Publications by authors named "Jamwal M"

Background: Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) encompasses rare hereditary skin conditions marked by skin fragility, nail dystrophy and minor trauma-induced skin blisters.

Objectives: To identify genetic variants in patients with EB in India and to examine the relationship between genotypic and phenotypic manifestations.

Methods: Patients with EB seen consecutively over a period of 5 years at an outpatient department of dermatology (Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India) were included in the study.

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Aim: To develop a non-invasive prenatal test for beta-hemoglobinopathies based on analyzing maternal plasma by using next generation sequencing.

Methods: We applied next generation sequencing (NGS) of maternal plasma to the non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) of autosomal recessive diseases, sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. Using the Illumina MiSeq, we sequenced plasma libraries obtained via a Twist Bioscience probe capture panel covering 4 Kb of chromosome 11, including the beta-globin (HBB) gene and >450 genomic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) used to estimate the fetal fraction (FF).

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  • The study examined the 4G/5G polymorphism in the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene to determine its link to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in an Indian population.
  • Results indicated that the 4G/5G polymorphism itself did not significantly increase DVT risk, despite some previous studies suggesting otherwise.
  • However, individuals with the 4G/4G genotype showed a significant association with protein C deficiency and had lower PAI-1 levels compared to controls, indicating potential complex interactions with other thrombophilic risk factors.
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  • The study analyzed TP53 gene mutations and deletions in Indian patients newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma, utilizing advanced genetic testing methods on plasma cell samples.
  • A notable percentage of patients exhibited TP53 aberrations, with mono-hit mutations observed in 10.2% and multi-hit mutations in 7.8%.
  • Results indicated that TP53 mutations significantly corresponded to poorer progression-free survival and overall survival compared to those without such mutations, emphasizing the importance of TP53 testing in treatment decisions.
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Inherited iron metabolism defects are possibly missed or underdiagnosed in iron-deficient endemic settings because of a lack of awareness or a methodical screening approach. Hence, we systematically evaluated anemia cases (2019 to 2021) based on clinical phenotype, normal screening tests (high-performance liquid chromatography, α gene sequencing, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and tissue transglutaminase), and abnormal iron profile by targeted next-generation sequencing (26-gene panel) supplemented with whole-exome sequencing, multiplex ligation probe amplification/mitochondrial DNA sequencing, and chromosomal microarray. Novel variants in ALAS2, STEAP3, and HSPA9 genes were functionally validated.

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Introduction: Various risk factors for inhibitor development in haemophilia A (HA) have been described but Indian data remains scanty.

Aim: We aimed to evaluate the genetic changes in Indian HA-patients that are associated with the development of inhibitors.

Methods: All HA-patients with inhibitors who availed coagulation-laboratory services from January-2015 till December-2021 and had their samples preserved for DNA extraction were included in this study.

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Dietary intake and biomarkers of micronutrient status of 100 non-pregnant women of reproductive age (NPWRA) were assessed to determine optimal levels of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and folic acid to include in multiply-fortified salt (MFS) that will be evaluated in an upcoming trial. Weighed food records were obtained from participants to measure intake of micronutrients and discretionary salt, and to assess adequacy using Indian Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs). Statistical modeling was used to determine optimal fortification levels to reduce inadequate micronutrient intake while limiting intake above the upper limit.

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Host derived serum proteome stabilised red-emitting gold quantum clusters (or Au-QC-NanoSera or QCNS) of size range ~2 nm have been synthesised in a first reported study. The host serum was taken from bovine, murine and human origins to establish the proof of concept. biocompatibility with normal murine L929 fibroblast cells and radiosensitisation ability against PLC/PRF/5 hepatoma cells was established.

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Purpose: The study aimed to explore the molecular defects underlying FXIII deficiency.

Materials And Methods: Sixteen unrelated cases were enrolled based on the indication of the urea clot solubility test and Factor XIII-A antigen levels. Cases were further subjected to targeted next-generation sequencing (custom gene panel: , , , , The pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants were validated by Sanger sequencing in the patients and family members.

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Introduction: Inherited Factor VII (FVII) deficiency is commonest among the rare bleeding disorders. A small number of patients present in infancy with severe bleeding, and many may remain asymptomatic but detected before surgery/invasive procedures. Genetic testing may be helpful in predictive testing/prenatal diagnosis in severe cases.

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We report drug nanocrystals stabilized with host-specific serum proteins with high loading (∼63% w/w). The human serum derived curcumin nanoparticles (Cur-NanoSera) showed superior in vitro anticancer efficiency compared to a free drug with substantial hemocompatibility. The preadsorbed protein coating impeded further protein corona formation, even with repeated serum exposures.

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Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder caused by genetic abnormalities in the F8 . Klinefelter syndrome is sex chromosome aneuploidy caused by nondisjunction during meiosis in the germ cells or mitotic cell divisions in the early embryonic cells. We here report an intriguing case of a prenatal diagnosis where a rare association of hemophilia A and Klinefelter syndrome was found in a fetus.

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  • * Conducted as a community-based, randomized controlled trial, it will involve 780 women and 468 children receiving monthly salt supplies for a year, measuring changes in various micronutrient biomarkers and gut microbiome composition.
  • * If successful, the fortified salt could significantly reduce micronutrient deficiencies and potentially be scaled up quickly using existing iodized salt infrastructure in India and beyond.
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Hyperunstable hemoglobins (Hbs) are challenging to diagnose and may be missed on conventional hemolytic anemia work-up. Here, we report the case of a 2-year-old Indian boy with infancy-onset severe hemolytic anemia. Its etiology was revealed by targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) to be the rare Hb Mizuho (: c.

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Background: Mutational analysis and immunofluorescence antigen mapping (IFM) are recommended as the laboratory tools of choice for diagnosing EB. In the past, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was considered the gold standard, and more recently, clinical diagnostic matrix (CDM) has shown good concordance with next-generation sequencing (NGS).

Methods: In this prospective diagnostic study, a skin biopsy was taken for TEM and IFM in consecutive patients with EB (aged >6 months) diagnosed clinically with CDM.

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