected by a robot's presence. Understanding human behavior and dynamics is essential for planning when and how robots should traverse busy environments without disrupting people's natural motion and causing irritation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVisual teach and repeat navigation (VT&R) is popular in robotics thanks to its simplicity and versatility. It enables mobile robots equipped with a camera to traverse learned paths without the need to create globally consistent metric maps. Although teach and repeat frameworks have been reported to be relatively robust to changing environments, they still struggle with day-to-night and seasonal changes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe performance of deep neural networks and the low costs of computational hardware has made computer vision a popular choice in many robotic systems. An attractive feature of deep-learned methods is their ability to cope with appearance changes caused by day-night cycles and seasonal variations. However, deep learning of neural networks typically relies on large numbers of hand-annotated images, which requires significant effort for data collection and annotation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Supraglottic airway devices represent a less invasive method of airway management than tracheal intubation during general anaesthesia. Their continued development is focused mainly on improvements in the insertion success rate and minimalisation of perioperative and postoperative complications. The i-gel Plus is a novel, anatomically preshaped supraglottic airway device which achieves a perilaryngeal seal due to a non-inflatable cuff made of a soft thermoplastic elastomer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTargeted cancer immunotherapy is a promising tool for restoring immune surveillance and eradicating cancer cells. Hydrophilic polymers modified with coiled coil peptide tags can be used as universal carriers designed for cell-specific delivery of such biologically active proteins. Here, we describe the preparation of pHPMA-based copolymer conjugated with immunologically active protein B7-H6 via complementary coiled coil VAALEKE (peptide E) and VAALKEK (peptide K) sequences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEpidural analgesia (EPA) is the most effective method of intrapartum pain relief and is considered to be very safe. Recently, it has been used in up to 34% of parturients with EPA and is also associated with maternal temperature elevations during labor. The mechanism of this epidural-associated fever remains incompletely understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVideolaryngoscopes may improve intubating conditions in obese patients. A total of 110 patients with a body mass index > 35 kg∙m were prospectively randomized to tracheal intubation using non-channeled Glidescope Titanium or channeled King Vision videolaryngoscope. The primary outcome was the time to tracheal intubation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNKp30 is one of the main human natural killer (NK) cell activating receptors used in directed immunotherapy. The oligomerization of the NKp30 ligand binding domain depends on the length of the C-terminal stalk region, but our structural knowledge of NKp30 oligomerization and its role in signal transduction remains limited. Moreover, ligand binding of NKp30 is affected by the presence and type of -glycosylation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVideolaryngoscopes may reduce cervical spine movement during tracheal intubation in patients with neck trauma. This manikin study aimed to compare the performance of disposable non-channeled and channeled blades of the King Vision™ videolaryngoscope in simulated cervical spine injury. Fifty-eight anesthesiologists in training intubated the TruMan manikin with the neck immobilized using each blade in a randomized order.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPathogenic yeasts and possess a ß-type carbonic anhydrase Nce103p, which is involved in CO hydration and signaling. lacking Nce103p cannot survive in low CO concentrations, e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWorking at the border between innate and adaptive immunity, natural killer (NK) cells play a key role in the immune system by protecting healthy cells and by eliminating malignantly transformed, stressed or virally infected cells. NK cell recognition of a target cell is mediated by a receptor "zipper" consisting of various activating and inhibitory receptors, including C-type lectin-like receptors. Among this major group of receptors, two of the largest rodent receptor families are the NKR-P1 and the Clr receptor families.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub
June 2019
Aims: The purpose of this international survey was to describe the impact of current practices and techniques of caesarean section on the neonatal Apgar score in the Czech Republic (CZE) and Slovakia (SVK).
Methods: All Czech and Slovak departments that provide obstetric anaesthesia were invited to participate in a one-month (November 2015) prospective study that monitored in details all peripartum anaesthetic practices, delivered by anaesthesiologists. Participating centers recorded all data on-line in the CLADE-IS database (Masaryk University, CZE).
Background: The pathogenic yeast Candida albicans can proliferate in environments with different carbon dioxide concentrations thanks to the carbonic anhydrase CaNce103p, which accelerates spontaneous conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and vice versa. Without functional CaNce103p, C. albicans cannot survive in atmospheric air.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: β-N-acetylhexosaminidase from the fungus Aspergillus oryzae is a secreted extracellular enzyme that cleaves chitobiose into constituent monosaccharides. It belongs to the GH 20 glycoside hydrolase family and consists of two N-glycosylated catalytic cores noncovalently associated with two 10-kDa O-glycosylated propeptides. We used X-ray diffraction and mass spectrometry to determine the structure of A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe heme-based oxygen sensor histidine kinase GcHK is part of a two-component signal transduction system in bacteria. O binding to the Fe(II) heme complex of its N-terminal globin domain strongly stimulates autophosphorylation at His in its C-terminal kinase domain. The 6-coordinate heme Fe(III)-OH and -CN complexes of GcHK are also active, but the 5-coordinate heme Fe(II) complex and the heme-free apo-form are inactive.
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