J Healthc Prot Manage
October 2007
Unlabelled: Emergency response plans often call on health care providers to respond to the workplace outside of their normal working pattern.
Hypothesis: Providers will report to work during a mass casualty emergency regardless of family duties, type of incident, or availability of treatment.
Methods: Survey of emergency personnel needed to respond to a mass casualty incident.
Prehosp Emerg Care
March 2007
Introduction: Emergency response plans often call on health care providers to respond to the workplace outside of their normal working pattern.
Hypothesis: Providers will report to work during a mass casualty emergency regardless of family duties, type of incident, or availability of treatment.
Methods: Survey of emergency personnel needed to respond to a mass casualty incident.
Objectives: To describe the characteristics and feasibility of a physician-directed ambulance destination-control program to reduce emergency department (ED) overcrowding, as measured by hospital ambulance diversion hours.
Methods: This controlled trial took place in Rochester, New York and included a university hospital and a university-affiliated community hospital. During July 2003, emergency medical services (EMS) providers were asked to call an EMS destination-control physician for patients requesting transport to either hospital.