Introduction: Refractory ischemic priapism (RIP) can be difficult to treat, consuming significant healthcare-related resources. Acute insertion of a malleable penile prosthesis (MPP) has been reported as an effective therapy that treats the priapism and restores sexual function.
Aim: We report our 6-year, urban public hospital experience with acute insertion of MPP in patients with RIP.
Introduction: High submuscular (HSM) inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) reservoir insertion is a new technique that involves placing the reservoir high beneath the muscles of the abdominal wall. We queried a variety of surgeons to assess their impressions of how HSM reservoir placement compares with traditional space of Retzius (SOR) placement.
Materials And Methods: A nationwide group of urologists trained in HSM reservoir placement was surveyed to assess preferences and concerns compared to SOR placement.