Publications by authors named "James Paskavitz"

Objective: In this cohort of individuals with and without multiple sclerosis (MS), we illustrate some of the novel approaches that smartphones provide to monitor patients with chronic neurologic disorders in their natural setting.

Methods: Thirty-eight participant pairs (MS and cohabitant) aged 18-55 years participated in the study. Each participant received an Android HTC Sensation 4G smartphone containing a custom application suite of 19 tests capturing participant performance and patient-reported outcomes (PROs).

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Despite improvements in our understanding of the pathophysiology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), little data exist regarding the long-term sequelae following a diagnosis of TTP. We present the results of a comprehensive evaluation of neurologic injury that included a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a neurocognitive testing, and an evaluation of health-related quality of life. Twenty-seven patients with a history of idiopathic TTP functioning normally in their activities of daily living were recruited from existing patient cohorts at both the Ohio State University (n 5 12) (Columbus) and the University College London Hospitals (n 5 15) (London, UK).

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Seventeen subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) performing a 2-Back verbal working memory (VWM) task alternating with a control task to characterize the temporal dynamics of the specific brain regions involved in VWM. Serial sampling of 2-Back sub-blocks revealed many small areas of activation that grew and merged over time. Significant temporal effects for volume recruitment were seen in specific brain regions known to be involved in VWM, including the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC), medial frontal (MFC), posterior parietal (PPC) cortices and also some extra-cortical and subcortical regions of interest (ROIs).

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Recent studies demonstrated efficacy of a vitamin/ nutriceutical formulation (folate, vitamin B12, alpha-tocopherol, S-adenosyl methionine, N-acetyl cysteine, and acetyl-L-carnitine) for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Herein, we tested the efficacy of this formulation in a small cohort of 12 institutionalized patients diagnosed with moderate-stage to later-stage Alzheimer's disease. Participants were randomly separated into treatment of placebo groups.

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We examined the efficacy of a vitamin/nutriceutical formulation (folate, vitamin B6, alpha-tocopherol, S-adenosyl methionine, N-acetyl cysteine, and acetyl-L-carnitine) in a 12-month, open-label trial with 14 community-dwelling individuals with early-stage Alzheimer's disease. Participants improved in the Dementia Rating Scale and Clock-drawing tests (Clox 1 and 2). Family caregivers reported improvement in multiple domains of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and maintenance of performance in the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADL).

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Primary Objective: Event-related, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were acquired in healthy participants during purposefully malingered and normal recognition memory performances to evaluate the neural substrates of feigned memory impairment.

Methods And Procedures: Pairwise, between-condition contrasts of neural activity associated with discrete recognition memory responses were conducted to isolate dissociable neural activity between normal and malingered responding while simultaneously controlling for shared stimulus familiarity and novelty effects. Response timing characteristics were also examined for any association with observed between-condition activity differences.

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Clock-drawing tests are simple and rapid screening devices for dementia. It was observed that individuals <60 years of age showed similar performance with a digital prompt (" . .

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Studies of verbal working memory (VWM) report that performance declines as the phonemic similarity of stimuli increases. To determine how phonological similarity affects brain function during VWM, "standard" and "similarity" versions of the 2-Back task were presented to 34 healthy participants during functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). Letter consonants presented during similarity blocks rhymed, while consonants did not rhyme during standard blocks.

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Caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients treated with memantine have reported improved frontal lobe behaviors. The present study examined these possible improvements in executive functioning using rater-blinded scoring of a clock-drawing test. Fifty-one Alzheimer's disease patients were treated with open-label memantine for 10 weeks.

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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) experiments frequently administer substantially adapted cognitive tests. This study was designed to identify FMRI correlates of a well-standardized clinical measure presented with minor adaptations. We administered the WAIS-III Symbol Search (SS) and a visuospatial control task to fifteen adults during FMRI.

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