Publications by authors named "Jahshara Bulgin"

Purpose: Social media use in younger people has shown mixed associations with mental health. We hypothesized that communication types during social media use might alter the relationship between problematic social media use (PSMU) and anxiety over time. We aimed to identify how four dimensions of communication influence the link between PSMU and anxiety.

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Research on emotion regulation often focuses on cognitively effortful self-regulation strategies, but exposure to stress has been shown to interfere with the underlying mechanisms supporting such processes. Understanding alternative strategies that potentially bolster emotion regulation under stress is an important topic of investigation. Two potential alternatives involve everyday occurrences of social processing and memory recall.

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  • * The study aimed to identify specific challenges women face in obtaining buprenorphine based on factors like pregnancy, race/ethnicity, and insurance type, while also exploring potential interventions to enhance medication access.
  • * Findings highlighted that interpersonal and systemic stigma varies by race, pregnancy status, and insurance, suggesting that these factors shape women's experiences when seeking OUD treatment.
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Objective: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with complications during pregnancy and can negatively influence maternal outcomes. Our study aimed to determine the prevalence and predictors of maternal morbidity among participants enrolled in an eight-site SCD Implementation Consortium (SCDIC) registry.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of female registry participants, aged 15-45 years, with a confirmed diagnosis of SCD.

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While neurostimulation technologies are rapidly approaching clinical applications for sensorimotor disorders, the impact of electrical stimulation on network dynamics is still unknown. Given the high degree of shared processing in neural structures, it is critical to understand if neurostimulation affects functions that are related to, but not targeted by, the intervention. Here, we approach this question by studying the effects of electrical stimulation of cutaneous afferents on unrelated processing of proprioceptive inputs.

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Key Points: Improving late stage diabetic kidney disease care requires adapting evidence-based, self-management programs for telehealth delivery. We adapted and pilot-tested a telehealth approach and found it to be feasible. Preliminary data suggested it improved relevant health and patient-recorded outcomes.

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  • Normal tissues are crucial for studying gene expression related to diseases, but healthy controls are often obtained only post-mortem, leading researchers to use "normal" tissues next to tumors as controls.
  • A study compared gene expression profiles in tumor-adjacent tissues to those from autopsy-derived healthy tissues, discovering significant differences linked to immune activation, cell signaling pathways, and structural changes.
  • Using a macaque model, researchers identified RNA degradation in lung samples that affected gene expression results, emphasizing the need to consider sample quality and handling in research protocols.
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Objective: To examine whether access to treatment for women with opioid use disorder (OUD) varied by race and ethnicity, community characteristics, and pregnancy status.

Methods: We conducted a secondary data analysis of a simulated patient caller study of buprenorphine-waivered prescribers and opioid-treatment programs in 10 U.S.

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Objective: To describe the prevalence of infertility and infertility treatment seeking among people enrolled in the Sickle Cell Disease Implementation Consortium (SCDIC) registry and identify sociodemographic and clinical correlates of infertility.

Design: Cross-sectional.

Participants: The study population included 2108 women and men (≥18 years of age) enrolled in the SCDIC registry who completed the fertility questionnaire.

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Introduction: Rubella is currently an infection controlled by specific prophylaxis. Not only the right vaccine prophylaxis strategy and tactics, but also the use of effective and safe vaccine preparations is crucial for the elimination of this disease.The aim of the investigation was to study the morphological and pathogenetic patterns of changes developing in the central nervous system (CNS) and internal organs of monkeys (Haplorhini) during intracerebral inoculation with 2 strains of rubella virus (Matonaviridae: Rubivirus: Rubella virus) (RV): highly attenuated Orlov-B, and low attenuated Orlov-14.

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Background: The high prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure [DBP] ≥90 mmHg) in Black patients represents a significant racial health disparity in the United States.

Aims: This study evaluated the efficacy of a telephone-based strategy for inviting high-risk patients with severe hypertension to weekly self-management education classes. Further, the study assessed how the outreach intervention correlated with relevant quality improvement outcomes, including improved blood pressure and primary care follow-up among our clinic population of Black men with severe hypertension.

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Background: Uncontrolled hypertension disproportionately affects Black men. Patient engagement with health promotion and health behavior programs for hypertension control is low. We held evidence-based hypertension classes at a Federally Qualified Health Center.

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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common inherited blood disorder in both Jamaica and the United States and is characterized by poor quality of life and debilitating complications, with the hallmark symptom being pain caused by acute and chronic conditions. Individuals with SCD often experience stigma due to their disease status, opioid use, and race. This study sought to understand the influence of perceived stigma and demographic/clinical characteristics on quality of life in adults with SCD in Jamaica (n = 50) and the United States (n = 50).

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  • The study investigates sex-based differences in clinical outcomes among individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD), finding that females report more pain and hospital admissions, while males have higher rates of certain complications.
  • Data was collected from 2,124 participants aged 15 to 45, revealing that females experienced worse pain severity and more hospitalizations, while males showed increased odds for conditions like acute chest syndrome and depression.
  • The results highlight significant sex differences in SCD outcomes, suggesting a need for further research to understand the underlying causes of these disparities.
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Attachment theory posits that parenting plays akey role in children's attachment and subsequent development. Given the normativity of racial discrimination on everyday life experiences of African American families, there is a need to integrate historical and socio-environmental processes in studies to understand how minoritized parents raise secure and stable children. Results from the current study revealed direct associations between mothers' reports of discrimination and heightened depression and anxiety.

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We studied the localization and severity of morphological changes in CNS and internal organs of animals intacerebrally infected with a low-attenuated rubella virus strain "Orlov-14". The data obtained can be used as morphological criteria reflecting low level of attenuation of rubella virus strains to improve the control of the safety of attenuated strains of live rubella vaccines.

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Excitons in Bridgman grown halide perovskite CsPbBr single crystals were examined using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy to determine the nature of the electronic states. The photoluminescence intensity was strongly temperature-dependent and depended upon the specific exciton band. At low temperatures intrinsic disorder and its related shallow below bandgap tail states determine the emission properties.

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Structural racism has contributed to persistent racial disparities in hypertension control, with Black men suffering the highest prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension. Lincoln Community Health Center, our urban Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), aimed to use hypertension self-management classes to improve hypertension control among our clinic patients, particularly Black men. Patients attending classes learned about hypertension, were given blood pressure cuffs to use at home, and had the opportunity to speak to physicians in a group setting.

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Due to the impact of persistent structural racism, Black men have low rates of hypertension treatment and control despite having high rates of hypertension-related mortality. Peer-based education can improve blood pressure monitoring and lower blood pressure in Black men with hypertension. To address this disparity, we implemented weekly community-based group classes for severe hypertension at a Federally Qualified Health Center.

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Background: Sickle cell disease is associated with frequent vaso-occlusive episode and emergency department visits. Our group developed (1) a vaso-occlusive episode treatment algorithm based on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommendations, and (2) a case management referral form to identify social behavioral health needs of patients with sickle cell disease in the emergency department. The aims of this project were to (1) disseminate the vaso-occlusive episode algorithm and case management referral form, and (2) to evaluate the individual provider-reported awareness, use, and preferred method of access to each tool among emergency department providers in North Carolina.

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Quantifying global trends and variability in sea surface temperature (SST) is of fundamental importance to understanding changes in the Earth's climate. One approach to observing SST is via remote sensing. Here we use a 37-year gap-filled, daily-mean analysis of satellite SSTs to quantify SST trends, variability and persistence between 1981-2018.

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A climate data record of global sea surface temperature (SST) spanning 1981-2016 has been developed from 4 × 10 satellite measurements of thermal infra-red radiance. The spatial area represented by pixel SST estimates is between 1 km and 45 km. The mean density of good-quality observations is 13 km yr.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to pilot test two sickle cell-specific instruments, the Adult Sickle Cell Quality of Life Measurement Information System (ASCQ-Me) and Jenerette Self-Care Assessment Tool (J-SAT), to determine recruitment rate, percent completion of the instrument battery, and patient perceptions of health-related quality of life outcomes and self-care activities in a convenience sample of adults with sickle cell disease (SCD).

Methods: A cross-sectional pilot study was conducted. Participants were recruited from a sickle cell clinic and conference on SCD.

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