Publications by authors named "Jaesik Choi"

Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a critical clinical condition that requires immediate intervention. We developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model called PRIME Solution to predict AKI and evaluated its ability to enhance clinicians' predictions.

Methods: The PRIME Solution was developed using convolutional neural networks with residual blocks on 183,221 inpatient admissions from a tertiary hospital (2013-2017) and externally validated with 4,501 admissions at another tertiary hospital (2020-2021).

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Recently, the use of quadrotors has increased in numerous applications, such as agriculture, rescue, transportation, inspection, and localization. Time-optimal quadrotor waypoint tracking is defined as controlling quadrotors to follow the given waypoints as quickly as possible. Although PID control is widely used for quadrotor control, it is not adaptable to environmental changes, such as various trajectories and dynamic external disturbances.

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Predicting potentially dangerous chemical reactions is a critical task for laboratory safety. However, a traditional experimental investigation of reaction conditions for possible hazardous or explosive byproducts entails substantial time and cost, for which machine learning prediction could accelerate the process and help detailed experimental investigations. Several machine learning models have been developed which allow the prediction of major chemical reaction products with reasonable accuracy.

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Abnormal behaviors in industrial systems may be early warnings on critical events that may cause severe damages to facilities and security. Thus, it is important to detect abnormal behaviors accurately and timely. However, the anomaly detection problem is hard to solve in practice, mainly due to the rareness and the expensive cost to get the labels of the anomalies.

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G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) is activated by extracellular signals. After their function at plasma membrane, GPCRs are internalized to be desensitized, while emerging evidence suggests that some GPCRs maintain their activity even after internalization. The endosomal trafficking pathway of a prototypic GPCR, β adrenergic receptor 2 (B2AR), is in the range of several hours, however, spatiotemporal B2AR activity during this long-term endosomal trafficking pathway has not been characterized yet.

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Autophagy is a major degradation process of cytosolic components and misfolded proteins that is crucial for cellular homeostasis and for the pathogenesis of diverse diseases. Autophagy is initiated by the formation of phagophores, which mature to autophagosomes. The autophagosomes then fuse to lysosomes to form autolysosomes.

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Explainability is essential for users to effectively understand, trust, and manage powerful artificial intelligence applications.

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Bipolar cells transmit stimuli via graded changes in membrane potential and neurotransmitter release is modulated by Ca(2+) influx through L-type Ca(2+) channels. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the α1c subunit of L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel (α1c L-type Ca(2+) channel) colocalizes with protein kinase C alpha (PKC-α), which labels rod bipolar cells. Retinal whole mounts and vertical sections from mouse, hamster, rabbit, and dog were immunolabeled with antibodies against PKC-α and α1c L-type Ca(2+) channel, using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and Cy5 as visualizing agents.

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Quantitative analyses of groundwater flow and transport typically rely on a physically-based model, which is inherently subject to error. Errors in model structure, parameter and data lead to both random and systematic error even in the output of a calibrated model. We develop complementary data-driven models (DDMs) to reduce the predictive error of physically-based groundwater models.

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We investigated the distributions of AMPA glutamate receptor subtypes GluR1 and GluR4 in the hamster superior colliculus (SC) with antibody immunocytochemistry and the effect of enucleation on these distributions. We compared these labelings to those of GluR2/3 in our previous report (Park et al., 2004, Neurosci Res.

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We localized calbindin D28K-immunoreactive (IR) neurons in the superior colliculus (SC) of the dog and studied the distribution and effect of enucleation on the distribution of this protein. We also compared this labeling to that of GABA. Calbindin D28K was localized with antibody immunocytochemistry.

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The purpose of this investigation is to characterize parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-IR) amacrine cells in bat retina through immunocytochemistry, quantitative analysis, and confocal microscopy. PV immunoreactivity was present in ganglion cell and inner nuclear layers. The regular distribution of PV-IR neurons, the inner marginal locations of their cell bodies in the inner nuclear layers, and the distinctive bilaminar morphologies of their dendritic arbors in the inner plexiform layers suggested that these PV-IR cells were AII amacrine cells.

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Several nucleophiles such as proteins or poly(ethyleneimine) could be easily conjugated with a 11-(2,4-dinitro-5-fluorobenzene)undecenamide (DFUA) monolayer photochemically prepared on a silicon (100) surface.

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The subunit composition of the AMPA receptor is critical to its function. AMPA receptors that display very low calcium permeability include the GluR2 subunit, while AMPA receptors that contain other subunits, such as GluR1, display high calcium permeability. We have studied the distribution and morphology of neurons containing GluR1 in the hamster visual cortex with antibody immunocytochemistry.

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We studied calretinin-immunoreactive (IR) fibers and cells in the canine superior colliculus (SC) and studied the distribution and effect of enucleation on the distribution of this protein. Localization of calretinin was immunocytochemically observed. A dense plexus of anti--calretinin-IR fibers was found within the upper part of the superficial gray layer (SGL).

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