Publications by authors named "Jafar Al-Jawad"

Salars (basins of internal drainage) in the "Lithium Triangle" countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile) hold >50 % of the global lithium resources within lithium-rich brines. Given the imperative for lithium production to enable the energy transition and that salars by their very nature are highly variable, so a framework to both characterise their differences as well as identifying their similarities would be beneficial to understanding their provenance and potential for exploitation. In this study, data for 29 salars based on environmental factors: rainfall, evaporation as well as their physical characteristic: pan size and basin size have been used to characterise them along with those describing their setting land-use/cover and geological outcrop.

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A holistic Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) model can be difficult to implement and the associated high-dimension optimization problems' complexity often forces the decision makers to downscale such problems. These challenges however have motivated this research to develop a comprehensive Optimum IWRM approach (OP-IWRM) using a many-objective optimization algorithm to solve complex and large-scale problems. The approach employs the social, economic, and environmental objectives; ground and surface water resources; and water infrastructure for river basin management to: (1) improve the relevant revenues, (2) enhance community welfare, and (3) pave the road for the decision makers to set better investment policy.

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Water resource system complexity, high-dimension modelling difficulty and computational efficiency challenges often limit decision makers' strategies to combine environmental flow objectives (e.g. water quality, ecosystem) with social flow objectives (e.

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In this research, a significant improvement in reservoir operation was achieved using a state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithm named Borg MOEA. A real-world multipurpose dam was used to test the algorithm's performance, and the target of the reservoir operation policy was to fulfil downstream water demands in drought condition while maintaining a sustainable quantity of water in the reservoir for the next year. The reservoir's performance was improved by increasing the maximum reservoir storage by 14.

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