Introduction: Intubating patients undergoing manual in-line stabilization (MILS) can make airway management more challenging. This study aimed to compare the outcomes of intubation with video-laryngoscope (VL) and Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway (I-LMA) in manikin with restricted neck motion using MILS.
Methods: In this comparative study, emergency medicine residents and paramedics were randomly allocated to two crossover sets.
Med Devices (Auckl)
July 2024
Background: The assessment of cervical spine motion is critical for out-of-hospital patients who suffer traumatic spinal cord injuries, given the profound implications such injuries have on individual well-being and broader public health concerns. 3D Optoelectronic systems (BTS SmartDX) are standard devices for motion measurement, but their price, complexity, and size prevent them from being used outside of designated laboratories. This study was designed to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) in gauging cervical spine motion among healthy volunteers, using a 3D optoelectronic motion capture system as a reference.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Proper cervical spine immobilization is essential to prevent further injury following trauma. This study aimed to compare the cervical range of motion (ROM) and the immobilization time between traditional spinal immobilization (TSI) and spinal motion restriction (SMR).
Methods: This study was a randomized 2x2 crossover design in healthy volunteers.
Master runners maintain a similar running economy to young runners, despite displaying biomechanical characteristics that are associated with a worse running economy. This apparent paradox may be explained by a greater physiological effort-i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Acad Emerg Med
June 2023
Introduction: Inadequate spinal motion restriction in patients suffering from spinal injuries could lead to further neurological damage, ultimately worsening their prognosis. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of long spinal boards (LSB), ske stretcher, and vacuum mattress for cervical spine immobilization during transportation of patients by measuring the angular motion of the cervical spine following lifting, transferring, and tilting.
Methods: We conducted an experimental study using a box of three randomizations and crossover designs without a washout period effect for the long spinal board, sked stretcher, and vacuum mattress.
Background: The alteration of scapular kinematics can predispose patients to shoulder pathologies and dysfunction. Previous literature has associated various types of shoulder injuries with scapular dyskinesis, but there are limited studies regarding the effect that proximal humeral fractures (PHFs) have on scapular dyskinesis. This study aims to determine the change in scapulohumeral rhythm following treatment of a proximal humerus fracture as well as differences in shoulder motion and functional outcomes among patients who presented with or without scapular dyskinesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSingle arm blocking is a key component of successful basketball defence. The player uses either their dominant or non-dominant arm to block the ball landing on a common leg. Understanding how the bio-physical loads of the landing leg change as a function of the blocking arm will provide insights into potential injury risk of the lower limb.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen investigating whole-body balance in dynamic tasks, adequately tracking the whole-body centre of mass (CoM) or derivatives such as the extrapolated centre of mass (XCoM) can be crucial but add considerable measurement efforts. The aim of this study was to investigate whether reduced kinematic models can still provide adequate CoM and XCoM representations during dynamic sporting tasks. Seventeen healthy recreationally active subjects (14 males and 3 females; age, 24.
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