Publications by authors named "JW Dufty"

Realizing the potential for predictive density functional calculations of matter under extreme conditions depends crucially upon having an exchange-correlation (XC) free-energy functional accurate over a wide range of state conditions. Unlike the ground-state case, no such functional exists. We remedy that with systematic construction of a generalized gradient approximation XC free-energy functional based on rigorous constraints, including the free-energy gradient expansion.

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Density functional theory relies on universal functionals characteristic of a given system. Those functionals in general are different for electron gas and for jellium (electron gas with a uniform background). However, jellium is frequently used to construct approximate functionals for an electron gas (e.

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A low density binary mixture of granular gases is considered within the Boltzmann kinetic theory. One component, the intruders, is taken to be dilute with respect to the other, and thermal segregation of the two species is described for a special solution to the Boltzmann equation. This solution has a macroscopic hydrodynamic representation with a constant temperature gradient and is referred to as the Fourier state.

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A theoretical description of the radial density profile for charged particles with Yukawa interaction in a harmonic trap is described. At strong Coulomb coupling shell structure is observed in both computer simulations and experiments. Correlations responsible for such shell structure are described here using a recently developed model based in density functional theory.

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A theoretical description for the radial density profile of a finite number of identical charged particles confined in a harmonic trap is developed for application over a wide range of Coulomb coupling (or, equivalently, temperatures) and particle numbers. A simple mean-field approximation neglecting correlations yields a density profile which is monotonically decreasing with radius for all temperatures, in contrast to molecular dynamics simulations and experiments showing shell structure at lower temperatures. A more complete theoretical description including charge correlations is developed here by an extension of the hypernetted chain approximation, developed for bulk fluids, to the confined charges.

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The dynamics of electrons in the presence of a positive ion is considered for conditions of weak electron-electron coupling but strong electron-ion coupling. The equilibrium electron density and the electric field time correlation functions are evaluated for semiclassical conditions using a classical statistical mechanics with a regularized electron-ion interaction for molecular dynamics simulation (MD). Results are reported for the autocorrelation function of the electron electric field at the ion for 0< or =Z< or =40 , including conditions of strong electron-ion coupling.

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In the preceding paper, linear response methods have been applied to obtain formally exact expressions for the parameters of Navier-Stokes order hydrodynamics. The analysis there is general, applying to both normal and granular fluids with a wide range of collision rules. Those results are specialized here to the case of smooth, inelastic, hard spheres with constant coefficient of normal restitution, for further elaboration.

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The approximate representation of a quantum solid as an equivalent composite semiclassical solid is considered for insulating materials. The composite is comprised of point ions moving on a potential energy surface. In the classical bulk domain this potential energy is represented by potentials constructed to give the same structure and elastic properties as the underlying quantum solid.

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The linear integral equations defining the Navier-Stokes (NS) transport coefficients for polydisperse granular mixtures of smooth inelastic hard disks or spheres are solved by using the leading terms in a Sonine polynomial expansion. Explicit expressions for all the NS transport coefficients are given in terms of the sizes, masses, compositions, density, and restitution coefficients. In addition, the cooling rate is also evaluated to first order in the gradients.

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A hydrodynamic description for an s -component mixture of inelastic, smooth hard disks (two dimensions) or spheres (three dimensions) is derived based on the revised Enskog theory for the single-particle velocity distribution functions. In this first part of the two-part series, the macroscopic balance equations for mass, momentum, and energy are derived. Constitutive equations are calculated from exact expressions for the fluxes by a Chapman-Enskog expansion carried out to first order in spatial gradients, thereby resulting in a Navier-Stokes order theory.

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An impurity particle coupling to its host fluid via inelastic hard sphere collisions is considered. It is shown that the exact equation for its distribution function can be mapped onto that for an impurity with elastic collisions and an effective mass. The application of this result to the Enskog-Lorentz kinetic equation leads to several conclusions: (1) every solution in the elastic case is equivalent to a class of solutions in the granular case; (2) for an equilibrium host fluid the granular impurity approaches equilibrium at a different temperature, with a dominant diffusive mode at long times; (3) for a granular host fluid in its scaling state, the granular impurity approaches the corresponding scaling solution.

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Small perturbations of the homogeneous cooling state for a low density granular gas are described by means of the linearized Boltzmann equation. The spectrum of the generator for this dynamics is shown to contain points corresponding to hydrodynamic excitations. The corresponding eigenvectors and eigenvalues are calculated to Navier-Stokes order and shown to agree with those obtained by the Chapman-Enskog method.

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Studies of charge-charge (ion-ion, ion-electron, and electron-electron) coupling properties for ion impurities in an electron gas are carried out on the basis of a regularized electron-ion potential without short-range Coulomb divergence. This work is motivated, in part, by questions arising from recent spectroscopic measurements revealing discrepancies with present-day theoretical descriptions. Many of the current radiative property models for plasmas include only single electron-emitter collisions and neglect some or all charge-charge interactions.

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A fluid of N smooth, hard spheres is considered as a model for normal (elastic collision) and granular (inelastic collision) fluids. The potential energy is discontinuous for hard spheres so that the pairwise forces are singular and the usual forms of Newtonian and Hamiltonian mechanics do not apply. Nevertheless, particle trajectories in the N particle phase space are well defined and the generators for these trajectories can be identified.

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Extending our previous work [J. Phys. A 36, 5957 (2003)]], we present a detailed discussion of accuracy and practical applications of finite-temperature pseudopotentials for two-component Coulomb systems.

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A kinetic model for the Boltzmann equation is proposed and explored as a practical means to investigate the properties of a dilute granular gas. It is shown that all spatially homogeneous initial distributions approach a universal "homogeneous cooling solution" after a few collisions. The homogeneous cooling solution (HCS) is studied in some detail and the exact solution is compared with known results for the hard sphere Boltzmann equation.

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In contrast to normal fluids, a granular fluid under shear supports a steady state with uniform temperature and density since the collisional cooling can compensate locally for viscous heating. It is shown that the hydrodynamic description of this steady state is inherently non-Newtonian. As a consequence, the Newtonian shear viscosity cannot be determined from experiments or simulation of uniform shear flow.

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Hydrodynamic modes for granular gases.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

September 2003

The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the linearized Boltzmann equation for inelastic hard spheres (d=3) or disks (d=2) corresponding to d+2 hydrodynamic modes are calculated in the long wavelength limit for a granular gas. The transport coefficients are identified and found to agree with those from the Chapman-Enskog solution. The dominance of hydrodynamic modes at long times and long wavelengths is studied via an exactly solvable kinetic model.

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An isolated mixture of smooth, inelastic hard spheres supports a homogeneous cooling state with different kinetic temperatures for each species. This phenomenon is explored here by molecular dynamics simulation of a two component fluid, with comparison to predictions of the Enskog kinetic theory. The ratio of kinetic temperatures is studied for two values of the restitution coefficient alpha=0.

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Long-ranged correlations in sheared fluids.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

October 2002

The presence of long-ranged correlations in a fluid undergoing uniform shear flow is investigated. An exact relation between the density autocorrelation function and the density-momentum correlation function implies that the former must decay more rapidly than 1/r, in contrast to predictions of simple mode-coupling theory. Analytic and numerical evaluation of a nonperturbative mode-coupling model confirms a crossover from 1/r behavior at "small" r to a stronger asymptotic power-law decay.

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The linear-response description for impurity diffusion in a granular fluid undergoing homogeneous cooling is developed in the preceding paper. The formally exact Einstein and Green-Kubo expressions for the self-diffusion coefficient are evaluated there from an approximation to the velocity autocorrelation function. These results are compared here to those from molecular-dynamics simulations over a wide range of density and inelasticity, for the particular case of self-diffusion.

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Many important properties of granular fluids can be represented by a system of hard spheres with inelastic collisions. Traditional methods of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics are effective for analysis and description of the inelastic case as well. This is illustrated here for diffusion of an impurity particle in a fluid undergoing homogeneous cooling.

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Brownian motion in a granular gas.

Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics

December 1999

The dynamics of a heavy particle in a gas of much lighter particles is studied via the Boltzmann-Lorentz equation with inelastic collisions among all particles. A formal expansion in the ratio of gas to tagged particle mass transforms the Boltzmann-Lorentz equation into a Fokker Planck equation. The predictions of the latter are tested here using direct Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann-Lorentz equation.

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Dense fluid transport for inelastic hard spheres.

Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics

May 1999

The revised Enskog theory for inelastic hard spheres is considered as a model for rapid flow granular media at finite densities. A normal solution is obtained via the Chapman-Enskog method for states near the local homogeneous cooling state. The analysis is performed to first order in the spatial gradients, allowing identification of the Navier-Stokes order transport coefficients associated with the heat and momentum fluxes.

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It is shown that the homogeneous cooling state (HCS) for a heavy impurity particle in a granular fluid supports two distinct phases. The order parameter straight phi;(s) is the mean square velocity of the impurity particle relative to that of a fluid particle, and the control parameter xi* is the fluid cooling rate relative to the impurity collision rate. For xi*<1 there is a "normal" phase for which straight phi;(s) scales as the fluid/impurity mass ratio, just as for a system with elastic collisions.

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