The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) A(H5N1) has caused the most extensive and severe epizootic event affecting both poultry and wild birds globally. This study investigated the impact of HPAIV on the breeding population of the Black-headed Gull , the most abundant gull species in Poland. During the 2023 outbreak, this species was reported as the most frequently infected in the country.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cancer influences various aspects of patients' functioning. Cancer patients face not only medical problems but also organizational, socio-psychological, and spiritual problems. Their needs often seem to be unrecognized because patients do not express their concerns and clinicians do not ask appropriate questions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study aimed to determine the influence of grassland management on the potential food base of the red-backed shrike and the condition of chicks in the population inhabiting semi-natural grasslands in the Narew floodplain. The grassland area was divided into three groups: extensively used meadows, intensively used meadows fertilised with mineral fertilisers, and intensively used meadows fertilised with liquid manure, and selected environmental factors that may influence food availability were determined. Using Barber traps, 1825 samples containing 53,739 arthropods were collected, and the diversity, abundance, and proportion of large arthropods in the samples were analysed depending on the grassland use type.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is an asymmetrical head position resulting from structural changes in the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle that occurs early during a child's development or due to perinatal trauma. Children with CMT exhibit a marked imbalance in tension between the SCMs. In a typical clinical picture, an ultrasound scan is performed to reveal characteristic lesions, such as tissue fibrosis or post-traumatic changes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: To compare the effects of short-term 8 week heavy-resistance or plyometric training protocols (HRT or PLY) incorporated into regular soccer practice on measures of neuromuscular functional performance in professional soccer players, a single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted.
Methods: Forty-seven participants aged 22.3 ± 3.
(1) Background: This study investigated the effect of the lactation period and the type of infant formula on the content of amino acids and selected minerals in an infant's food; (2) Methods: The study material consisted of breast milk (colostrum, = 38; transitional milk, mature milk, = 38) and three types of infant formulas (for first and follow-on feeding). Amino acid content was determined using an automatic amino acid analyzer, while minerals were determined by the atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) technique; (3) Results: Breast milk and infant formulas contained a full range of essential amino acids. In most cases, the content of individual amino acids and minerals decreased with increasing lactation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImmunogenetic variation in natural vertebrate populations is expected to respond to spatial and temporal fluctuations in pathogen assemblages. While spatial heterogeneity in pathogen-driven selection enhances local immunogenetic adaptations and population divergence, different immune genes may yield contrasting responses to the environment. Here, we investigated population differentiation at the key pathogen recognition genes of the innate and adaptive immune system in a colonial bird species, the black-headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAgriculturally used meadows are habitats whose biodiversity depends on anthropogenic disturbances such as fertilization or mowing. Intensified agricultural practices (too frequent mowing, use of mineral fertilizers and insecticides) lead to declines in the abundance and species diversity of the biota inhabiting them. The intensification of agricultural production in north-eastern Poland relates primarily to the increase in cattle numbers and the intensification of grassland management, but many areas were included in Natura 2000 network.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKisspeptin (KISS) is a natural peptide-discovered in 1996 as a factor inhibiting the ability to metastasize in malignant melanoma. This protein plays also a regulatory role in the process of puberty, the menstrual cycle, spermatogenesis, implantation and development of the human placenta. The present study aimed to evaluate the expression of KISS and its receptor GPR54 in endometrial cancer (EC) tissue, depending on the histological type of cancer, its stage, various demographic characteristics, and clinical conditions in 214 hysterectomy patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF: In Poland, the rates of morbidity and mortality due to cervical cancer are amongst the highest in Europe. A significant percentage of newly diagnosed cases of cervical cancer are at an advanced stage. Unfortunately, only about 20% of Polish women take part in cervical cancer screening.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBird feeders are known to be a transfer site for many important bird pathogens, such as zoonotic spp., known to be widespread among wild birds in Poland. The aim of the study was to investigate (1) whether feeders can be a source of spp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Nesting in large aggregations provides several important advantages for colonially breeding birds. However, it also imposes certain costs, associated with facilitated pathogen transmission and social stress. The cost-benefit ratio is not similar for all the birds in a colony and it might be mediated by nest density.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the Andes, pairs of ecologically similar species are often separated by narrow elevational sympatry zones but the mechanisms mediating sympatry are not fully understood. Here, we describe niche partitioning within a sympatry zone in a fragmented Andean landscape between two closely related flush-pursue species: a high-elevation montane forest dweller, (Myioborus melanocephalus), and a mid-elevation montane forest dweller, (M. miniatus).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is responsible for the Müllerian ducts' regression in male fetuses. In cells of cancers with AMH receptors (AMHRII), AMH induces cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. As AMH occurs naturally and does not exhibit significant side effects while reducing neoplastic cell colonies, it can be considered as a potential therapeutic agent for cancer treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe shared pathogenesis of psoriasis and atherosclerosis may be determined by assaying the levels of endothelial activation molecules. This study aimed at evaluating vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and E-selectin serum concentrations, and atherosclerosis severity in patients with plaque psoriasis. It also aimed to determine the effects of methotrexate/adalimumab treatment for 12 weeks on the plasma levels of the aforementioned molecules.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDermatol Ther
November 2020
Dysfunctional regulatory T lymphocytes are important for the pathogenesis of psoriasis and atherosclerosis. We analyzed the severity of atherosclerosis and the concentration of regulatory cytokines in patients with psoriasis who were administered methotrexate or adalimumab for 12 weeks. We included 34 patients with psoriasis (17 each, administered methotrexate or adalimumab) and eight healthy volunteers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGen Comp Endocrinol
November 2020
Adiponectin, a product of the Adipoq gene, is an adipocyte-derived protein hormone of the cytokine family and the most abundantly expressed adipokine. Adiponectin and its receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 (collectively referred to as the adiponectin system) are widely expressed in the central nervous system and other tissues, which suggests that this hormone has pleiotropic effects. Adiponectin could also play a role in the modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) hormonal regulatory axis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of colostrum-supplemented transition milk on the growth rate of newborn calves. Thirty-six day-old female Holstein calves with a birth weight of 43.4 ± 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a worldwide occurring nosocomial pathogen, the natural habitats of which remain to be defined. Recently, white stork nestlings have been described as a recurring source of . Here, we challenged the hypothesis of a general preference of for avian hosts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDomestic and wild mammals, domestic birds and particularly wild birds are considered to be reservoirs of many species of Enterobacteriaceae, and also important human enteric pathogens, e.g., the bacteria of the genus Campylobacter that occur in their digestive tracts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Trauma is the third cause of death among the general population in Poland, and the first in people aged 1-44 years. Trauma centers are hospitals dedicated to treating patients with multiple organ injuries, in a complex way that endeavours to ensure a lower mortality rate, shorter hospital stay and better outcomes if the patients are transferred to such a center. Worldwide, there are many models on how to treat a trauma patient, but them to be qualified for the procedure, the selection of potential patients is crucial.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe deformity in idiopathic scoliosis (IS) is three dimensional and effective correction involves all three planes. Recently, the biofeedback method has been implemented in the treatment of scoliosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative biofeedback SKOL-AS postural training among children with scoliosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a commonly known factor secreted by Sertoli cells, responsible for regression of the Müllerian ducts in male fetuses. AMH has also other functions in humans. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that AMH inhibits cell cycle and induces apoptosis in cancers with AMH receptors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
March 2018
Background: The five-year relative survival rate in Poland is approximately 10% lower compared with the average for Europe. One of the factors that may contribute to the inferior treatment results in Poland could be the long time between cancer suspicion and the beginning of treatment. The aim of the study was to determine the real waiting time for cancer diagnosis and treatment in Poland.
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