Barley serves as a crucial feed crop and is also utilized for baking, malting, and brewing purposes. In India, the consistent demand for malting-type barley has not been met due to the lack of suitable varieties. This study evaluated 136 barley germplasm accessions for diversity in biochemical and agro-morphological traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding the nutritional diversity in Perilla (Perilla frutescens L.) is essential for selecting and developing superior varieties with enhanced nutritional profiles in the North Eastern Himalayan (NEH) region of India. In this study, we assessed the nutritional composition of 45 diverse perilla germplasm collected from five NEH states using standard protocols and advanced analytical techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn tropical countries, combating leaf curl disease in hot peppers has become important in improvement programs. Leaf curl disease is caused by whitefly () transmitted begomoviruses, which mainly include chilli leaf curl virus (ChiLCV). However, multiple begomoviruses have also been found to be associated with this disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the present era of climate change, underutilized crops such as rice beans and adzuki beans are gaining prominence to ensure food security due to their inherent potential to withstand extreme conditions and high nutritional value. These legumes are bestowed with higher nutritional attributes such as protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals than other major legumes of the family. With the typical nutrient evaluation methods being expensive and time-consuming, non-invasive techniques such as near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with chemometrics have emerged as a better alternative.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHorsegram ( [Lam.] Verdc.) is an underutilized pulse crop primarily cultivated in South Asian countries like India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe adzuki bean (), known for its rich nutritional composition, holds significant promise in addressing food and nutritional security, particularly for low socioeconomic classes and the predominantly vegetarian and vegan populations worldwide. In this study, we assessed a total of 100 diverse adzuki bean accessions, analyzing essential nutritional compounds using AOAC's official analysis procedures and other widely accepted standard techniques. Our analysis of variance revealed significant genotype variations for all the traits studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuinoa belongs to the family , a pseudo-grain having high nutritional value and is considered an underexploited vegetable crop with the potential to improve the nutritional security of millions. Therefore, assessing genetic diversity in germplasm to untap nutritional and site-specific adaptation potential would be of prime importance for breeders/researchers. The present study used 10 accessions of two species, that is, and .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Indian subcontinent is the primary center of origin of rice where huge diversity is found in the Indian rice gene pool, including landraces. North Eastern States of India are home to thousands of rice landraces which are highly diverse and good sources of nutritional traits, but most of them remain nutritionally uncharacterized. Hence, nutritional profiling of 395 Assam landraces was done for total starch, amylose content (AC), total dietary fiber (TDF), total protein content (TPC), oil, phenol, and total phytic acid (TPA) using official AOAC and standard methods, where the mean content for the estimated traits were found to be 75.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMoth bean () is an orphan legume of genus, exhibiting wide adaptability and has the potential to grow well in arid and semi-arid areas, predominantly across different eco-geographical regions of Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent. The inherent adaptive attributes of this crop have made it more tolerant towards a diverse array of abiotic and biotic stresses that commonly restrain yield among other species. Additionally, the legume is recognized for its superior nutritional quality owing to its high protein content as well as amino acid, mineral and vitamin profile and is utilized as both food and fodder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWild species are weedy relatives and progenitors of cultivated crops, usually maintained in their centres of origin. They are rich sources of diversity as they possess many agriculturally important traits. In this study, we analysed 25 wild species and 5 U triangle species of for their potential tolerance against heat and drought stress during germination and in order to examine the early seedling stage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRice is a major staple food across the world in which wide variations in nutrient composition are reported. Rice improvement programs need germplasm accessions with extreme values for any nutritional trait. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) uses electromagnetic radiations in the NIR region to rapidly measure the biochemical composition of food and agricultural products.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe northwest Indian Himalayas are often regarded as a for the presence of rich agro-biodiversity harboring locally adapted traditional crop landraces facing utter neglect owing to modern agricultural systems promoting high-yielding varieties. Addressing this challenge requires extricating the potential of such cultivars in terms of agro-morphological and nutritional attributes. In this study, 29 traditional crop landraces of maize (11), paddy (07), finger millet (03), buckwheat (05), and naked barley (03) were characterized and evaluated for target traits of interest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNative germplasm resources are adapted to specific ecological niches. They have sustained over generations owing to the preference of local communities for their unique taste, the utility to particular dishes, and the low cost of cultivation. They may help eradicate malnutrition and act as a source for trait-linked genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe physicochemical and functional properties of grains, flour and protein isolates (QPI) from different quinoa lines were evaluated. Quinoa flour and protein isolates were characterised by high protein (14.1-15.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLentil and horse gram germplasm was assessed for variety in seed and flour properties. Horsegram grains showed higher * and * and lower * values as compared to lentil grains indicating lentil grains were lighter in color as compared to horse gram. Both the pulses showed significant differential accumulation of minerals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe grain and flour characteristics of different field pea (FP) accessions were evaluated. Accessions with higher grain weight had less compact structure with a greater proportion of large-sized starch granules. Accessions with higher protein content had lower starch content, blue value and λ(max) whereas accessions with higher amylose showed higher resistant starch (RS) and final viscosity and lower rapidly digestible starch (RDS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: The present work was carried out to evaluate physicochemical (composition, hunter color, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [SDS-PAGE]), pasting, and functional properties (foaming, emulsification, water, and fat absorption capacity) of amaranth full-fat flours from 6 lines/cultivars (AFs), and to see the effects of lipid removal/defatting on these properties. Protein, ash, and lipid content of AFs ranged between 12.5% to 15.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPangi Valley is the interior most tribal area in Himachal Pradesh of Northwest Himalaya. An ethnobotanical investigation is attempted to highlight the traditional knowledge of medicinal plants being used by the tribes of Pangi Valley. Various localities visited in the valley 2-3 times in a year and ethnobotanical information was collected through interviews with elderly people, women, shepherds, and local vaids during May 2009 to September 2013.
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